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Everything posted by Bahnstoermer1647545488

  1. Sweet... how fast are they supposed to go under ideal conditions w/ typical rider?
  2. Try a sticker... that way if it turns out like Radio Flyer's, you can take it back off
  3. Yeah, if mine started delivering high maintenance bills I'd not be happy. I guess with 1100 miles though it shouldn't be...
  4. Interesting... I hope they do good things for Ducati. Despite my first 1098 going back under lemon law, it was a tiny manufacturing problem Ducati chose to make a horrible issue out of. Seeing that they're company is worth $850M and they have $800M in debt, perhaps that now makes more sense. The 1098 is awesome. I hope Audi continues the great, exotic, soul-ful bikes and fixes the finances... Thinking out loud, what if they wanted to pull a Gallardo --> R8 in the motorcycle realm? That would allow them to offer something aginst BMWs S1000RR... :0
  5. I like pretty ammo too. Nothing wrong with a little elegance in your weaponry Just curious, are you tumbling them first and then sonic cleaning? When I did the research it seemed to me in reality this wouldn't replace a tumbler, but would provide some benefit as an additional step to improve the overall cleaning job. I think I had decided that I would tumble, deprime, then sonic clean if I got a sonic cleaner but it was a while ago I looked at this so that may not be right. I'm still just using a tumbler only now. And it's true brass will tarnish over time no matter what ... not sure if that's what is happening to you or not. I may or may not have taken brass polish to clean up a box or two of my .375 ammo after sitting on the shelf for a year or two. Some of the cases had gotten really dark for some reason, now that $60 box of ammo looks like it's worth at least $30 again
  6. Car is hot! So far the only "WTF" I read about is that a Viper logo appears in the dash as you near redline..... there's always something that just has to scream "duhmb'merican." Hopefully they pull that so it doesn't ruin the rest of the car LOL.
  7. I hope Zimmerman sues NBC for millions for defamation of character or <fill in the blank> punitive damages. I don't care what, as long as they are found guilty and have to pay a shit ton. Someone has to send a SERIOUS message. I think that's the first "hate crime" I'd back prosecuting as a "hate crime."
  8. Yeah, was bummed to hear he thinks this is an issue government should be involved in. Sigh.
  9. Boating is kick ass, my Ducati sits all summer now. Check out this thread... http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=78466
  10. I've been in there before, that place is insane, a total blast from the past. Feels like 1905 in there!
  11. Boats n Hoes... Great day to post pics! Saw someone out on Griggs today... 72 degrees and sun certainly does put ya in the mood
  12. ..oh and go to First Communion together too.
  13. If they would all just pray the Rosary over there everything would be better.
  14. Good bolt gun no? Why only mil style rifles?
  15. They've always been good to me, let me shoot free once since I only shot for like 15 minutes... rather kind of them! They were a bit foolish sounding to my girlfriend though, I can't remember what the guy said but it was her, me, and her father, and one of the guys made some comment about her, only mildly inappropriate but still rather curious. Anyway, I side with the "they have to deal with a bunch of idiots and talkers all day, so cut 'em a little slack" argument mostly. Though the other shops in town as far as I know put their guns in safes every night, I still feel bad for them, and if someone took out the wall and the city is suing them, that's some bullshit.
  16. Looks kinda like Xavier in that picture LOL
  17. Buy one good one instead LOL. I think to get a 1911 worth owning you're in the $800-1200 dollar range? But hey, you keep guns for life, so I never worry about saving my dollars for a worthy firearm purchase.
  18. End of story. Just started counting calories myself and it's going to be the missing link in my workout life. Go get an iPhone app like loseit - super easy to use and tells you all kinds of great stuff. This will be my most fit summer yet.
  19. I carry a 5" Kimber and it's not an issue, because 1911s are so thin mostly. A double stack weapon of that size would be pushing it but... the only thing I'd change is that I wouldn't have gotten the rail. I have a light for nighttime home defense, but realistically there's no way you're going to unholster your carry piece at night, put a light on it, and take it off again every morning. So my light is now on my AR that sits next to my bed and the pistol is permanently in its holster, meaning the rail isn't needed, and it actually adds a non-trivial amount of weight to gun I don't need. So I'd say a 4" or 5" gun without a rail and you're good to go. Steel or aluminum frame will work, aluminum is obviously lighter but there are trade offs. My guns is steel frame, for my only pistol I'd choose steel again.
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