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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. ok, but at least there is the potential for redundancy. Take away the affordability of alternative and you just create a population of "accidents" because no measure is perfect. If you were nutting in her without a bag, regardless as to whether she took her pill or not I'd say that's pretty irresponsible of you. Don't be that douche that puts the responsibility all on the woman when you owe into this situation too. After reading your opinion on this I totally support her responsible choice to not have sex with you at all. This isn't about governing personal responsibility, it's about making options accessible so as to increase the overall chances of success for people (success in this case being sex without pregnancy). Take away options and the number of unsuccessful outcomes increases. It's a numbers game, either you want to solve the problem or you want to be a hypocrite and talk about "personal responsibility" as a reason to fuck women over, as if you don't owe an equal amount of personal responsibility yourself to the situation. Weren't you on here like a month back asking for advice on divorce? I think I figured out why.... A health care concern that affects 51% of the population hardly qualifies as a "micro" incident. Insert "micro incident and your dick" joke here. Anyway, Giving people more options does not equal reducing personal responsibility. They aren't incongruent positions and in many ways making the option available and affordable ENCOURAGES personal responsibility because it just makes it easier. yeah, try wrapping your head around that one.
  2. Birth Control pills =/= condoms. IUD's =/= condoms. Plan B =/= condoms. Seriously, it's amazing any woman has ever let you guys inside them, ever, with some of the shit you say. Condoms do not have a 100% effectiveness rate. Actually it's more like 83% if it is even used. That's roughly 15 people out of every 100 - which when you talk about a population in the billions is a lot of kids. Just because you buy them doesn't mean you use them. Also, rapists don't usually care for condom use, including date rapists and marital rape (yes that is a thing, you aren't allowed to rape someone you are married to). Also, condoms aren't cheap. If you are a minimum wage earner there are other priorities than a $4-$14 box of dick bags. And certainly other priorities than an expensive medical procedure. If you had a choice between paying rent and an abortion, which are you going to choose?
  3. unless you work for Hobby Lobby. There are ways to "block" things by making them harder to obtain without outright making them illegal. De-funding Planned Parenthood, allowing employers with low wage employees to discriminate as to provided health care based on religious reasons are all examples of that.
  4. This is a seriously messed up statement. first off, the national average is 2.1 children by household so it is incorrect to assume that the problem is a lower income class problem. Plus the tax penalty applied to all people with 3+ kids regardless of tax bracket. economic policies that target population control based on econmic standing always unfarily affect other races. That's dangerous territory to be comfortable with.
  5. from that same article: don't just read the part you agree with.
  6. I'm saying an administration that blocks access to birth control and abortion and then PENALIZES people who have more than two kids is scamming the American public. I think the people who chose to have 3 or more kids should enjoy the same tax breaks that those who have less kids currently enjoy. The current net effect isn't that. you don't think that because you are bad at math? The democrats don't really run on a national debt as a talking point, but the republicans do and have a track record of doing 100% the opposite of what they claim. Both parties have their contributions to the debt increases, but if you poll republican voters reducing the debt always weighs highs, but their politicians seldom actually do it.
  7. this is not the whole picture. There are tax exemptions for the lower tax brackets that are being allowed to expire that this "decrease" does not make up for. What's an example of what's expiring? The $4,050 personal exemption which you can claim for you, your spouse, and each of your dependents. This really fucks over people who have 3 or more kids because without it, even with the rate reductions - their tax bill increases. The reductions still favor the higher income classes and the projections of the increase in the national debt are staggering. Actually, let's talk about the national debt for a second, I find it completely disingenuous that the republicans make debt reduction a part of the platform and then in every instance since Reagan have managed to increase it. It's just straight up lying to the American people. You have to be one of the least informed motherfuckers I have ever met: http://www.crfb.org/blogs/has-president-obama-doubled-national-debt https://www.thebalance.com/us-debt-by-president-by-dollar-and-percent-3306296 Reagan, Bush 1, and Bush 2, all added more than Obama to the national debt, and honestly some of the debt growth under Obama's first term could be attributed to W initiatives that were passed when he was in office but didn't take effect until Obama took office. Reagan more than tripled our national debt because of reaganomics and heavy defense spending and the current CIC is poised to do exactly the same thing.
  8. Geeto67

    2000 Viper GTS

    wasn't Imstock2 that guy arrested for like welfare scam or beating his woman or something like that?
  9. I am not denying there is ignorance in the world, but I am optimistic that it is a much smaller population than Fox News would have us believe. Will it cause unrest? I don't think it would on the scale that political destabilization is currently causing. And again I don't think it would be against us, but the other life form itself.
  10. I will add here, nobody says you have to commit to a position. Just be open to the possibility and receptive to whatever evidence is presented. I have to be honest, I don't know why people think religion and aliens are opposing positions. I have never seen a religious text from any of the major religions that said we are the only creatures created by God. Quite the opposite actually.
  11. The content was interesting, it's just the original site you posted was a pain to navigate with all the ad revenue generating next buttons to see every little pic.
  12. I was playing with the horizon hobby revolution rezo at hobby land the other day. It's a micro indoor quad copter but it's the perfect learning tool. Shameless plug: it's $34. I bought one for my 6 year old because she wants to learn to fly drones after taking her to the indoor fun fly. It has a camera but the quality is low res. It's a nice training quad because it has an automatic takeoff button, auto stabilization, etc. it's the perfect cheap way to find out if you are going to like the hobby or not and learn the controls before you drop serious money on equipment.
  13. the house is kind of interesting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billionaire_%28Los_Angeles,_California%29 I am surprised nobody mentioned this yet but the helicopter is a replica of the bell 222A that was used in Airwolf. The actual 222A that flew in Airwolf was involved in a fatal crash in 1992. The one on the house is a fiberglass replica made from a non-operational 222A for a helicopter museum in Tennessee. It was modified by west coast customs in 2015 including a repaint to the original airwolf colors and then installed on the helipad in the house. I believe the helipad is actually functional, but because of the approach obstacles it is not operational, so they put airwolf there. I'm not gonna lie that's kind of neat. Since this is a car site this is probably more interesting than the original clickbait-y ripped directly from facebook link Brandon posted: https://jalopnik.com/check-out-the-cars-that-come-with-the-most-expensive-ho-1791348250 There are supposedly 30 motorcycles there too, but I can't seem to find a list or pictures. By the way, this house is for sale like your buddy's favorite car is for sale. It's on the market but nobody expects money to actually change hands. I'm pretty sure anybody who can afford this looks at this situation and just sees a designer fishing for a sucker. The home is more of a calling card for the designer than anything else and it's station as the most expensive home is part of the marketing plan. I would kill for this coffee table:
  14. Geeto67

