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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. Since the trans is making noise anyway...might as well stick swap it. Jussayin.... seriously though, pickapart has to have at least one stick gm truck you can rob the trans, pedal assembly, and computer from, just bring me on a $50 all you can carry day and I'll throw that trans over my shoulder. Can't wait to borrow this to haul broken motorcycles. :thumbup:
  2. Don't go to the Pawn Stars place unless you like disappointment and telemarking calls for 3 weeks afterwards. I will say, if you collect toys, there is a really great, but small, vintage toy store down the block that will knock back some nostalgia. I was able to fill in some holes in my matchbox/hotwheels collections that I couldn't find easily online. Here is what I did years ago. Me and two friends rented motorcycles and rode out the first day to Red Rock Canyon. We spent the whole day riding around the park and taking pictures and hiking a little bit. The park road is nice and twisty and there are a lot of interesting things to see. The next day we rode out to hoover dam which wasn't as fun a ride as Red Rock, but was still great. We did it on hardtail choppers but I betcha two up on a road king or an electra glide would rock. The other thing we did was my buddy wanted to fire a browning .50 cal and the other one wanted to fire a fully automatic weapon. I can't remember the place we went to do that (it's been a little less than 10 years) but Blow it Up vegas, machine gun vegas, and Battlefield vegas will accommodate those things. Finally another friend of mine did a dune buggy tour through sunbuggy Las Vegas and wouldn't shut up about it for a month after. I think he did the buggy chase where you just all go out into the dessert at full throttle.
  3. yes, he certainly is not a Trotskyist either. LOL. This is fun: http://interactive.nydailynews.com/2016/03/quiz-who-said-it-trump-hitler-mussolini-stalin/ and apparently I am not the only one that feels this way: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/donald-trump-s-not-quite-joseph-stalin-his-fake-news-ncna838456 It should be much more disconcerting that we have a CIC that calls American citizens and private American businesses "enemies of the state". I get that nobody takes him seriously when he says this nonsense, but honestly - the president being a joke shouldn't be the low hurdle to dismissing these comments. True. Socialism and communism are good economic theories, and work in limited non-government circumstances like farm and grocery communes and labor unions where it can interact with capitalism, but as a form of government there hasn't been a way to implement yet that doesn't turn it into a corrupt totalitarian dictatorship. By the way, Russia seems to be heading toward authoritarian protectionism under Putin. While not the totalitarian rule of Stalin, it's not far off in it's execution. https://www.economist.com/news/books-and-arts/21730854-distinction-between-totalitarianism-and-authoritarianism-not-one-degree-one What is that Hemmingway once said? "Bread is the opium of the people". In this case liberty is the opium of the people - give them a little liberty under authoritarian rule and they will elect a savage, corrupt, and nationalistic ruler back into office. Oh and the Russians will vote Putin back in too. LOL
  4. I Think you meant Stalin. Protectionism, class warfare, state violence, and cult of personality are all Stalinism.
  5. you can always do the coyote swap yourself on a completed car. Toy barn has a FFR roadster for sale at the moment. you can drive it all summer and then do the coyote swap over next winter. http://www.toybarncars.com/vehicle-details/used-2008-factory-five-cobra--dublin-oh-id-21480560 The backdraft cars are very interesting but they are twice the price of a FFR roadster. They use BMW 3 series suspension components (M3 if you pay the premium for an upgrade) and most come with the coyote motor installed. To be honest, compared to the $30K avg price of a FFR, you get a heck of a lot more car for the money with a BD roadster - it would cost you $30k to put a coyote engine, trans that can handle it, and an independent rear end in the FFR car. Here is a coyote powered one Toy barn has: http://www.toybarncars.com/vehicle-details/used-2016-backdraft-racing-1965-roadster-blackout-edition-dublin-oh-id-14940741 I'll be honest though - the better car from FFR is the 1933 ford. It is roomier than a cobra, comes with a removable hardtop and removable fenders, has a better chassis, and by all accounts is easier to assemble. It holds it's resale pretty well too.
  6. someone brought one to CCC last year. It's actually the only one I have seen in the wild. I think the more important question is Why is nobody buying the ATS-V? used 2016 models have already taken a $20K depreciation hit.
