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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. Name them. Yeah...and? Not even a remotely true statement. I’m not even sure what you are trying to say here. So far the biggest threat to the working class is technological advancement and that isn’t coming from migrants. Also, who is encouraging that? Because it isn’t the current administration. Ok, it’s clear you aren’t remotely even up on this situation so let me give you a primer. Here are the facts is not in dispute: - the agents of the Russian Government stole the business of an American businessman that was operating in Russia. They then murdered his Attorney when the attorney exposed the corruption. -the Russian government has been paying lobbyists in the US to try and overturn the act. This included Paul Manafort at one time - The Russian government interfered with our election in hopes to get someone elected who would be receptive to overturning the magninsky act - every time another country adopts their own version of the magninsky act, Russia puts Bill Browder (the American whose business was stolen) on the Interpol list for the murder of Magninsky (his own attorney), even though Magninsky died in Russian Police custody after having been beaten to death by several guards. And here is the conspiracy theory portion that has yet to be proven: - the government of Russia colluded with the Trump family as part of the election interference - without access to a banking system (because that’s part of the magninsky act) many wealthy Russians have been laundering money through Jared Kutschner by lending his foreign real estate holdings company money. Ok then where is it? Seriously, with as much scrutiny as has been placed on the clintons at this point (more than any other politician) nothing has come up. Either they are the greatest masterminds at hiding stuff that the world has ever seen or...and stay with me here...it’s just not there. Well first off, the whole of the Muslim culture isn’t against women or gays anymore than Christianity or Judisiam. You are holding the beliefs of extremists up as the example of a whole culture which is false. Also by your logic every single politician has taken money from a culture against gays/women/individual freedom of they have taken money from groups like “focus on the family”. Second, Trump has many business interests in those same countries he lambasts the Clinton foundation (which is a charity and not the clintons themselves) for accepting donations from. The Clintons don’t profit from their charity, but Donnie profits from his business and has a specific interest to protect that profit (hence why the emoluments clause was an issue last year). I agree it will be interesting but the thing I am more focused on is that if there is one thing we have learned from a DJT Presidency, it is that America is vulnerable to foreign attack and all the defense spending in the world isn’t going to help that. I don’t think most Americans have come to terms with the gravity of that yet or even acknowledged or accepted it and it will be interesting to see what happens do.
  2. Is it weird that I think a "salty pussy cake" sounds delicious? Josh, I got your email, I will respond tonight.
  3. This all goes back to the Magnitsky Act. Here is what shocks me about all of this - there are more than a few "conspiracy" types on this forum, right? Well here is an international conspiracy, involving the murder of an agent of a foreign national who was investigating Russian Government corruption, that led to the Russian Government doing everything and anything to try and get this act overturned including interfering in a foreign election (ours), potentially bribing foreign officials (ours), and even may have laundered money through those they may have helped get elected.....and nobody is saying word one about it because it happens to be the administration a "conspiracy theorist" is most like to back because he promised to "Drain the swamp". For the most part a lot of conspiracy theories are just bunk and don't have much evidence, but here is one big corruption conspiracy being served on a golden platter and all those people who backed trump because Washington was "too corrupt" aren't biting now that they have more evidence than has ever been presented against any other presidential candidate in the history of the US? WTH?
  4. I think we talked about this a while ago clay, the 400 shares an architecture with the ford 351M. 500hp: http://www.hotrod.com/articles/hrdp-0702-ford-400m-engine-build/ edlebrock makes a low rise 4bbl manifold: #2171. They come up used on ebay often enough for around $150 but the shipping is a killer. New they are almost $300.
  5. "The Room" is pretty unwatchable, and I've seen Manos: Hands of Fate without an MST3K commentary.
