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Posts posted by motocat12

  1. 17 minutes ago, Tpoppa said:

    If the election would have taken place 45 days ago I think Biden would have won.  As of today, seems like Trump is back in charge.  Vegas odds tend to agree.

    The Democrat plan to riot, loot, and promote chaos and say it happened on Trump's watch seems to have completely backfired.  Democrats are clearly getting blamed for this, and it shows in the most recent polls.  Biden is now even condemning the violence, even though his campaign is still financially supporting the rioters and looters with bail money.   Hell, even dumbass Don Lemon is finally saying the violence needs to end.

    The radical left can suck it, but I do feel bad for reasonable, moderate democrats.  If Trump does win, those moderates will have plenty of places to point fingers...Pelosi, BLM, Anitfa, and CNN are all pushing reasonable Americans that are disgusted with this violence to vote for Trump. 



    The riots and statue pulling have touched cities and media in more ways than illegals did in 2016 and we know how that worked.

  2. Hooked the 4 pin dual hedlight harness to my 5 pin relay and test rode with 2 lights. plenty of light on the straights but the cutoff is low on the inside of sharp turns.

    Used the heat shrink solder connectors on the turn signals. they were a bit of a pain both sides weren't the same size the heatshrink looked almost like it melted through so I wrapped in tape to be safe.

  3. Came up behind a short bus grabbing lunch today going 30 in a 40 on a 2 lane road. I wasn't disappointed when the only light on it turned yellow as the car behind the bus entered the intersection. The soccer mom behind me wasn't paying attention and locked her brakes and ended up beside me straddling the turn lane line.

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