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Posts posted by dustyxbla

  1. I have two, either will win this thread.

    Just hijacked the Crank ringtone. I've been looking for a Simple, Loud ringtone. All the ones on my phone are dub step, African beats, or a mix of both. Thanks!
  2. See, I've never had a "bad" fish experience. Its all be acceptable, but some better than others. Oddly enough some of the worse fish I've ever had has been from oceanside restaurants in the Carolinas. Maybe I have a cheap pallet, but I've had some pretty "gamey" fish. I'll never forget the time I paid $50 for a bucket of shelled goodness in NC. Fresh caught daily. The crab taste like kelp and the oysters had sand in them. I think they boiled everything kind of as is with no seasoning. So it was fresh AF, but I did not enjoy it.

  3. as much as you can eat?

    they will rue this day

    As much as you can MAKE. Jazz and I were making it factory style and putting it in boxes to take home lol
  4. ZAkSA1L.jpg


    You bastard. I could live off sushi. Fun fact for all sushi lovers. Shinto sushi in strongsville does sushi rolling classes for around $140 per a COUPLE. You get 3 glasses of Saki, 3 glasses of wine and o shit you not as much sushi as you can make until they close. Jazz (my gf) and I did the classes as a two year anniversary date. They take great care of you. We brought home 5 trays of sushi we made. You can use any ingredients you like and make as much as you want. I was so full of Saki and sushi we almost got a.hotel. HIGHLY recommended for.sushi lovers.
  5. 530d3710f5e438a066e6cf5de6e98be3.jpg

    This was my salmon dinner. Jazz loved it. I got drunk and inhaled it. Salmon marinated in Lime juice, salt & pepper, Soy sauce, pineapple, and then melted butter. Rice is mixed with spinach. Similar seasoning.

  6. Oysters ftw. I've never had walleye or crappie, what kind of buckeye am I?

    And that's kind of fucked up, Gump lol I need to try these. I googled walleye cheeks and the images are gross. But I'll try most anything once.

  7. Orange Roughy - maybe it was a one time deal, but that was nice

    Catfish - but results vary - sometimes good, sometimes so so

    edit: Flounder is good, but you have to spice it up - not much flavor - big on texture

    Had to research the orange roughy. A life span of up to 149 years, wow. Sounds delicious. Never had anything "deep sea" minus bottom feeders.
  8. Beer battered fresh caught perch and boiled walleye cheeks on ice and cocktail sauce. Nothing better.

    Are walleye cheeks a specific "cut" of the fish? I've never heard of them.
  9. Might not be fancy, but a good wild caught salmon is my favorite. Pan cooked with creole and a squeeze of fresh orange juice.

    Doesn't need to be fancy! Having salmon tonight. I think it's my favorite fish I've had. Skin on--- don't know if it tastes better, or if I just think it does.
  10. I'm introducing my lovely and wonderful girlfriend to the world of seafood. She had only ever had friday-fish-fry style battered tilapia. I've introduced her to scallops, shrimp, mussels and some other stuff. Blah, blah

    What's your favorite type of fish? I realized while perusing the seafood section there's fish I haven't even heard of, let alone consumed.

  11. Thanks, Recon Rat. I'll take pictures of it, judging by the POs workmanship I doubt he ever opened up the centrifuge. 40 years of sludge..

    I don't necessarily WANT to do pods, because I don't want to spend MY time tuning HIS bike for free. If I can make pods fit under the covers though I might just do it and tell him what it means to the bikes performance. the sooner this bike is street legal, the sooner I have my garage space back lol

    Don't get me wrong! I enjoy doing this, but its not my bike and I haven't even received any beer.

  12. I must admit I've never seen an elementless oil filter before. I'll bet the last 30 years of owners haven't either. when you clean the drum I'd save what comes out of it and see how much metal is there.

    As far as your gas in oil/gas in crank case/ gas on floor issue, the float valves in the carbs are shot or full of shit.

    As far as the cone filters: recon is half right. The cheap black and silver or grey ones made by emgo hinder performance but it's not because they flow less air than stock through the element. It's because there is a ridge on the rubber that mounts to the carb throat that blocks off the air jets.

    I figured by the time I broke everything free in the carbs something would be shit. Upon further inspection I've found its definitely coming from the puke tubes (which the previous owner plugged with screws). More work, I guess. At least I know carbs, so you guys won't have to answer any questions there lol

    Never did find the centrifuge, thanks for the post. I'll have to clean it and dump the oil again. Oil's cheap and I'm sure it needs it.

  13. I don't remember what's on the 350, but Honda runs oil through a spinning chamber on the end of a shaft. That separates the gunk and chunks.

    That's sounds right. I was too greasy for phone use, and don't have a manual to thumb through.
  14. Fuel filter? The only fuel filter is a screen inside the tank at the fuel pickup and another small one inside the petcock valve. Some people add in-line fuel filters on old bikes. But again, the flow rate must be high enough for the max flow rate. The little tiny fuel filters don't do that, they are for lawnmowers or something...

    Nope! Oil filter. They don't have one. I spent and hour trying to find one online and turns out it doesn't even exist. Snipe hunting. This bike has added fuel filters that will be replaced with the hosing. Good point on the flow rate, I would have gone for small and discrete by default.
  15. I was thinking the same thing.

    On a side note, at what age did any of you finally decide you just can't grow a beard? I've got the patchiest, pathetic excuse for a beard going on. I got the sideburns and goatee down, have since freshman year of high school. The rest, nada. Just a patch of blonde peach fuzz. I'm trying though. The wife hates it, but I'm 33 and dammit I want to grow a beard.


    I was growing a full beard by like 17.


    Your point?

    See above^
  16. Yes, some fuel probably leaked into the crankcase. Usually it's the fuel tank petcock leaks. Or somebody didn't turn it off. It should be gone after an oil change or two. Plus when the engine heats up, the fuel will evaporate pretty quick. But a lot of fuel in the oil is rough on the engine. Thins the oil out too much. I've actually seen a fuel leak completely fill the crankcase. CB450s were bad about that. Saw one trash the rings and even one that trashed the valve seats (I know, how the heck did it do that.). Owner never shut the fuel off manually.

    Yikes, glad we got it changed then. The lack of a filter was perplexing at first lol
  17. Winning.

    I think the yuppie comments are aimed more towards the weekend warior type guys that know dick about bikes and buy a $30k harley because 'it's the best', then put on 2k miles a year, riding with their dentist buddies with their stepford wives on the back wearing their white nikes and go to the local ice cream stand for a treat before returning home, parking it on its own special harley davidson brand bike parking place, putting the cover back on and going inside to get greased up for role-reversal buttsex night

    You're a f***ing wordsmith, Skullcrusher. This had me in stitches lol
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