  6. Nothing I say here constitutes legal advice for the purposes of establishing an attorney client relationship. We are just two guys talking. What does the letter ask for? Scare letters are an unfortunate part of the practice of law. Reguardless as to whether they are unethical, they are almost always sent as evidence of an attempt to work out a resolution outside of court. Personally I don’t find them particularly effective since bullying rarely gets results and they are often the last refuge of someone who just wants to inflict pain without having any legal teeth to pursue action. I have to ask, have you checked to see if the law firm is real? I have seen bad clients in the past who have used their attorney’s stationary or made up fake law firms to send things their attorney would never send, it might not be a bad idea to confirm that the firm is real and the letter was in fact sent from any attorney at that firm. You mentioned footage that the police reviewed, who has that footage? Does it include some of the things the letter claims are defamatory (like the restaurant owner striking your wife)? Honestly, my advice is to calm down about it and not worry. The way to protect yourself is to get a file folder and collect every piece of evidence relating to that night (the footage, any written accounts of what happened, details like the officers name, etc...). There really isn’t much you can do until he actually files suit other than collect as much evidence as you can. One thing that should make you feel better is very very few online defamation suits are successful and that acts as a deterrent. Sending you a big blustery letter might be all he can do because of the expense and the slim chance of going further. One thing I would recommend is to contact Facebook and explain the situation. If he were to sue you for defamation Facebook would likely be named and they don’t want that, alerting them to the situation aligns their interest with yours and they may suspend his account or otherwise take action.
  7. here is a picker's guide from super chevy: http://www.superchevy.com/how-to/engines-drivetrain/1512-the-ultimate-pickers-guide-to-ls-engines/ I don't think there is a singular guide to vehicles because it was an option on so many - for example the Sliverado came with a 5.3 iron block, but if you optioned it with the 5.3 HO it came with an aluminum block. Some Z71 package trucks got them and some didn't as well, and some years, regardless of options if you got 4x4 I believe you got the alloy block. The easier way to do it is by the option tag sticker on the vehicle. the engine code for a 5.3 with an aluminum block is LM4 and L33 (different engines), so look for that on the vehicle tag. The wiki article has a partial listing of what applications came with some codes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LS_based_GM_small-block_engine
  8. I’m curious, how did the 924 perform with the 4.3 in it? Was it a better balanced rocket? Or did you miss the 2 cyl a 350 would have given you? What about a ford 289/302? Has that been considered? I know everyone wants to LS swap these days for moar power but plenty of Fox mustangs made hp for decades with the 302/5.0 and its probably 1/3 the cost. I remember when clay was talking about ruining his e36 that a quick search on CL turned up 5.0s for like $300 complete.
  9. How did every 944 not come with it to begin with?
  10. Dude, don’t waste your time. I’m pretty sure Brandon has swallowed so much republican semen that even his sky is red.
  11. This is a really cool project. The only thing I can add here is the 944's strongest attribute is its balance, the car was almost a perfect 50/50 weight distribution from Porsche. You may want to consider an alloy block v8 to help keep close to that number.
  12. Take the batteries out of the car and br8ng them in the garage. Hook them up to your one battery maintainer alternating between the two every couple of days. Pump up the tires. When it gets cold the air contracts and the tires go low which makes them easier to flat spot, pumping them up to 40psi will help prevent this.
  13. how do you return a blowjob? Kids opening presents are the best part of this holiday IMHO. My daughter turned 6 on the 9th and between her birthday and xmas she made out like a bandit with her first lionel train, a small indoor quadcopter, a fishing rod, a dodge ball, an electric lambo, more playdoh than I am comfortable having in a house with carpets, half a dozen board games, a spirograph, and a ton of smalls. she has been in heaven for the last 3 weeks. Me? I got socks, a new dremel, a set of LED/Projector headlights for the BMW, a pair of lambskin driving gloves, and a black leather messenger bag. I bought myself a new RC airplane kit to replace the one I destroyed earlier this summer.
  14. Subaru, but rather than a bugeye get a 2dr Impreza from the previous gen and swap a legacy GT/Baja turbo/ outback xt drivetrain into it.
  15. You are trying to narrow it down which is kind of the opposite of being open to it being anything - and is a start down the road to confirmation bias. I don't know what you see but I see a really grainy video with a black blob in the middle of it. I don't even know that I see enough that I can call it an aircraft. I don't know where you get this stuff about the surrounding weather conditions but....I think you are trying too hard to look for something.
  16. That will never happen. But until Hobby Lobby if you had insurance at least you had a choice and because of the ACA there was a good chance you had insurance. I'm sure you think that, but whether that's true or not is not up to you to certify, it's up to those people you have had encounters with. Pressure is not always physical. Here's my point: the ACA was not the government paying for birth control, it was just them regulating the insurance marketplace to make it accessible to everyone. your tax payer money didn't go to anybody's abortion, or making contraceptives accessible. The free market wasn't fixing this situation because a for profit model will never make not for profit considerations a priority. Allowing "FOR PROFIT" companies to object to certain aspects of healthcare because of a "religious" objections was not good for the public in general, not good for public policy, and not a solution to some real problems the government was looking to solve for. There is literally no argument you have made to this point that speaks to any interest you possibly have, so why? why are you against this? my money is on the fact that you read so much garbage propaganda you don't even know what's the truth anymore. I mean you called a pretty good analysis of how to measure the president's performance against the deficit "excuses". I mean how is anybody supposed to take you seriously?
