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Posts posted by dustyxbla

  1. Gah! Good looking out guys!

    I'll have to look into the pointless ignition.

    The points are on a separate plate from the ignition advance plate (I think the part names are right?).

    I'll leave it up to my buddy. He's in for a world of hurt with this bike. I'm not for chopping up bikes, but even new air filters are $100, where the beautiful, but dreaded pods are $20.

    I'll review all these awesome comments next time I get my hands into it. I got mad and put the cover back on and put two quarts in it and called it a day. I'm sure another cycle of engine oil won't be a bad thing judging by the amount of gunk on/in the motor.

    The oil smelled like gas, obviously this isn't great, but what causes this? Sitting and seeping?

    The bike "needs" all new switches and levers. New cables as they're frayed. Brakes need looked at, they're frightening. New tires front and back. ALL new hoses. PO replaced them, but did a terrible, terrible job. Woke up to a gallon of gas on the garage floor. Petcock also needs replaced or fixed. Seat is torn and foam is really bad. Carbs need cleaned, hopefully everything in them is able to be reused. Has mix matched ignition coils which I'd like to update as well as at LEAST a new points plate.

    He's excited as all get out, and so am I. Showed him the power of the eternal Honda motors!

    I'd absolutely love to strip this girl down and make her into a slim and sleek sex machine, and I'm sure the price tag will deter him from a full restore. He just doesn't understand the amount of work, or money will be invested.

    Timing is intimidating. I didn't know how to start a bike in February, and now I'm riding and fixing them (with all your help). I'll dive into timing eventually, but as you can see I've got a lot to do for him (including teaching him to ride) so that might become a secondary priority. You guys are the best. Might start a restore thread if anybody's curious to see what we do to this purple pig.

  2. Thanks a ton, guys! I was covered in grease and feeling successful yesterday. I never could figure out the points to adjust them. I guess I understand rotating the ignition plate to advance or retard the timing, but I don't know how to set the points gap, and I'm not sure what all the letters on the rotor mean. I looked a bunch online yesterday, but I'm afraid this is one of these thing I need to see.

    I'm really happy with yesterday. I turned a $300 Honda into a functioning bike. It spits and sputters and definitely needs the carbs cleaned. But other than some backfiring she flies down the road. The guy I'm fixing it for is a buddy and has never even ridden a motorcycle. Wish I could have captured his smile when I took off down the road on a bike everybody told him would never run (duh, its a Honda).

    Surprisingly, he wants to restore the bike (not cafe it). So I'll be ordering parts and replacing them. Points are on the list as well as new "stock" air filters. There was a family of mice living in it raising hell.

  3. There will be a wire from the battery going to the solenoid and a wire from the solenoid going to the starter. They will each be connected to a post with a nut. Put anything metal across both posts to jump or bypass the solenoid and deliver power straight to the starter. That will tell you that you have ground and power. From there you need to chase down the hot side of the wiring from the battery and find either a blown fuse or broken wire.

  4. What happens when you jump the poles on the solenoid (if electric start)

    It has an electric start, but I'm not sure it works now or even for the last owner. I'll post some pictures to bring you up to speed. What do you mean by jumping the poles?
  5. I'm helping my buddy fix up a barn find. It's a cb350 and it doesn't have any power. Motor sounds healthy when I kick it though! I tested the battery and its not bad. The bike doesn't get any lights, turns nothing. So I figured it was the ignition switch, as it seemed the only thing that controlled ALL the power. It testes bad and I replaced it. got a new one yesterday and it didn't fix my problem. What tests can I do to help locate problems. Again, no lights, horn, turns, nothing. Much thanks guys!

  6. I'm 21 (picture above) I grew a beard to by beer when I was 19-20 but never the length I have now. It took me a year and a half to get where I am now and there was an extremely long and hideous middle length I had to endure. I have a chin patch that is balder that I like. Unfortunately you're at the mercy of genetics. Grow what you can, nothing looks worse than a beard you can't grow, but still try. I don't know how patchy you are, but sometimes time and growth will cover it all up!

  7. Here is my guess.

    +5 is a saying the LEO's use among themselves....and they say it that way because the screen shows them a 5 year history.......I ride with a cop all the time, he dates our secretary. I will ask him.

