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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. I do it to fuck with him. Grant gets nuts when you report his posts. I'm expecting his name calling post about it in 3...2...1....
  2. Found this when I was cleaning out stuff. Purchased in 1992 and been in a Tupperware container with other books since 1995 when I sold my XJ. Light use. It only goes up to Model year 1992 because that is the year I bought it. $5. come and get it. Can meet close to Easton during the day or at tuttle mall evenings/weekends. Can also bring to Cars and Coffee on Lenox on Saturday. pm me if interested.
  3. Cage and a comp license to run at NHRA events/tracks. Dodge actually makes it a selling point in the brochure that it is "banned" by the NHRA (it's not banned it just doesn't meet safety out of the box). http://jalopnik.com/heres-why-the-dodge-challenger-srt-demon-is-banned-by-t-1794240969 The car would never have passed highway safety requirements with a cage so it had to be delivered with out one. If I were dodge I would have built roll cage plates into the car's structure and offered a bolt in/weld in accessory cage, so we will see if this is actually happening. the only thing I am disappointed about is that it's 800+ hp and not 1000hp. oh, and that it isn't stick and never will be. But I think the warranty makes up for that, sort of, and the auto makes sense for it's intended purpose. who is going to be the first to buy a white one and try and drive it cross country on a handful of amphetamines?
  4. Your troll game is weak. you should stick to crying about how you are never going to be anything in life because you can't figure out how to be anything, it's way more entertaining.
  5. well there is no perfect way to talk about it. It's easy for people to break it down in a vacuum into easy to understand direct comparison chunks and be critical but life doesn't exist in a vacuum. There are a lot of economic concepts that are just foreign to a lot of people and opportunity cost and sunk cost are some of those things (speaking generally not at you specifically). Education spending would work to fix that but then we get into that argument about "the system is broken" vs "the system is under funded". I rode public transport for years. Some days I loved it, some days I loathed it. As soon as I could afford not to do it I didn't. The point is to have an open mind and let the data dictate your opinion. Don't be one thing or another, be you. I don't think a lot of modern conservatism does this. The old financial conservative approach used to be to take an economic look at any program and use the data to increase efficiency through policy making and budget cuts. If money doesn't solve the problem or isn't the best solution, don't spend it, if it can be more effective legislate its direction. Modern conservatism is just social conservationism pretending to be fiscal conservatism - we should cut "entitlement" spending and reduce taxes because morally people should not get money for nothing (except it isn't for nothing). It looks at a problem and says this is not a problem if people behaved a certain way so we shouldn't fix it at all. There are no fiscal conservatives left in the republican party. you are not economically conservative. You are socially conservative who thinks that budget cuts for social reasons are a form of being economically conservative. You want to know real fiscal conservatism Look at people like Robert Mcnamara (Kennedy's Secretary of Defense) and Bill Clinton. I would suggest Barry Goldwater but he was really an extremest about gov't spending. Remember when conservatism was being "pragmatic"? it's been a long time since that happened. You know who actually had an old school fiscally conservative platform? the Clintons. You know who Republicans hate? the Clintons.
  6. You are the guy who wants to talk politics, this is where that conversation leads every single time. If you don't understand that I don't know what to tell you :dumb: If you just want to talk politics because you want internet hand jobs from other conservatives, well then at least be honest to yourself: being a car enthusiast does not automatically mean someone is conservative - we come from all walks of life. Your precious little conservative beliefs are not safe here if you want to express them, people are going to argue with you. So stop getting all butt hurt and being a whiny cry baby when the conversation turns into this and face it like a man. take some responsibility for your actions.
  7. ok let's break this down: For cars (yes poor people own cars, some of them even live in them): - Insurance coverage in low income neighborhoods coverage higher which usually leads to more individuals foregoing coverage for loss like theft and accident coverage. so if something happens to the car they are out of pocket. - law enforcement: tends to be higher in low income neighborhoods and can be somewhat aggressive (meaning choosing to write a ticket in legitimately contestable situations) so costs can be higher paying them. Plus once they start building the insurance costs go up. - Maintenance: As most low income people aren't good credit risks they are often out of pocket for car purchases. This means really old unreliable cars with higher maint costs. It also means a lot of deferred maintence and opportunities for things like the rent to own tire dealers. - service: gas stations and business in general tend to have higher operating costs and thus fuel prices tend to be slightly higher. Public Transportation: So a lot of the costs associated with public transit that affect the poor don't come in the form of actual money spent but rather the opportunity cost and the restriction of the job market. - Time: Unless you live in NYC, public transport often takes significantly longer which means that if you are looking to work two jobs there are many that you can't take because it just isn't possible to get between the two places in time. Remember these are sometimes people with families too so time lost on the bus is time that has to be paid in the form of child care or elder care, or some other form of lost time. - Distance: Can't take a job that you can't get to. If there isn't a feasible way to reliably get to the job that means you lose out on the extra pay. Well what if the only jobs available aren't in your local job market? Jobs on bus and train routes tend to have more competitive employment pools than those that are harder to get to. Remember we are talking about low income individuals, most of whom are unskilled, so it isn't like there are a lot of jobs to go around in the first place and a small applicant pool. Competition drives wages down not up so they lose out on the opportunity to make slightly more money in the same job as well. - Reliability: the types of jobs that low income individuals usually qualify for tend to be unforgiving with regard to attendance. So you are at the mercy of the reliability of the public transport system. One of the reasons I chose to ride a motorcycle into Manhattan every day instead of the subway was because every day there was some kind of train delay. It made getting to and from work unpredictable. Also I once had to spend 45 minutes in a crowded broken down subway car standing next to a homeless man who shat himself. My job was pretty forgiving if I was 15 minutes late because the E train broke down, do you think the boss of a guy working at mcdonalds is going to be forgiving when his employee is late because he bus broke down 3 times in one week? no, he can just get another employee who lives on a different bus line or has a car. you can't think of these things in a vacuum, everything interconnects. There are always related costs that don't seem like transportation costs until you realize they are a symptom of only taking one type of transportation.