  17. You made the statement that this benefits everyone, and it was a false statement, and this was one example as to how. But since you asked, This isn't really about "Children" per se. The Personal exemption "The exemption was intended to insulate from taxation roughly at the minimal amount of money someone would need to get by at a subsistence level (poverty line)". Each individual in a household was entitled to this exemption including dependents, so if you had a spouse and 2 children you would file for $4050 x4 which is $16,200 and less than the $24,000 standard deduction. If you had 4 children you filed for $4050x6 or $24,300. See the problem? Now let's talk about children in general. Since you don't have any I can't expect you to be knowledgeable about this but children are classified as "dependents" in the tax code for a reason. They incur a cost and don't generally contribute to household income. In general you want the tax code to treat all children the same because each incurs both a cost on the household and government spending. To treat them inequitably both punishes the household, and the government for the services it provides to the child. By the way I just realized that before I had been writing 3 or more children when I should have been writing more than 3 children so that's on me. I've never said that. You assume that because your general level of intelligence and that massive chip on your shoulder prevents you of thinking of anything in this world other than as stereotypes. You have no appetite for the truth, for intellectual discourse, nor any willingness to see any position that doesn't confirm your bubble. I have to be honest, I expected better of you because every once in a while there is a glimmer of hope that you seem like you want to know more, but you immediately sabotage yourself with your own views. not that you care what my actual views are, but I think there are some things the government should be involved in (infrastructure, utilities including the internet), some things they could do much better (health care, enviornment) , and some things they probably shouldn't be meddling in. But that doesn't fit your collection of stereotypes so you'll probably ignore it like you do facts or anything that threatens your bubble. I get that when you were a soldier the government touched you in your no-no place, but honestly you have to let go of that shit because it's fucking up your intelligence. I know it is possible, I meet and work with some exceptionally smart veterans every day, I just don't think you are one of them. nope, you are just literally stupid. Do you know anything about Abortion? or Planned Parenthood? It's cheap to you because you are a man. It is not cheap to women, but you don't know that because guess what you are not. For men, contraception is between $4 and $15 periodically (periodically being the expiration date on a box of condoms, usually 3-6 mos). For women it is between $15-$50 a month. That's the difference of $30-60 a year for men and $600 for women. That may be cheap for you for it ain't cheap for everyone. BTW, that number for women is determined by health insurance and the patients deductible, out of pocket costs add about $250-500 to that per year. Nobody here said birth control is a "right", but what has been said is that it should be offered as a choice equally to every woman who has health insurance. or you are too chicken to ask her. It's ok, I wouldn't ask her either if I were you. Lets see, out of the two of us, I'm the married one with a kid. so...oh yeah...good comeback. you gonna hit me with a "yo momma so fat" joke next? rape victims don't have a choice of abstinence. Convenient you forget about those people every time you talk about this though. They also don't get free abortions. I want you to look back in your mind and think about every sexual encounter you have ever had, and I want you to really think hard if you ever pressured or paid a woman to have sex with you. You are a veteran so I'm willing to bet there's at least one hooker in your closet. I want you to really think about how "responsible" your behavior was in any of those times. the "personal responsibility" argument here is null and void. It is not an abdication of personal responsibility to give people access to more options
  18. Geeto67

    2000 Viper GTS

    that's right!!!! It was sad and hilarious at the same time: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=121826
  19. I haven't the first clue, and honestly that's what's really exciting about it: the potential it has to be something is greater than what it actually is. this was my point earlier: why does it have to be one particular something? Why can't it just remain a mystery that we are aching to solve? Why do I have to close down my thinking to one line of speculation when there are so many others for me to be open to. Maybe sometime in the future we will find out or maybe we wont, but for right now not knowing holds it's own excitement.
