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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. Is reading comprehension that hard? It says right in the article that if he didn't want to protest there was an alternative study hall he could go to. here let me help: No, the most mature thing if he didn't want to participate would have been to go to the study hall they specifically set up for students who didn't want to participate. He chose to not do that, which would have actually also been the most responsible thing to do, he's either protesting the protest or he's just an idiot. Edit: Also Fake news http://www.dispatch.com/news/20180315/hilliard-student-wasnt-suspended-for-avoiding-gun-protest-but-internet-doesnt-believe-that
  2. how you fix a jeep ball joint: Seriously though, I have a friend with a Cherokee and apparently this is a common thing. I don't think there has been a recall but there are a bunch of revision parts. I just texted him your question and his response was: If you buy the part from jeep, they will only sell you the assembled knuckle which is the revised design (this is the lower BJ, the upper one comes attached to the upper control arm). It's expensive but it is supposed to stop the premature ball joint wear. You can get the ball joint itself from the aftermarket, but there is no guarantee that it won't happen again earlier than usual. The lower ball joint is press fit and held in with a snap ring so you have to find a shop with a press and take the arm off the car to do it.
  3. can you just tell us what you are not buying so the suspense doesn't keep drawing people back to keep poking the bear?
  4. I don't doubt it, every one on that show is a character and the cars are legit interesting. To be honest, I had no idea there were that many fast street cars in America, and I am sure I am seeing a fraction of a percent on the show and in the events coverage. Good article, nicely done.
  5. This is my fall back position. NY lets me title 1972 and older vehicles (of which this is) with a bill of sale and 2 DMV forms. No notary, no paying two sets of taxes - as long as it isn't already in their system with an active ownership paper I can mail my brother the paperwork and get him to run over to the NY DMV for me. The downside is I have to pay insurance on it (which is $25 to add it to my classic bike policy) I'm getting that feeling. Still, I like knowing the Ohio title process for weird situations because if I can figure this out it is an opportunity to both help others, and pick up vehicles with title "problems" I can cure for cheap.
  6. no the "fucking flu" is terrestrial, I'm talking about space flu. And I thought the point of this thread was generally to talk aliens. I didn't know you were going to be so strict about it. You have people in this thread going out of their way to say "I don't care" and I do care and want to be part of conversation and I'm the one you go after? prioritize, bro. here, this talks about space flu, your oceans theory, and ties it all together. Happy now? https://io9.gizmodo.com/do-flu-viruses-originate-in-outer-space-1594561609
  7. Am I though? extraterrestrial life doesn't have to be intelligent to have an impact on our world. A previously unknown virus or other microscopic organism could be potentially devastating or an amazing boon to mankind depending on it's reaction to our physiology. Or at least as pop culture would have us believe. I think the bar is much lower than intelligent, just completely unknown to us as a species and not of this earth is sufficient.
  8. Has it? because I'm pretty sure I lived through the 1990's and people were "Alien crazy" back then. And we just got back the X-files and 20+ years of movies about aliens still happened. The problem with anything supernatural , and I will include religion in this as well, is that is has a tendency to foster enthusiasm without a good check in place. You have people who want to be true so bad they are willing to overlook that it isn't - and it's all they can talk about. To most people, even those who are open to it, this can be off putting and it makes them sensitive. Add to this the fact that TV loves to exploit this zealotry, and what you end up with is an environment of polite conversation where people are not willing to hear about ancient alien mummies any more than they are willing to "hear the good news". BTW, we know extraterrestrials exist for a fact because we made some. NASA studied bacteria's reaction to growing in the vacuum of space and found that they thrived and multiplied. Every bacteria created in space is technically an extraterrestrial because it was not born of earth. now is there life that is not born of earth and did not originate from an earth species? that's were it gets fascinating.
  9. It's better, it's people in your community with other shared interests and not some talking head on a TV screen a million miles away. People you have met, people you call neighbors, and people who vote in local elections that actually affect you in real life. Seems way more relevant to me. But I get it, you are too good for us, so we will let you know when meet the press calls.
  10. Except that movie was actually funny, and had a happy ending. I think what Greg is pointing out, is that if you are so "over" or "above" the current state of political affairs in this country - then why come in here and crap all over people trying to have an actual conversation about it? If it is truly a waste of time then why waste your time? A joke that only you find funny at everyone's expense is textbook you proving to yourself how much better you are than those having a dialog. But don't let me get in the way of you thinking you are some master internet puppet master.
  11. Can you find a "credible" news source reporting this? Because every site I can find that isn't some weirdo alt right agenda website is reporting that the violence was caused by students that were using the protest as a cover to skip school, and not the ones participating in the police escorted peaceful protest. also...weak as wet toilet paper, and half as moral: http://www.newsweek.com/trump-caves-gun-reform-plans-appoint-kind-study-panel-he-denounced-saturday-840109
  12. Geeto67

