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Posts posted by omni.gipson

  1. thanks guys.

    glad everything worked out for ya, was a pleasure working on your bike

    I was referred to you for some bike work, like powder coating rims to be more specific, I'm seeing though you do a lot more then that.
  2. Welcome and thank you for your service. And yes give Hoblick a shout on here he does great powdercoating work. Or look him up on Facebook to see his work, just search for "Late Apex" on FB he will the one in Marysville.

    Awesome I'm going to try and figure out how to search for people on this app. I need to make my way up to iron pony for some new side mirrors.
  3. Crazy there's not a lot that can weird me out lol been in the navy to long for that haha. Sounds like Washington state with out the humidity I'll try to make the best of it. I'll be here for 2.5 more years anyway[emoji12]

  4. My name is Omni I was born in Texas but grew up in Washington state. Army Bratt! I am in the world's greatest Navy and have been for the past 8 years. I just moved, well got stationed out in Ohio and the people are so much nicer here then in California... I could do without all the snow though goodness! There should be a warning label on ohio for how cold it gets for people like me lol.

    I've been riding for over a year so I guess you can call me a newbie but I can handle my own really well. [emoji41] I've seen a few riders out and about, now trying to make some friends and do a group ride every once in awhile.


    Omni ♡


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