  8. Just because you are mad bro, doesn't make you right. Ok maybe "Literally everything" is a little hyperbolic...how about almost everything they purchase with a very few limited exceptions. There does that satiate your OCD? Serious question...do you even know what public assistance programs are? or how they work? or do you just hear welfare and work yourself into a frothy hate boner for people getting free money from your taxes? The overwhelming majority of public assistance programs are temporary, not lifetime. That means that things like welfare, WIC, TANF, food stamps, medicaid, and unemployment benefits, etc...you can only get for a limited time and with limited exceptions. And that is provided you meet the qualifications, which many do not. Only about 27% of eligible people actually receive public assistance (Welfare's End, Gwendolyn Mink - Cornell University press) because the system is difficult to navigate and actually structured to dis-incentivize participation in some areas. But tell me again how all the poor are getting "free food". Dude I get it - you have this notion in your head that everyone is lazy and that's why they are poor and I'm sure it is a good fiction that feeds your ego in some way, but it just isn't based on anything factual. There are 100's of studies over the years that all come to the same conclusion over and over again and even indicate the problem isn't improving. but the only lazy person here is you because you don't take the time to actually know what you are talking about. You've bought someone's line of bullshit and built a castle of conservatism on it.
  9. Nobody is saying you are uneducated or a horrible person. Most objective media isn't even inferring it. If that's how you read it I don't know what to tell you. You are entitled to live your life however you see fit but if you are going to try to tell others how to live theirs you at least owe it to them to do the homework. Great thing about history is that you can say "I wonder what life would be like Without 'x' thing" and look back and get an approximation of what it would be like. There have been many events as bad as the depression since ten but we haven't felt them to their full extent because we learned from the past and adapted. The thing about equality is that it's a numbers game and statistically driven. To narrow it down to its finer point if everyone had equal access to education, opportunity, etc...then the workforce would match the percentages in population based on race and ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and gender. But it doesn't. It is not saying that if you have 100 employees 50% of them should be minorities. Wells was caught for lack of consent and borderline fraud. The interest rate had almost nothing to do with it. Places like the rent a tire place don't need to be misleading, they cast their line and wait for the desperate to come to them. you can charge whatever you want (for some things - there are usury laws) as long as you are clear about the terms and get clear consent from the customer.
  10. The nice part about it Cordell is it doesn't require you to agre with it to be true. But if you think you don't get something for your money, you do. You get less crime, less strain on the healthcare system, less homelessness. Just think how much worse things would be without it. It would be like the Great Depression because that was the event that sparked public assistance. You are the herd they are looking to thin once those under you drop lower.
  11. This is literally bullshit. It's been proven that when public assistance is reduced the only things that increase are the crime rate, infant mortality rate, drug abuse rate, and homelessness. http://scholarship.law.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1031&context=jlasc Do you know what happens when you increase the minimum wage? Employment goes up and public assistance goes down. Stop listening to Rush Limbaugh, that shit rots your brain.
  12. I didn't forget about anything. In fact I specifically stated groceries and housing. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/05/17/AR2009051702053.html http://www.economist.com/news/united-states/21663262-why-low-income-americans-often-have-pay-more-its-expensive-be-poor https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poverty_penalty Yes the poor pay more in healthcare, but it is over a lifetime and interconnected with things like access to healthy food, lack of medical insurance and therefore lack of preventative care. Things which you call entitlements but the rest of us call financial aid or public assistance are meant specifically to combat this phenomenon, but often it either isn't enough or misapplied. Did you think welfare was just unjustified charity for people and not trying to offset some financial inequality?
  13. yeah, but at $30K a) I would rather have a Turbo 996 because horsepower, and b) I am looking to cap this at around $20-22K. A friend of mine picked up a similar 4S from a PCA member off the Pelican forums for about $20K so I would like to keep to that range. I have great credit so the idea of a 2.9% finance instead of 1.9% on a $20K loan doesn't really scare me (though I should be more sensible).