    2000 Viper GTS

    At this point you have to know this is a joke, right?
  15. Geeto67

    2000 Viper GTS

    LOL. I still say, you get raging drunk, forget about the supra for a month or so, and then attack it again a month later and see if the thrill is still gone. If it is, then part it out and be done with it.
  16. Assuming development happens at all. I heard Neil Degrass Tyson put this in perspective the other day when he noted the dinosaurs inhabited this earth for longer than they have been extinct (they inhabited for roughly 135 million years and only have been extinct for 65million) and there is no evidence that their society evolved into something similar to ours with tools and structure (it may have, we just have no proof, but it is unlikely). Many species have been on earth for hundreds of millions of years (e.g. crocodiles and sharks) and while they have evolved, they didn't really develop into a complex society. BTW, how did we get this far without someone posting this: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/158/329/9189283.jpg
  17. Some of the more modern discoveries of lost tribes. But again not all. If your lost tribe is "discovered" by workmen clearing amazon rainforest it's probably gonna end with murdered villagers and burned huts. Discovered by scientists and explorers? you might fair better. But in each of those scenarios you mention or I mention, the indigenous people don't start killing each other in a great frequency just because they had contact with a strange speaking white man. Sure they did it later when encouraged by the "discoverers" and given the advantage of advance weaponry, but it wasn't part of the initial contact. But,the question isn't "will we be better off?", the question was "will just the information of positive confirmed proof of extraterrestrial life cause a mass panic or hysteria among all the humans on earth"? You say yes, I say no, and we can each cite why we disagree. "What we know" is the key element there. In terms of universal knowledge what we know compared to what's out there is like comparing a single rain drop to the combined world's oceans. It's fun to speculate with robots and time travel, and other things, but it could be that whatever it actually is exists beyond our limitations of comprehension at this stage in our evolution. What if these things move like nothing else because we don't know enough about our physical environment and we may never know because we are unable to perceive it?
  18. A lot of that outcome depended on the nature of the discoverer, not the reaction to being "discovered". Columbus, Magellan, etc...they weren't exactly altruistic explorers, they were treasure seekers looking to increase a fortune by any means. Even if our first contact is with hostile creatures I highly doubt we will start killing ourselves en masse over it. I'm not saying there won't be fear, there will be - but fear doesn't always lead to mass hysteria, riots, and murder. Sometimes it just leads to electing a dipshit your leader. By the way, that would be the largest bummer. We make contact with aliens, and it is at a time when our leader is an inarticulate, overreacting, manchild. Holy shit that would suck. Want to shit yourself in fear over aliens? Try to imagine all the foreign diseases they might give us "by accident" and all the ones we will give them in return. It's a plausible Armageddon scenario for both species, assuming compatible biology. heck even if they biology is only compatible with house cats it could affect the world catastrophically.
  19. I think knowledge has been held back because those conducting actual research do not want amateur speculators dragging garbage into their research. Having a popular opinion that is scientifically unsupported can lead to confirmation bias, it can influence people in ways they hadn't anticipated before, it can taint actual evidence as people rush to fake more. Science has enough of a hard time overcoming the garbage pop culture spews that people accept (see my example of marty and doc time travel from before) without people trying to actively interfere.
  20. If you spend all your time in the sewer, then everything it gonna look like shit. There are scores of people who are logical, thoughtful, intelligent, etc...but you aren't gonna find them in any great measure on social media. At this point, I think pop culture and the constant swirl of society has prepared most people for the idea that aliens exist. I don't know that it will be that much of a shock to the majority of people. Don't get me wrong, there will be excitement, but in terms of shock value it could probably be on par with columbus, magellan, or the vikings interacting with natives of lands they previously had not visited.
  21. There are two things that the Trump election and subsequent political events positively proved for America: 1) the voting system is not rigged (at least not in the way most people think it is) 2) If the politician has no fear of losing his seat, he/she has no fear about selling out the majority of his/her constituents to a special interest on specific issues. Until this recent action, Net Neutrality was having a hard time registering with people despite a lot of really aggressive advertising in it's favor. But now? It may be one of the bigger items in the 2018 congressional elections. All 435 voting house seats will be up for grabs as well as 33 senate seats, 1 in each of the following states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. In Ohio Sherrod Brown's seat is coming up for grabs, and he supports net neutrality, so he needs to hold his seat. Rob Portman does not support NN, but his term doesn't expire till 2022. But Bill, Steve, and Brad in the house of representatives? all their seats are up for grabs and putting a NN friendly person in them will make it possible for a bill to pass if it gets introduced.
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