    10-4. I'd be willing to bet you guessed their lingo. If I do my job today right today I'll get to see a cop. I'll ask as well.
  8. Lol my speedo cable is 36 years old, I got the bike in February, I never lubed it. I probably should do that.

    Funny the cop didn't notice you going 70. Ours play solitaire in the cruiser. If you see the cabin lit up your good to go, if it's dark they're actually paying attention.

    1979 CB750 Limited Edition

  9. 2 interactions on the bike.

    First was when I went down on the gravel infront of an ambulance on the VFR. I knew almost all the guys in the ambulance, but I went down really hard and slid at least 30 yards. So the cops show up and the cop asks me why I was going so fast. Now at this point I have blood gushing out of my arm. And the EMT looks at the cop and tells the cop to "fuck off don't ask him questions right now" 5 minutes later the cop comes up and says to me, "Well I'm gonna have to write you a ticket for failure to control". Another EMT, that I've been somewhat close to for a number of years, responds to the cop for me, "If you write him a ticket every single one of us here will testify on his (my) behalf against the ticket" The cop took off about 2 seconds after that.

    The second interaction was a couple years ago. I was on Riverview heading into Brecksville. A car turned left and I hit the throttle and reached 70 or so in a 25 for a breif moment and slowed back down to the approperiate 25. But by the time I reached the speed limit I see a cop right infront of me on the side of the road with his radar gun. So I pull of the side of the road and he's still running radar with me right in front of him. He asks me, if everything was all right, and I said well I stopped because I thought you were going to pull me over. He said why? and i told him, that I was almost certain he had clocked my speed and was going to pull me over. He told me, well no, I got you at 31... lololol :wtf:

    Gotta love the bike speedos lol I often wonder how accurate mine is as I see it jumping between 70 and 55

    1979 CB750 Limited Edition

  10. All my dealings are in my car, I never get a warning. Pulled over by state and sheriffs, was told my car stands out. It's a four cylinder, but has RS 6.0 on the side (release series 6) it's a tC. Sad part, I am a girl and never can pull off the stupid girl thing.

    You've been doing it all wrong act stupid AND cry. Cleavage helps, us men are pigs. At the same time we'll do anything to make a woman stop crying lol

    1979 CB750 Limited Edition

  11. Except for Staties I have no issues. And only one with the State. Today I ran about twenty red lights with the cops blocking for me. You take the good with the bad, that's life.

    That's perfect! I've always dreamt of the "my wife is having a baby" situation where you get to fly down the road with a cop on lead. I don't even want to be in the cruiser, I want everybody to know I'm important enough at the moment to have a cop escort me at mach 5 lol

    1979 CB750 Limited Edition

  12. I've often felt that a CHL would be a nice way to kind of "appeal" to cops. I think it simply let's them know your a legal, safe, and conscientious adult.

    The cop who said he wouldn't have chased you if you ran sounds like an asshole.

    My dad is the mayor of our village and when I was sixteen I was leaving town in a dodge ram 250 van, god I miss that thing. I left town going 75-80 in a 35 in a van with mini blinds. I was happy as could be, jamming to Led Zeppelin's "how the west was won" on cassette tape. The village police followed me 6 miles lit up and I did t even realize it because, well, because led zeppelin I guess. They finally pulled up next to my car in oncoming Lane and I had a mini heart attack. I pulled over and one cop interrogated me while the other searched my van. I was a good kid, so I had nothing stowed away. I pulled out my ID to show the cop with shaking hands and he goes "Oh, I'm sorry. Have a nice day" and signals the other cop off. No warning, nothing. They just left like the wind with no other words. That is the one and only time my pops being mayor has saved me from anything. I felt like a prick, but I probably would have lost my license till I was a legal adult

    1979 CB750 Limited Edition

  13. Never recived a ticket on a bike. Been pulled over plenty, every time I deserved it but never a citation. Ive probably been pulled over 10 times on my bike in thr last 6 years and always get a warning. Usually the conversation turns to th e bike or riding in general because a lot of LEO's ride also and they understand. The worst was in NC during the OR Gap trip.They had a speed trap set up and me and another member we trying to get caught up the group at a 4 lane, after we got stuck behind a truck. They clocked him at 70 somthing and me at 94. They pulled over the entire group and checked out endorsements and told him and I to slow it down.

