OH 97SC300
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Everything posted by OH 97SC300
I talked with Mike.....looks like we are going to do this on the next one (Sept 2). The forecast was just too bad last night, although today turned out awesome, go figure. Mark your calendars. Let's roll 20-50 cars deep
Count me in, I have a few others coming with too. Looks like we should be able to roll a solid 5-10 cars deep.
Wow......great turn out. Here are a few pics. We rolled about 15 deep from Columbus. The roads were dry and didn't have rain all day. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/Dayton%20Cars%20and%20Coffee%20Oct%202016/Dayton%20Cars%20and%20Coffee%20May%202017/AC2B1B5A-F0FD-408A-B3A7-A7AF9712FEBB.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/Dayton%20Cars%20and%20Coffee%20Oct%202016/Dayton%20Cars%20and%20Coffee%20May%202017/4029A888-4C7A-46FA-A9A0-E507A5D3F7ED.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/Dayton%20Cars%20and%20Coffee%20Oct%202016/Dayton%20Cars%20and%20Coffee%20May%202017/AB574662-8876-4958-8FA9-9B0341540F40.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/Dayton%20Cars%20and%20Coffee%20Oct%202016/Dayton%20Cars%20and%20Coffee%20May%202017/2F6C6057-B85E-4BF4-810C-E458B83E6105.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/Dayton%20Cars%20and%20Coffee%20Oct%202016/Dayton%20Cars%20and%20Coffee%20May%202017/6A976569-5C3F-4571-906C-EF93E16080B6.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/Dayton%20Cars%20and%20Coffee%20Oct%202016/Dayton%20Cars%20and%20Coffee%20May%202017/FB03BA15-04F3-47D6-9A8E-F1823BBD72FB.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/Dayton%20Cars%20and%20Coffee%20Oct%202016/Dayton%20Cars%20and%20Coffee%20May%202017/C579DADE-D75C-4C74-98CA-80FEB428DE18.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/Dayton%20Cars%20and%20Coffee%20Oct%202016/Dayton%20Cars%20and%20Coffee%20May%202017/0D608F4A-8514-4795-A5E7-0ADE66AA01D0.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/Dayton%20Cars%20and%20Coffee%20Oct%202016/Dayton%20Cars%20and%20Coffee%20May%202017/7B0969B3-1D02-4289-9C80-515F7F8E839F.jpg
Yeah, they moved cause they apparently out grew the old location. They have met there either once or twice so far. I do have an update. So I've come to find out that another group was also putting together a drive over the same day and within 30mins of when our group was leaving. I talked to their organizer and we decided to combine efforts. He had more confirmed than I did, his 14'ish to my 8. So I told him we would just mesh into his group. New time and location is this. Meeting at the Starbucks in off of Hilliard-Rome Rd in front of the Meijer at 0600, leaving promptly at 0615. They plan on taking a highway road over to Dayton vs interstate also. So as it sits right now, we have a solid 20+ cars locked in, probably a few more. We are going rain or shine. If anyone is planning on going from CR, post it here so we can get more accurate counts. See you guys Saturday. Mike
Sounds good Clay. I have about 6 cars confirmed and a few possibles. The more the merrier as far as I'm concerned. The drive to and from was just as fun as the event last year.
Well, it's that time. Last fall I posted a group of us rolling deep over to Cars N Coffee in Dayton, was an awesome turn out, look at previous post, I bumped it to the top. Going to do it again Saturday May 27. Basically what we did was met up on the west side of Columbus, convoyed over to Dayton, met another group of car guys, then rolled up into the actual event with a combined group. The logistics and timing of everything worked out very well last time. For those that are interested, let's meet at the Value City parking lot on the west side (4300 W Broad St, Columbus, OH 43228). That will allow us to easily leave the parking lot and simply turn right and be on 270 right away. We should all be able to stay together, for the most part. I need everyone that is coming in that parking lot promptly by 6:30am. Will leave within 5-10 mins of that time. Who's in? I'd like to get a good idea of count. I've already got firms from about 7 cars from Columbus.
Went to spectate. From that stand point, disappointing. I suppose if I went to race at all, whether on track or autocross, would've been better, seeing as how it wasn't too busy.
I don't want to be "that guy".....but me and a buddy checked it out last year. We were both pretty disappointed. Pretty expensive and wasn't all that. I will not be going back, doubt I'd go if it was free
I'm glad to hear the positive feedback. Let's keep the thread alive and as winter starts to wind down, we will firm up the plan.