  7. Hey All, So the replace rear brake pads light when off on my BMW this morning, and since I have to get in there anyway, might as well upgrade and do the fronts as well. Anybody have a recommendation for performance pads? Car is my DD and most of that is going across the top of 270 at highway speed, but I was thinking now that I just poured buckets of money into the shocks I might want to try doing some other things with it as well. I have used Hawk HF pads on the audi and while they stop fantastic and have really lasted a long time, they chewed up the rotors something fierce. anybody use stoptech pads? they seem to be 1/2 the price of OEM bmw pads.
  8. Everything is "underrated" HP wise these days. because no two cars make the same exact hp number, the number that is reported is supposed to represent the average. However, in the 80's and 90's there were a bunch of individual "False power"/false advertising lawsuits that alleged that the mfg was lying about the HP a car made to entice buyers to buy a car that actually made less. Most of these were settled, but the end result is the mfg advertises a number that they are confident that the overwhelming majority of cars can meet without some mechanical defect. So...yes. But as far as pulling hard - BMW went to a dual scroll single turbo in 2009 which increased the bottom end of the torque curve over the twin turbo setup they had been using previous.
  9. Also drive a 2 door stick one. I think a manual trans improves any BMW 1000%, it just completely sucks that you can't get the 4 series grand coupe in a stick, but you can still get a stick 3 series if you need more doors.
  10. https://jalopnik.com/arizonas-governor-orders-uber-to-suspend-self-driving-c-1824097133 So this ends Uber's testing, I guess. For the moment at least. It will be interesting to see what they do now. I took driver's ed in 1993 on Long Island, NY. When I went, the classroom class was taught by one of our public school teachers. The driving portion was by an independent school the school board contracted with. they provided several dual control cars plus instructors. Nice people all of them. It was $35 paid to the school to cover both the classroom and driving. Every city is different because of state laws, school boards, budgets, etc.... The role of the parent is to operate in the most prudent manner possible for their student/child. If they don't the law holds them accountable which is usually handled by the insurance they purchased. But remember, these are individual people and not corporations doing R&D so products liability laws don't apply. Usually, those parents make smart decisions that address at least the minimum standard of care taken if not more. Uber, is not an individual so again products liability laws apply and pedestrians didn't opt in for R&D testing of a product. The standard Uber is held to is much higher, usually strict liability and the standard of care is much higher - utmost safety to the end user (which includes every pedestrian on the road in this case). Faulty equipment is expected with R&D hence the higher standard, not so with drivers education. This is where the law gets a little gray - should teaching a machine to drive be treated like teaching a human to drive or like developing a product? That is the legal question that hopefully get answered at the end of this mess. Or maybe there needs to be a new body of regulation for this gray area, that isn't either and stricter than driving laws, but not as strict as products liability. If you ask me, I think the higher standard or products liability is perfectly reasonable because it provides the greatest amount of protection to the public at large and not the corporation making a driving machine. And AZ may have to answer for that conduct. Which is probably why we are seeing the change with them taking place immediately before and after this accident. The disclosure rules for CA sound difficult but that's part of what patent protection is for, and also there are ways to deal with disclosing to CA without disclosing to the public at large. I think what companies want to avoid in avoiding disclosure to CA is reporting accident data that may hold them liable - something that products liability law might make a non issue. I get that the only place to really suss out the tech is in the real world, but nothing is consistent at this moment in terms of standards or requirements to know if something is ready for that 10% solution testing. And maybe this pushes the envelope closer to that. why? Well implementation is always the hardest part. But still, the machines have to do it better than humans - as good as isn't going to cut it and we aren't even to as good as yet. Maybe as these things implement the laws governing speeding and traffic will change to adapt to it, or it could be the roadblock to meaningful tech. I suddenly feel a lot better about driving old junk that doesn't tattle on me to the OEMs about my surroundings.
  11. Tubing crack by , on Flickr And yes I could move it to where the truck is parked, I just can't haul it all over town without renting/borrowing a pickup. And since I posted it cracked all the way through while I was moving it around. It's thick wall tube, but I don't know if it is DOM or chromoloy. It's a perfect stress crack from vibration, so the ends line up, no distortion or warp in the pipe.