  14. I don't think anybody thinks this is a good idea, But there are people who are so paycheck to paycheck that something like a flat catches them off guard and this is their only option to get back on the road so they can keep their job, keep seeing their kids, keep afloat. Are there idiots that would do this for say...really expensive tires for their jacked up bro-dozer that they otherwise can't afford? yeah probably one or two idiots out there, but I don't think they make up the majority, at least not anymore. I would say the majority of people are barely getting by and this is a trap posing as a solution just waiting for the customer who has a flat and can't afford to fix it otherwise. They know it's a bad deal, but what's their alternative if they can't afford $150 for a new tire all at once? By the way, this isn't a new racket. Financed wheels and tires go all the way back to the 1950's. The older models made their money on the financed rims and discounted the tires and catered to people who weren't poor. The spike in rubber and mfg tire costs from around 2009-2013 opened the market to the lower end of the income spectrum and shifted the model. here's a good article on it: http://www.npr.org/sections/money/2013/06/14/191379313/why-more-people-are-renting-tires The good news is this seems to be on the decline for the moment. lower oil prices have cut into the mfg costs of tires and the prices have come down to more reasonable levels. you do realize the poor pay more money for literally everything in their lives right? I mean you aren't that naive that you think they pay the same amount of money for say... groceries, transportation, rent, and insurance are you?
  15. They are also cheaper depending on the model and options as well. For some reason Convertibles are like 1/3 less than same year coupes, even with more options. The 996 Turbos are the cheapest turbo Porsches you can get right now, and they are 400+ hp (https://www.cars.com/vehicledetail/detail/684501310/overview/). This whole thing kicked off in my head because someone I know offered me a really nice low mile 1999 Convertible 6mt (with factory hardtop) a weird color, and a lot of options for around $15K and I was tempted (IMS bearing done as well). Then I started to look around and realized I could get a 4S coupe 6mt for somewhere in the mid $20K range and now I want one that isn't silver, red, or black, and I prefer a terracotta or red interior (ideal would be dark blue paint with terracotta interior but that's rare - so far this one comes the closest: https://www.cars.com/vehicledetail/detail/677772190/overview/). I want it as a daily driver to replace my rapidly aging bmw so I plan to keep it for a while, probably 10 years.
  16. So I have been looking at Porsche 996s lately (obsessing actually) and I am thinking I may want to pull the trigger on one later this year. for those that don't know 996's are model year 1999 to 2004, so the newest ones are 13 years old. Its not hard to find under 100K mile examples and honestly if I am going to do this I would like to spend for something I really want and not just buy the first $15K 996 that tickles my fancy. I've financed motorcycles through credit unions in the past but never a car (I've financed 1 car in my life, the rest I paid cash for). I work for a bank but my bank won't finance older than 2007 and even then only if I buy from a dealer. Has anybody here actually financed an older car like this? If so what were the upsides and downsides? Any recommendations? I hear Pentagon Federal Credit Union (PenFed) and Compass Bank come up a lot but are there local Credit Unions people prefer?
  17. so IIRC AMG back then ran a sort of a la carte menu with these cars, right? I see it has the bumpers and wheels but not the spoiler, skirts or console mounted television. Does it have the 6.0L engine and the Gleason Torson differential? They also offered different tunes for the stock v8 and the AMG overbored 6.0L, so which does it have?
  18. Sheepskin seat covers. Don't knock them till you tried them, super soft, super comfy, and the cure for sticky hot leather or vinyl seats in the summer since the 1970's. I still have a set on my GTO because black vinyl sucks in the summer. It used to be really expensive to get slip on fitted sheep covers like that in the 80's/90's. If they have been on the car since ten the seats underneath may be mint. Most put them on however when the seat splits so....
  19. When they say electronic limited slip...do they mean an electronic locker in the diff? Or that weird system that taps the brakes? What's with the 1980's Cadillac burgundy leather interior?
  20. Sure they did, or did you want them to report every single one? Like many Americans you probably weren't paying attention because reporting on drone strikes is boring.
  21. Post some pics. I don't know spitfires per se but I am obsessed with vintage racing and maybe I can help identify the type of rear setup. If it is really as custom as you say it is, it may put together from other parts that can be identified. I do know that modified jaguar rear axles were a common swap for everything from hot rods to ferrin' cars starting in about the late 1970's and it isn't unusual to see the older inboard brake style ones. Also I've seen people convert them to de-dion type rears which would make them harder to recognize.
  22. How many kn-401s do you have? I'll take 2 if you have them (maybe more). How do we contact you to pickup/pay?
  23. I feel like "The Bearded Them" should be the name of a Mumford and sons cover band. I'm on to you Brandon, I know your plan. However your scheme to make intelligent people slap their foreheads and bang their heads against the desk by saying inanely stupid stuff in an effort to diminish their brain cells until they are on your level and see things your way isn't going to work. Your comments they are just too superficial to be taken seriously. Thank you for the laugh today, I needed it. p.s. I think Obama is still coming for your guns...you better go hide them!!!!!!
  24. I wish you told me you were ordering, I brought back several cans of Por 15 to do the jeep. I would have been happy to give you one.
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