Ok........I'd like some honest feedback and thoughts of participating in something like this. First of all....let me explain where this is coming from. I used to have a Twin Turbo Stealth (back in the day) (some of you may actually remember that). There was a "National Gathering" of other Stealths and 3000GT owners out in Ocean City Maryland each year. I made it out to two of them. We would coordinate with other cars in the region (Ohio, MI, KY, etc..) and we convoyed over to MD. We rolled usually 15-20 cars all the way over. I think the drive over was more fun than the actual event. I've been apart of other car events where I'd meet with up other car guys and drive over to the event. Whether it was just driving over to National Trails or Norwalk. The drive again was usually the funniest part. It wasn't necessarily about driving stupid and racing the entire time neither. Driving thru small towns, everyone just seems to stop and stare when you drive thru with 10-20 nice cars, lol. So this got me thinking, why not start something like this where the actual event was just driving somewhere, lol. I wouldn't want to make it a weekly thing, I'm sketchy to even want to do it monthly, I'm thinking every month and a half, so maybe 4 or 5 times for the year, starting next spring'ish. Basically meet up somewhere like Easton around 7:30am on a given Saturday, during meet up I'll explain where we are headed, then head out around 8am, would be 1.5-2 hours out on average, stop at a small town, hang out for 30'ish mins, then head back to Cbus. That's kinda the basic concept, thoughts? Who would be actually interested in doing something like this? I think more the merrier.
Well......Dayton's Cars and Coffee is officially off the hizzy. I'm def not down playing what we have here in Columbus, but wow, theirs is 3-8 times bigger and tons of everything comes out. Here are a few pics. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/Dayton%20Cars%20and%20Coffee%20Oct%202016/IMG_7396.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/Dayton%20Cars%20and%20Coffee%20Oct%202016/IMG_7405_1.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/Dayton%20Cars%20and%20Coffee%20Oct%202016/IMG_7380.jpg
Yeah, they do their thing on top floor of parking garage. I'm told that the second from top is the over flow.
See above..........still good.
Event is still on.......I'd like to get an idea of cars for sure meeting up to roll over. Roll call!!
I like the traction this is getting so far. I bet we can have a crazy huge convoy of cars rolling over.
Ok......myself and a few other people are going to head over to Dayton's Cars N Coffee on October 8. Their event is between 8am - 11am. I think it would be awesome to get a large group from Columbus and "convoy" over that morning. For those that are interested, let's meet at the Value City parking lot on the west side (4300 W Broad St, Columbus, OH 43228). That will allow us to easily leave the parking lot and simply turn right and be on 270 right away. We should all be able to stay together, for the most part. I want to pull out of this lot promptly at 7am...so I'd say we start gathering around 6:30/6:45am. I've been told that where they get together fills up quickly, so I'd like to get there on the earlier side. This is their second to last event for the year. If October 8 has bad weather that morning, I will strive to make October 22 the "rain check" day, which will be their last event of year. Here is their website with address and info http://daytoncarsandcoffee.com/events/ I've heard they have a very large event and i think it would be fun to roll 20+ deep into their event. Who is in? Mike
I've decided to keep the car. NOT FOR SALE anymore. I had a moment of crazy.....sorry.
Thanks man. Here is a pic of how it looked when we purchased the house...... http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/2010%20CTS%20V/IMG_4157.jpg Halfway thru renovation........ http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/2010%20CTS%20V/IMG_4208.jpg Final product... http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/2010%20CTS%20V/IMG_2061.jpg
Wow...Howard and Tommy....blast from the past. Glad to see you guys around. Thanks Tommy.....the car is amazing and have nothing but great things to say about it. This isn't the end of the line for me and a fast car, I have a plan to get another "sports car", but my first step is to get a truck for a daily driver. Howard....hows the new house? We going boarding this year any? Interested?
Just posted it the other day. Thanks for the idea. Link below. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/5386661681.html
It is with deep regret that I'm going to sell my CTS-V. I'm only selling it because I have a growing family and have decided to make the sacrifice. It is a 2010 white diamond tri-coat, 6 speed manual transmission, black interior. The car has every option that came for it, recaro seats, ultraview roof, suede steering wheel. It only has 45000 miles. I have done the tasteful modifications someone that likes speed would appreciate. One of the pictures shows the list of mods that were done. I used this car as my daily driver without any worries. If you are looking for a great condition V or want a four door sedan that can smoke most other sports cars on the road, look no further. You won't be disappointed. Price is $39,000. There is only ONE trade I would consider......a 2014 Ford F-150 FX4 with all the bells and whistles. Please don't ask about any other trades. This is literally the vehicle I'm buying with the sale of this car. Thanks for looking. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/2010%20CTS%20V/V2%20right%20side.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/2010%20CTS%20V/V2%20left%20side.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/2010%20CTS%20V/V2%20front%20interior.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/2010%20CTS%20V/V2%20front%20seats.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/2010%20CTS%20V/V2%20odometer.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/2010%20CTS%20V/V2%20engine.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/2010%20CTS%20V/V2%20headers.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/2010%20CTS%20V/V2%20dyno.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/2010%20CTS%20V/V2%20Mod%20Receipt.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s15/mullenm76/2010%20CTS%20V/V2%20Sticker.jpg