    Kia Stinger

    don't forget AWD vs RWD.
  13. Geeto67

    Kia Stinger

    Kia is being really interesting with the colors. Every trim option has it's own color palate with the base model car only being available in black, white, or silver. The GTs get the full color palate, but oddly yellow isn't listed in the configurator. The yellow is actually sunset yellow and is a "limited edition" color on 400 units. There is also a 500 unit "Atlantica" dark blue limited edition but not sure if that is coming to the US. In a really bold move, the GT in silver is only available with a red napa leather interior It's funny, I saw my first one a few days ago in red and I had the opposite reaction. I thought the car looked better in person than in pictures. I think color makes a huge difference for this car.
  14. Geeto67

    Kia Stinger

    https://jalopnik.com/the-kia-stinger-gt-beasts-the-ford-mustang-gt-1823768217 not sure about this in light of the 11 second pass Hot rod made in a brandy new GT, but it looks like it might be a 15-17 model and they foot braked it (or sand bagged it) off the line. Still....12 second kia. Wow.
  15. cheap enough that I could pay his tax, my tax, and still make a profit.
  16. Cokie Roberts explains: https://www.npr.org/2017/01/25/511554792/-askcokie-how-cabinet-members-get-confirmed I think the thing that ends up most surprising is how political the vetting process gets. Sure there are smaller groups that vet for things like ethics and the FBI does a background check and the military for security clearance, but they report to the legislators and the legislators make the ultimate decision. In this particular case, the vetting was poor because republicans basically just rubber stamped trumps appointments, and because the filibuster was phased out under Obama, the democrats have no power to object and just have to sit on their hands. because spin. There are probably people lining up for positions who are wildly unqualified, and don't meet other criteria. Nominated by the president and confirmed by the senate through a simple majority. So yes he picks them. And yes, there are a lot of posts open because he just hasn't picked anybody and hasn't delegated the authority to pick people to someone else for certain areas. He probably gets recommendations on some of these from his party, or the agency, or even his other cabinet members, but he makes the call in appointing them. Let's make sure we are clear about something though: there are the "Executive department cabinet" positions which are only 15, and for the most part have been filled (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabinet_of_the_United_States), there are cabinet level positions that also have been filled, and then there are non-cabinet positions that require presidential appointment and confirmation by the senate (PAS positions) that aren't "cabinet" positions (e.g. diplomat to South Korea) <--these are the positions that have open slots. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_positions_filled_by_presidential_appointment_with_Senate_confirmation There is speculation right now in government circles that he literally thinks that he is making government smaller by just not appointing people, thinking that if the position is vacant, reporting will just roll up to him. This is not correct thinking though because of how channels of communications in government work - an open post does not eliminate the post it just creates a dead end for the information that instead of going to it's whitehouse contact has to go through the general channels and gatekeepers (who probably don't have instructions on how to deal with this scenario). This is just speculation but it would explain a lot. Support for this theory comes from his quotes like this: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/11/03/561797675/im-the-only-one-that-matters-trump-says-of-state-dept-job-vacancies There are tons more qualified, and he probably does care, but not about qualifications. Loyalty to him seems to be the over arching theme we are seeing out of the CIC - it doesn't matter if you are incompetent, so long as you back him and don't question his authority. I don't think it will happen though, even other republicans think it's a bad idea: https://www.politico.com/story/2018/02/26/trump-pilot-faa-post-skepticism-366199