  20. It's not a "Free handout" - it's an exemption which means it's pre tax money you have earned. If you have two kids the government's new tax breaks mean your tax burden (the amount of money you earned that you pay the government) goes down. If you have 3 kids, the amount of money you pay the government goes up post the new tax plan because you can't claim that third dependent. The government is not giving you "free money" it's taking more of your own money. It doesn't benefit everyone. It benefits the rich more than the poor because: - that's how percentages work. Seriously, so the math: A person making $10,000 a year sees a $300 tax decrease as a result of the new taxes. A person making $100,000 sees a $4000 decrease in taxes. The middle class right now carries the tax burden so the government can't really afford to lose $4000 from those making $100K a year in America. - The lower income brackets have other exemptions that are going away, so if the new plan gives you a tax break of $300, but takes away your individual deductions and exemptions that before gave you $400 off - then you are not benefiting. this is what your page 1 chart doesn't show and what my 3 kids example does show you. The rich don't have a lot of exemptions that are sun-setting. It really screws: - people who make between $200K and $416,700, because by reclassifying their bracket their taxes actually went up. While I am ok with this, you can't say the tax plan it is benefiting them at all. Wow you are closed minded. You deserve every time someone calls you "ignorant". In order for you to understand how it is messed up you would need to understand desperate impact (more commonly referred to as how white people continued to oppress black people after the civil war and 13th amendment), which I doubt you will ever do. Just in case you want to know though: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disparate_impact It would also require you to have a functional definition of genocide, which isn't just killing a particular race but also preventing that race from pro-creating. Policies that cause population control of certain races through disparate impact are a form of genocide and up to this point have been mostly myth in modern America (but not historical America). If you don't see why that is dangerous I don't know what to tell you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_genocide_conspiracy_theory here you go you ignorant asshole: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/block If something is accessible because health insurance pays for it, and you remove that requirement that insurance pay for it and as a result it becomes un-affordable then it is "blocked" to those people by the original definition of the word. grow up. Also....HHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....you are funny. You have a girlfriend right? do me a favor, go tell her how you feel about women's contraception and let us know how that conversation goes. I'll wait. Wow you are stupid. #1 providing women contraception as part of their healthcare has never been proven to increase promiscuity. Denying them access to contraceptive has 100% been proven to increase the amount of unwanted pregnancies. so your idea that it incentivizes poor people to have more kids is literally the dumbest shit you have said on this forum today (but the day is still young). #2 as an unmarried guy, if it were true that accessibility to contraceptives increased promiscuity, then why would you advocate something that makes it harder for you to get laid? I mean talk about a stupid proposition. Think of the money you would save on roofies alone!!!!! using contraceptives = personal responsibility. having a lot of contraceptive options available to the public for them to choose from does not remove personal responsibility, there is still a choice there to be made. Considering the failure rate of a single method, it's possible to be personally responsible and still have an unwanted pregnancy, so it is still possible to be responsible and be fucked by it, so what's wrong with making insurance cover it so a lot more people have a lot more options to choose from? How is this a hard concept for you?
  21. Couple of things: Religious Extremists, of the kind that you are concerned about are already pretty disenfranchised in society and they aren't exactly burning down the country. If they suddenly found themselves faced with Aliens with proof of something I expect they would withdraw more rather than burn and loot the malls. In other countries where we are see religious extremism weaponized, a lot of that is dependent on political unrest in those areas than pure religiously motivated - and the discovery of benevolent Aliens would have very little effect on any increase. Columbus did not discover or prove the world was round. People thought it was round in theory as far back as the 6th Century BC and were able to prove it as far back as the 3rd century BC. That's 2000+ years not 500. Most people believed the earth was round prior to Columbus or Magellan, it's just popular to think they "discovered it" because europeans mostly wrote history and both those voyages did all evidence to the whole pile that already existed. And that is kind of my point - yes there are flat earthers, and zealouts, and others, but the majority of people are calm, rational, sane, and probably have been already prepared for this by 100+ years of pop culture. you left out weather phenomenon, atmospheric distortion, regular aircraft being observed from a different perspective than thought at the time (optical illusion), I mean there are practical explanations as well.