  12. Actually they aren't. Not really. If you go to the youtube video's description on youtube they are listed. their citations are to news articles that themselves cite the CDC. So the Quote is not directly from the CDC it's second hand. In all cases they take the "quotes" out of context and strip it down to make their point. If you have to ignore context and remove information to fit your agenda it isn't considered credible information. In some cases they quote opinions of the articles interpreting the CDC and FBI data, and always out of context, which they then follow up with their own opinion. Some of the information they cite/source is just flat false. They make is sound like there are more stabbings than shootings in America, and that is just false information - the majority of data reported to the FBI doesn't report method of assualt/death, so the most dangerous weapon according to the FBI is "undetermined". That makes the reported data on stabbings vs shootings unreliable. It isn't my fault you are dumb enough to fall for propaganda. You are right, don't try harder - ignorance is a good look for you. The way it is presented, yes it is inaccurate. The idea of a gun free zone really only took hold as recently as 2009. Prior to that there really wasn't a cohesive idea, it didn't have a name, and it was up to the location to allow guns and enforce the rule. There have been mass shootings in this country since the 1700's, or rather since this country has been a country - and the overwhelming majority of those occurred from 1700 to 2009. It is unknown how many of those occured in public locations that didn't allow firearms. Also, so what if it is - "gun free zones" aren't something that is "enforced", they are a statement of liability. How many stores do you see with no firearms allowed signs that are patting people down or even have security? The rule is there for the establishment to waive the liability of allowing guns on the premises. If they do allow, they are partially responsible for what occurs because generally speaking landowners are responsible for the guests (and the harm that comes to them) on their land. By making it a rule that guns aren't allowed, in the event of a mass shooting they can throw up their hands and say: "hey he broke the rules, I am not responsible for his actions on my property". Sure, the US has the highest rate of gun ownership per capita in the world - which means on average every American owns more than 1 gun. But every American doesn't own more than one gun or even a gun at all. Only about 40% of American households owns a gun. And guess what? it's been about the same since 1972. The high point was 47% in 1990 and the low point was 37% in 2013. So what does that tell you? Because to me it Sounds like a whole lot of people who already own guns are stockpiling guns, not the actual ownership increasing. So that makes the the statement false. Yes it is true independently that the murder rate has gone down, and yes it is true that the number of guns owned by American citizens has increased (even if it is just the same people buying more guns), but presenting those two facts together as if they are related or one is responsible for the other is false. And we haven't even spoken about how the number of people murdered has increased but population growth has outpaced it - both factors that are relevant to determining rate. Let's talk about another one... I think there was something in the video about carry conceal areas bringing the crime rate down? That's not from the CDC or the FBI or anything involving statistics. It's a quote from Representative Louis Gohmert (R, Texas), and he just made it up. There is no study that actually supports that as a fact, he literally made it up on the spot (well, maybe he heard it from somewhere else before). https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/06/right-to-carry-gun-violence/531297/
  13. Bulkshit, any “obstruction” of the Democrats required republicans to go along with it so it can’t be considered obstruction by a singular party. Democrats don’t have the power by themselves to obstruct anything they get steamrolled by the republicans on everything - to think otherwise means you don’t understand the concept of obstruction.
  14. So, I ask for cited facts and the best you can come up with is propaganda? Weak sauce. I had to go to YouTube to find the lots of citations, and right now let’s clear some things up: There are some “facts” which sound important but are just restatement or someone’s opinion that don’t really have a bearing on safety. For example that bit about sheriffs supporting concealed carry - im sure it’s a fact that that’s their opinion, but out of context what is that opinion based on? It’s like saying 51 percent of our lawmakers support no further gun control - it’s true because that’s the republican majority but how is it relevant to safety ? There are some things which are marginally true but are presented as highly misleading. E.g that bit about Switzerland. You have to do the math because they give you raw data but it works out that 1 in 4 people own a fire arm. The US has enough guns that it is possible to for every citizen to own more that one. The Swiss also have mandatory background checks on every firearm (the US doesn’t), they have banned some types all together that are available in the US (but they allow fully automatic which we don’t), they have mandatory military service for every male citizen, and they have many required safety programs that are part of their educational system. Yes they have “limited” compared to the rest of Europe, but they also have more gun control laws than we do, fewer overall firearms, and their version of the NRA actually does what the old NRA did in this country - work with the government to develop gun control laws and safety programs. I should also point out that their national culture trusts their government more than the US, and guns are seen as integral to national defense (well regulated militia anyone?) and not for the overthrow of tyrants. Point is, if you are relying on that video as a statement of unbiased fact, then I am now worried about the educational system in the US than anything else. The “facts”, even the ones they aren’t intentionally stating in a very misleading way (which I think is only the first 1about suicides) are presented out of context and cherry picked. This is not even counting the statements that are just outright false because the data relied on is flawed (the bit about more standings than shootings). I’m genuinely disappointed. Try harder
  15. that paint has a decent amount of metallic mica to it. Kinda surprised for an OEM. Good job!
