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Everything posted by MrMeanGreen

  1. Shawn, you're still not paid up for 2008. Lemme know.
  2. I had a long night and overslept. I'm leaving soon.
  3. For the first time ever, we've maxed out a track event. There are some pissed off people out there, but you snooze you lose. The point of this thread is this; If you bought a spot and cannot go, make a post and let CR know so another member can purchase your spot from you. Members with spots available: 9t1GVR4 If two people come to an agreement, PM me with the person selling and the person buying as well as the info for the buyer so I can update the list. The funds transaction is between the people, so leave me out of it. It doesn't matter if you bought a SM slot or regular slot. If there's any questions, lemme know.
  4. Kirk, I was at the hospital last Sunday night. Couldn't check if you were working
  5. PM Golden Goat, he has a '93 Cobra.
  6. Chris, dad was over here and told me he needed one
  7. I'll look into it. Thanks for the FYI.
  8. Like we talked about, Chris. I looked two years for dad's car and all SVO parts were either outrageous or special order. I'd personally go, but someone is moving out and I have to be present.
  9. MrMeanGreen


    Steve, I still have it. Rob, yeah. Tom's a close friend of mine from HS. He's actually on here, aka SilverCivic. Tell him he needs to quit being a vag and call me
  10. MrMeanGreen


    I actually made a new thread in there, too, for the illusion. Haha
  11. Jimmy, prices are required. Even for pimp motherfuckers like you
  12. Can you call me in the morning? BTW, send my tranny out for the new seals
  13. Ok, I'll get with ya. Yay for NES, I miss that shit.
  14. I'll take them, shit. Cash or Paypal? Can I get them Wednesday? I'll be downtown at the courthouse.
  15. I saw someone say T-Mobile in another post and for whatever reason said yes to Sprint and sim cards. Oops. Again, my VX9800 has nothing of what you're describing. It's probably built in to those POS RAZR phones. I hate those damned things anyways. Go look at a VX10000 Voyager or VX9900 EnV (which the 9900 is $30 with agreement). They're nice, have good internet interaction, and some nice features overall.
  16. I know where he lives. I stalk him. His WS6 will never die.
  17. My Verizon phone has no lines or software overlay, so I'm not sure what you're referring to. I run the LG VX9800.
  18. Brian, do you wanna handle more sponsor prizes or should Ben B. do it? Text me.
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