  22. Below is a full list of cases filed by companies, nonprofits, and universities challenging the Affordable Care Act’s contraception mandate as of June 26, 2014. (*= Both Nonprofit + Profit cases) 1. Tyndale HouseIllinois for-profit publishing company focusing on Christian books. 2. Freshway FoodsA fresh produce processor and packer, Freshway Logistics is a for-hire carrier of mainly refrigerated products. The companies are Ohio-based for-profits that serve 23 states. 3. Johnson Welded ProductsOhio-based manufacturer of reservoirs for air brake systems. 4. Willis & Willis PCMichigan-based law firm. 5. Trijicon, Inc.Michigan-based maker of aiming systems for firearms. 6. Barron IndustriesMichigan-based company that produces metal castings for various industries. 7. Midwest Fastener CorpMichigan-based company that supplies fasteners to the hardware store, home center, and industrial markets. 8. Electrolock Inc.Ohio-based corporation that works in the electrical and thermal insulation industry. Other plaintiff companies include Stone River Management Co. and Dunstone Co. 9. Zumbiel PackagingKentucky-based manufacturer of paperboard packaging for consumer goods. 10. Encompass Develop, Design & Construct, LLC.Kentucky-based architect, design and construction service of which John Stewart is the managing and sole member. 11. Holland ChevroletWest Virginia-based corporation engaged in selling and servicing motor vehicles. 12. Autocam CorporationAutocam Automotive makes parts for transportation while Autocam Medical makes medical equipment. These are west Michigan-based manufacturing companies that operate across the United States. 13. Dominos FarmsMichigan-based property management company. 14. Mersino ManagementMichigan-based management company and provides insurance for Mersino Enterprises, Mersino Dewatering, Global Pump Co., and Mersino South-West. 15. Eden Foods IncorporatedEden Foods is a Michigan-based corporation that specializes in supplying macrobiotic, organic food. 16. MK Chambers CompanyMichigan-based supplier of specialty machining. 17. M&N PlasticsMichigan-based supplier of custom injection molding products. 18. Mersino Dewatering, INCMichigan-based company that provides dewatering (water removal) services. It has branches in Michigan, Florida, North Carolina, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania. 19. Korte & Luitjohan Contractors, Inc.,Illinois-based full-service construction contractor. 20. Truine Health GroupTriune is an Illinois corporation that specializes in facilitating the re-entry of injured workers into the workforce. 21. Grote IndustriesIndiana-based, privately held business manufacturing vehicle safety systems. 22. Tonn and Black ConstructionIndiana construction company. 23. Lindsay, Rappaport and Postel LLCLR&P is an Illinois-based law firm that primarily practices in insurance defense, insurance coverage, and appellate work. 24. Hart Electric LLC,An Illinois-based manufacturer of electrical components, and H.I. Cable. 25. Ozinga BrothersIllinois-based producer of ready-made concrete. 26. O’Brien Industrial HoldingMissouri company engaged in the exploration, mining, processing, manufacturing, and distribution of refractory and ceramic raw materials. 27. American Pulverizer CompanySpringfield Iron and Metal, LLC, American Pulverizer Company, Hustler Conveyor Company, and City Welding are four Missouri-based companies involved in the business of wholesale scrap metal recycling and manufacturing of related machines. 28. Annex Medical IncAnnex Medical and Sacred Heart Medical are companies that design, manufacture, and sell medical devices. They are owned by Stuart Lind. Tom Janas is an additional plaintiff who is an entrepreneur who has owned several dairy businesses in the past and intended to purchase another in 2013. He operates Habile Holdings and Venture North Properties, companies that lease commercial properties but currently have no employees. 29. Sioux Chief MFG. Co, Inc.Missouri Corporation that manufactures plumbing products. 30. O’Brien Industrial HoldingOwned by Reverend Gregory Hall, a Catholic deacon, it is a Minnesota-based company that manufactures and markets mining equipment, mud pumps, and parts for global distribution. 31. Bick Holdings Inc.Missouri-based holding company for operating companies Bick Group Inc., Bick Properties Inc., and SEALCO LLC. Through these subsidiaries BHI engages in data center consulting, design, maintenance, service, and cleaning. 32. SMA LLCMinnesota based agricultural/industrial construction company. 33. MedfordThe QC Group Inc is a Minnesota-based corporation, owned by Daniel Medford and David DeVowe, which provides quality control services. 34. Feltl and Co.Minnesota-based securities brokerage and investment banking company. 