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    2013, Honda, CB1000r

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  1. Hello everyone, I am new here; introduced by a good friend and mentor of mine. I am still "new" to riding however. I have only ridden my Shadow for around 2 years in Northern Michigan until I moved down to Ohio for work. Yes, the great migration got to me too. I sold the bike long before I came down to Ohio and kick myself everyday for doing that. So with that, I decided its time to get back into riding. Only now, that I am married, it was time to introduce my husband to riding as well. A little more about myself and my family? Ask away. I'm just a goofball who enjoys making people laugh their asses off. My husband and I enjoy bored games, tabletop games, and of course video games. We am more of a PC and Retro gamer type these days it seems. I include him (Andy) in every part of my life and vise versa. Our comedy comes in pairs although I take way less time to warm up to people. Think FI vs carb in that aspect. We are photographers(me) and cinematographers(Andy) What I might want out of this community? Friends, contacts, community itself, fun. Someone to convince my husband I am not going to die every time I ride maybe LOL? But in all seriousness I am looking for friends to hang out with, share ideas, work on projects together, and of course ride together. Anything I can bring to the table? I am IT and know a thing or two about electrical work. I'm also not afraid to crawl into the hood of any car and come out black as night. I love helping my friends with their car and motorcycle projects or simply being a point of contact when they need a tech to look at their computer for them. Fair note. I only give advice for free once when it comes to tech. I also would be happy to do photos for the groups here to sharpen my car photography skills, and Andy would not mind getting more videos in of customized bikes at shows, meets,or events. So its nice to find a group and hopefully make new friends in the process. Thank you all! Your friendly neighborhood W.T.F., - Nash
  2. Yeah that was a random encounter for sure! That thing is LOUD!
  3. Hey man. It was good meeting you the other night. This is Chris, with the White STI.
  4. Ok so I ended up experimenting with the touch-up paint from Subaru. On the smaller stuff it works great, and on scratches. On the larger chip you can see it does not match perfectly but its pretty darn close. Using the Turtle wax scratch remover kit makes the chips disappear completely. So rejoice, there is some hope after all for us SPW scoobie owners. Ill take pics later and show the work.
  5. I am not. I am near Brice and No Bixby And thank you for the reply. I was worried about the color when I got it. if worse comes to worse there is always plastidipping the car and then using the pearlizer and glossifier.
  6. Some pics I took with a phone. http://i58.tinypic.com/2aiplzn.jpg http://i58.tinypic.com/onv45.jpg http://i62.tinypic.com/2zdokm8.jpg
  7. So for a few months I have been researching on different forums for what is the best touch up paint for the tricolor "satin pearl white," with little to no good idea. My goal is to find a near perfect match to the original paint. This is only a temporary solution because late in the summer I am going to completely repaint the front fender, the hood, and the rear with the SPW. Sadly I just do not have the time or expense to do it now and it looks bad. Has anyone ever fixed chips in this color before from Subaru? If so please help. I dont want to drop the money on a product that will look so off you can spot it from arms length away. Also, has anyone every used dr. colorchip with this color? We just used it to fix a few scratches in my friends red Prius and it was a perfect match.
  8. "So are you telling me, you built a time machine... out of a Delorian?" - Marty McFly There is a level of "why" in this project that is so vast the entire cosmos seems microscopic when compared to it. On the other hand there is a level of awesome as well. If their point was not only to show their fabrication skills, but to also stir up the masses, they pointedly succeeded. In the end not a bad marketing strategy. It is like those annoying commercials you cant get out of your head. you'll never forget the Lambstang despite wishing you could.
  9. Thank you Clay. I cant wait to get some great shots for you this Saturday to post on your site.
  10. Hello everyone, I was invited here by Clay from Columbus Cars and Coffee. I have been looking for a group like this for a while since moving to Columbus from "northern" Michigan and I am quite glad Clay pointed me in the right direction. Cars have always been a passion for me and I enjoy not only working on them but trying new things and experimenting to see the end result; a tinkerer of sorts you could say. I’m still just an amateur in my own opinion, and have a lot to still learn. Right now my main goal is to learn more about autocross and become a more proficient driver on any track. That being said I am lifelong student and will never stop trying to improve myself and learn from others. Another great passion of mine is photography and cinematography. Car photography would be second to none on my list and really enjoy employing my massive and diverse techniques and trick photography to cars. It is amazing the kinds of work one can accomplish with nothing more than a portable light box, and 30 seconds of one’s time for a beautiful long exposure shot. One of my specialties is 360x180 panoramic spheres. My goal here is to start doing more of these abstract pieces at the racetracks of Ohio with a group of cars circled around me to capture the world of racing in a new perspective. With that in mind, If anyone here wants photos or video please send me a message and we can come up with a date and time to meet up. That being said, the only time I do not charge is at events and for promotional work for a few close friends and their businesses. As for my own car, I own a 2011 WRX STI. The story of that car is a fun one, and I mean fun in an extremely sarcastic manner. However, that story is best told over a beer at 16 Bit or Hookah at one of the lounges in the city. Either way, I look forward to meeting you guys and learning a great deal as well as helping out with events and doing photo and video work as well. Sincerely, Chris Marshall (My STI, Taken with a phone, does not represent the quality of my work) http://i58.tinypic.com/2aiplzn.jpg http://i58.tinypic.com/onv45.jpg http://i62.tinypic.com/2zdokm8.jpg A few pictures of many, that I have taken while at Cars and Coffee in Hudson http://i62.tinypic.com/2co2zpl.png http://i62.tinypic.com/3136gk5.png http://i61.tinypic.com/23tp91z.png http://i60.tinypic.com/15mbxnk.png
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