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Everything posted by Farkas

  1. Yeah, the coilovers are all the way down right now with the collars in, I'll report back when I remove some other parts to get it lower and I get the suspension stuff finished
  2. Well, I didn't see you at the NBPL qualifiers, so that must speak for something
  3. I didn't end up using your hood and etc, I found a white jetta at pick n pull.
  4. Let's see who is observant.. Ready... Go. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs226.snc4/38618_594081609037_50609503_33791999_3034265_n.jpg
  5. I appreciates everyones' comments, and it's great to see so many people have a interest for their oldschool imports
  6. Finally in a respectable state where I can get photos, enjoy- http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c8/eightsixgts/DSC_0472.jpg http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c8/eightsixgts/DSC_0466.jpg http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c8/eightsixgts/DSC_0468.jpg http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c8/eightsixgts/DSC_0479.jpg http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c8/eightsixgts/DSC_0492.jpg http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c8/eightsixgts/DSC_0488.jpg http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c8/eightsixgts/DSC_0499.jpg With the little time that I have, I got the engine in for the last time after making clearance in the firewall for the distributor, but I just need to hang the exhaust and work out my fuel situation and then I'll be able to fire it up for the first time. All you fuckers need to quit asking when it will be finished, and if you will see it out next weekend.. the answer is not soon and NO.
  7. Hahahah, I know.. but it sincerely is a joke.
  8. Farkas

    Z faggot

    You made my shit list when you posted your rant in my Pelotonia thread.
  9. Farkas

    Z faggot

    Is the circle jerk done?
  10. Farkas

    Z faggot

  11. It's Photobucket, I've had teh same problems... calm down killer.
  12. That's played... Feed 'em and Fuck 'em.
  13. I gave her the boot New! http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c8/eightsixgts/IMG_0045.jpg
  14. Farkas

    wth guys

    co-signed by me.
  15. What's the reason for selling?
  16. I remember meeting you at the Cars and Coffee earlier this year, welcome aboard!
  17. This would be perfect for a kegerator
  18. Farkas


    This is like the video, but in ASCII form.
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