35. Randy Reed AutomotiveRandy Reed Automotive, Randy Reed Buick GMC, Randy Reed Nissan, and Randy Reed Chevrolet are Missouri-based car dealerships. 36. Doboszenski & Sons, IncMinnesota-based company that provides services for excavation, demolition, and street construction and reconstruction. 37. Hastings AutomotiveHastings Automotive Inc. (known as Hastings Ford) and Hastings Chrysler Center are Minnesota car dealerships. 38. Stinson ElectricMinnesota electrical services company. 39. Hercules Industries, Inc. isColorado corporation that manufactures heating, ventilation, and air conditioning products, owned by the Newlands and another plaintiff. 40. Continuum Health Partnership & ConessioneCHP is a Colorado-based oxygen supply company; Conessione is an investment company. 41. Cherry Creek Mortgage Co.Colorado-based full-service residential mortgage banking company. 42. Beckwith Electric Co.Florida-based provider of micro-processor-based technology. 43. Geneva College*The Pennsylvania-based for-profit plaintiffs are Seneca Hardwood, a lumber business, and WLH Enterprises, a sawmill. Geneva College is a Pennsylvania-based non-profit. 44. Weingartz Supply Company*Michigan company that sells outdoor power equipment. Legatus is a non-profit organization comprising more than 4,000 members, including individuals and professional organizations. 45. Sharpe Holdings Inc.*Missouri corporation that is involved in the farming, dairy, creamery, and cheese-making industries. Ozark National Life Insurance Company is a Missouri insurance corporation; N.I.S. Financial Services is a Missouri mutual fund broker, and CNS Corporation is the Missouri-based holding company for Ozark, N.I.S. and Sharpe Holdings. 46. Catholic Benefits Association*For- and non-profit corporations including Good Will Publishers, the Catholic Benefits Association, and Catholic Insurance Company. [NONPROFITS] 47. Belmont Abbey Coll. 48. Wheaton College (Illinois) 49. Roman Catholic Archbishop of Washington 50. Priests for Life (New York) 51. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of NY 52. Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, et al. 53. Louisiana College 54. Roman Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth (Texas) 55. Roman Catholic Diocese of Biloxi (Mississippi) 56. East Texas Baptist University 57. Catholic Diocese of Beaumont (Texas) 58. Michigan Catholic Conference 59. Right to Life of Michigan 60. Catholic Diocese of Nashville (Texas) 61. Ave Maria Foundation (Michigan) 62. Union University (Tennessee) 63. University of Notre Dame (Indiana) 64. Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend (Indiana) 65. Grace Schools (Indiana) 66. Archdiocese of St. Louis (Missouri) 67. The School of the Ozarks (Missouri) 68. Dordt College (Iowa) 69. Colorado Christian 70. Southern Nazarene (Oklahoma) 71. Little Sisters of the Poor (Colorado) 72. Reaching Souls International, (Oklahoma) 73. Fellowship of Catholic University Students (Colorado) 74. Diocese of Cheyenne (Wyoming) 75. Eternal World Television Network (Alabama) 76. Ave Maria University (Florida) 77. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta (Georgia) 78. Perisco (Diocese of Erie) 79. Zubik (Diocese of Pittsburgh) 80. Brandt (Diocese of Greensburg), 81. Dr. James Dobson (“Family Talk” radio show and ministry) 82. Ave Maria School of Law (Florida) After the Hobby Lobby decision all the above companies could discriminate in women's healthcare for "religious" reasons. Also so could any number of other companies because the Hobby Lobby decision did not just apply to hobby lobby but ALL employers. So you are in favor of me making a choice, and ok if I act irresponsibly, but not of women having more choices available and affordable for them to act responsibly? seems discriminatory, oh wait - it is.
  23. unless you count affordability. Not "Or" there hoss, "And". You still have a responsibility to not spread STDs and birth control doesn't prevent that. You really don't have a handle on this "personal responsibility" thing do you? Except when it isn't "easy to get" because it's too expensive and her healthcare doesn't cover it. Ya know some of the employees at Hobby Lobby are teenagers, abstinence is not going to stop her horny teenage boyfriend from pressuring her into making a bad life choice and Hobby Lobby sure as shit ain't going to help her on this. protecting people's options is not absolving them of personal responsibility. Providing assistance to those who need it does not encourage people to act irresponsibly. But self righteous people like yourself that don't understand this categorically just make it worse for everyone. You aren't helping anything, you are just shitting on people from a pretentious moral high ground that really isn't.
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