  16. Whatever it is I'm nerd blocked from seeing it at work so you'll be waiting a long time. Still waiting for you to answer my previous questions. Even better I'll ask another - if you got sent to the sandbox by uncle sam as part of a mission to murder enemy combatants, and you didn't murder any are you incompetent at your job? or is it implied cowardice even if you just didn't get the opportunity? I mean, since we are talking about bullshit relativism tell me why I'm wrong. That depends on a few things: When you say local do you mean state or municipal? When you say Citizens do you mean citizens of the USA or citizens of the state and municipality?
  17. Hey all, any recommendations for a mobile welding service? I have a stress crack in some thick wall tubing that needs a bead to seal it up. It's not a hard job or that intensive, but due to the size and nature of the project it's difficult to move.
  18. Are you going to answer the question or not? I mean, you are the one who seems to want to morally compress aborting and mass shootings together so let's not play delicate with the entire spectrum.....or are you willing to concede that the issues are more complex than you are making them out to be and bogus moral relativism is just that...bogus? Are you a murderer or not? why should you get quarter when you offer none to those protesting? What makes you special? Also, still waiting on those "Facts" you were going to school me on. Or at least tell me which ones I wasn't listening to. In case you are confused here is the definition of "Fact" Definition of fact 1 a : something that has actual existence space exploration is now a fact b : an actual occurrence prove the fact of damage 2 : a piece of information presented as having objective reality These are the hard facts of the case. 3 : the quality of being actual : actuality a question of fact hinges on evidence https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fact Still....waiting....
  19. Brandon is former military and has not hidden his time in the mid-east (I think he called himself a combat veteran in this thread at one point). By sandbox I meant the middle east conflict, not an actual sandbox on a playground.
  20. And the facts are? Remember there isn't research on gun violence so where do these "facts" come from? are they actually facts? or just some product of flawed logic that people accept as gospel. Please, enlighten me....what are the actual "facts" you think I won't listen to and their source? Also, since you are compressing abortion and gun violence down to the singular act of murder with your moral relativism - did you fire your weapon at another person while you were in the sandbox? If so and you killed them do you consider yourself a murderer?
  21. The saturn Ion and RX8 had a pillarless suicide doors because the "pillar" was built into the door itself. What was annoying about that setup is both doors have to be open. I don't think the continental will do that because it would be a stupid thing to do on a luxury car that people might be chauffeured in. The original 60's suicide door continental had a center door latch pillar but it wasn't a "B pillar" in the traditional sense in that it extended up to the roof. The problem with that arrangement is that as those cars rusted the pillar sometimes broke loose and then the doors couldn't latch close, and if they did they would rattle. I think it would be nice to have a new suicide door continental on the market, even if it isn't a pillarless hardtop. maybe they will come out with a long wheelbase model too so it can get back to being the staple of black car service.
  22. I wonder how many conservatives are dumb enough to fall for this kind of bogus moral relativism just because it shows some perceived hypocrisy of the other team rather than actually discuss the issue.
  23. Geeto67


    Yeah but it took them 3years to put the Northstar derived aurora engine in Oldsmobile. From 1991 to 1994 it was cadillac only
  24. Geeto67


    While I agree, This is Gm we are talking about and they have done stranger things. I would love to see this in other cars, esp some kind of light weight road race style de contented hot rod. Sadly of caddy shares it will be detuned because that is the GM way. I would love to hear those turbos scream from behind the firewall but it will probably only be in cars so sound muffled that they have to pipe noise in through the speakers.
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