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The Pikey

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About The Pikey

  • Birthday 09/24/1969

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  • Vehicles(s)
    Electric blanket mobile

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I bought a few boxes from The Anderson's last year. I haven't been back in a while to see if they still sell it. peace
  2. I've never done a timed lap of 270. It's just a name I made up (King of 270) even before CR was around just to get some friendly roll races. Honestly, I would not have had the guts to do a full lap, unless it was with a lot of spotters and a co-pilot. Even then, any clean lap would be pure luck for anyone. Peace
  3. Damn...forgot all about the twice grilled:cool: Their fried beef burrito was great, too! Peace
  4. I haven't read all the comments in that vid, but that looks like a static picture to me. No lights flicker or move at all in the backround, even when they zoom in. Peace
  5. I will be there just to throw a bottle at your face!!!! Oh yeah...peace
  6. I know some people hate sound-whoring (people that wear gaming headsets) but the fact that you can only hear your own footsteps, unless you have ninja equipped, is downright annoying. Sound cues have been in online gaming for a long time. It seems the only reason to use that perk is just so you can't hear yourself walking. I hope the pro version of the perk changes that. Peace
  7. I took it back yesterday, and was told I have to wait 7days (Rapid Exchange is what he called it)...wtf? I thought the warranty meant I walked in with defective item, walk out with replacement. I do see a PS3 in my near future.
  8. My barely one year old 360 Elite has the E73 error message (1/4 red ring) I have a best buy warranty (good until 2011) What parts of the 360 need to be taken back for an exchange? I know I keep the hard drive. thanks Peace
  9. I was living in Vegas when CR started (moved there right after 9/11). The previous tenants of the apartment I lived in had run up a cable bill of over $500. It took me two weeks to prove I was in no way related to them before I could get my cable turned on. I must have watched the movie Snatch (only dvd I owned) around 100 times during that period. Hence: The Pikey was born! Peace
  10. Blue Ginger. It's two doors down from Mongolian BBQ, right off Sawmill. Peace
  11. That on the scene reporter would get it!
  12. Blue Ginger FTW, for all of their food! Peace
  13. The Pikey


    Yes, yes it is...much thanks to Akula! He had it done in around 20 minutes, and I'm back in High def:) Peace
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