    Lucky maybe, but I think cops gets it, and let people that are fully geared up a little slack.

    I've heard things like this the most. Its incredible to me that they just have a conversation and let you go provided your bike and you are in acceptable condition. 94 in a car would be a serious ticket.

    1979 CB750 Limited Edition

  14. I avoid all interactions with indiscriminate revenue collectors.

    Always a good course of action. Think I spilled +$500 on my 3 citations.

    Agreed. I've been pulled over more than I can remember.. Some times justified, some times bullshit... You never win on the side of the road, best thing is to comply and then make your case in court... I can think of several occasions where jail was imminent and somehow I didn't end up going because I wasn't being a pos to the cop

    Playing devils advocate for the cops:

    You have to look at the other side of it. They get shit talked all day for a public service they feel strongly enough about to wake up every day and strap a gun on for their 12 hr shift. If you disrespect them your pretty much disrespecting the one thing they feel most strongly about in the whole world--their service. Regardless of how you feel about cops; if your the 5th guy that day to roll down your window and say f*** you they're going to give you the stick, right or wrong. I think an easy transaction for them makes it easy for you.

    1979 CB750 Limited Edition

  15. Haven't been pulled over yet but a great experience was when a group of probably 10 of us were riding and a spot shower hit and we took refuge under the drive through of a bank that was closed that day.

    He pulled up and bs'd with us a bit and then had radar up checking out other spots and actually took lead in his cruiser of a couple local roads that we should hit. Unfortunately my buddy wrecked on a freshly paved road that was still wet. The cop was awesome and felt bad since he took us down that road and we all went back to the station and my buddy got cleaned up and we made some temp repairs to get him to make the hour plus ride home

    Sounds like a cool cop! The fall definitely sucks though, at least he didn't add any pain to it with a citation.

    I live in a village with an Officer Paine. His schedule is predictable and so are his parking spots. He's a great guy though, I love the small town cops. As a kid my friend had a skateboard stolen from him and Paine responded with "I'll drive around town and wave my 9 and take every skateboard I see and throw em in my cruiser. If I don't find yours you can just choose the one you like" at 12-13 this had me in stitches.

    1979 CB750 Limited Edition

  16. Dig it. I agree wholeheartedly with the compliance comment. Yes sir, no sir can be the difference between going to jail and driving home.

    Not sure I'd ever really run. My buddy outran the cops once last season. Turns out they're pretty good at reading license plates and remembering them. He had a knock on his door at 3 am and was politely invited to a sleepover downtown.

    1979 CB750 Limited Edition

  17. Whattt?! A beard thread. You guys rock.

    This stuff also rocks, I've tried 5 or 6 different beard balms. This stuff is my favorite, it works the best, smells the best, my lady loves it and its Ohio made.


    I got some from them on etsy just last month. It took 4 weeks to receive it, but I've never had problems with him before that.


    My "Shouldn't have drank ever clear last night" face.

    I let the lady who cuts my hair trim my beard once. Want to talk about a trustfall?

    1979 CB750 Limited Edition

  18. Hey guys! Been poking around the forum and love that everybody participates.

    I wanted to hear people experiences, if any, with the police. Good, neutral, bad.

    I'm new to riding this year and just want to hear what everybody has to say. I've had people tell me that cops leave you alone for the most part, but I've also seen local cops pull bikes over for running through an intersection at a yellow light.

    I work with law enforcement most every day ( I'm loss prevention/asset protection) so I don't have anything bad to say about cops.

    My past two rides I've been followed though. The first I was followed from one end of the town to the other by local cops, he pulled out when he saw me coming and followed me out of city limits, just to turn around again. It was uneventful, but he followed me a little closer than I was comfortable with.

    The second was similar, but it was a sheriff. Busted a U turn at a gas station just to follow me out the other end of Lodi.

    They just make me nervous, I'm sure there are cops who want to get bikers, and I'm sure there are cops who just want a closer look at what your riding.

    I have six points on my license from a short stint of misguided youth. I've been playing it safe for years now. I ride the speed limit (except for back roads) and just try and keep my head low. Having fun transportation is only that way if you have a license.

    Please chime in though. Do's and Don'ts. Things to watch for. Tickets you may have gotten on a bike. How Law Enforcement has treated you. So on, so forth.

    1979 CB750 Limited Edition

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