  17. As far as I can tell Kentucky is a notary state. However, it's interesting in that you don't need 1 notary to witness 2 signatures. The seller signs the front of the title and it gets notarized. The buyer signs the back and can use a different notary to witness their signature. Not sure how this helps yet but I thought it was interesting. NY is a non notary state, and I don't need a title for a pre 1973 vehicle. I'm going to have the seller fill out the forms just in case I need to make a trip back and get ownership papers that way.
  18. I am going to try an clarify the situation because I may have caused some confusion: I am trying to buy an old motorcycle. The Seller is a former ohio resident now living in arizona. He has a Kentucky title that was signed and notarized with him as the buyer when he bought it, but never transferred into his name. The bike is in possession of his nephew, who just wants it out of his storage space. I have no reason to believe it is stolen. No money has changed hands yet. even if I can't get the title, I can part it out, but having a title makes a big difference in the value and timeline. As long as I am going to own this thing one way or the other, I might as well try and figure this out so walking away is not an option. My fall back option is to register it in NY, which uses a transferable registration for vehicles this old. There is no notary required, he just has to send me an affidavit of ownership (MV-51B NYDMV form). The problem is I have to plan a trip back to NY to do this in person since the ownership paper is title and registration (and plates) in one transaction and I can't do first time transferable registrations through the mail.
  19. Kentucky. It's an old title too, so there is a good chance the previous seller may no longer be with us (I don't know that for a fact, but It happened to me with a NY Title), or very difficult to track down. Of this am I aware. I can run the vin through NICB for stolen, and am looking into how to check in KY for a current registration. Still, the engine and frame are both there and the bike is old enough there wouldn't be another serial number on another part to use so it's pretty safe to assume that there isn't a duplicate title floating out there. Are you sure about that? I found this form on the BMV website for a granting of power of Attorney for the purposes of vehicle title: http://publicsafety.ohio.gov/links/bmv3771.pdf http://www.bmv.ohio.gov/forms-titles.aspx Usually, car dealers and title agents have you sign these so they can transfer titles into your name on your behalf when you buy a car. But there is nothing saying it has to be a dealer. which is why I asked if there are services who go and title cars on your behalf if you pay them. I've not seen ads for them, but they exist in other states. If so, I could hire a service to go transfer title into his name and return the paperwork to me, and since they have power of attorney, they could also sign over his interest in the title to me as well. I mean, in theory it would work, right? but has anybody done it?
  20. just because it can't be identified, doesn't mean it is extraterrestrial in origin.
  21. Hey all, So I am researching a title transfer issue and hit a dead end. Before I actually call up the title office, I thought I would just ask here and see if anybody has been through this before. I am working on purchasing an old vehicle. The seller filled out the assignment portion of the title in his name and even had it notarized, but never actually transferred the title into his name. Can I as the recent purchaser transfer the title into his name, and then transfer the title into my name? If so how? To complicate things, the seller lives in AZ right now so he's not even in the state anymore. so, thoughts? Are there third party services that will go to the Title office for you? Or does the buyer have to be present?
  22. You know, historically you don't see a lot of CIA directors appointed to diplomatic positions because it sends the wrong message to the rest of the world...something about your lead spy running diplomatic affairs creates mistrust. Sure you see them move to head of the NSA, or secretary of defense positions, maybe even private sector security firms or just flat out retire, but usually not something outside of intelligence. In fact the only one I can think of was George H.W. Bush who went on to be vice president and then president. It will be interesting to see what this has wrought.
  23. I think this has been a long time coming. He's been unhappy with Tillerson ever since it was leaked that Rex thought Trump was a "fucking moron".
  24. That's a nice fox, keep up the good work.
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