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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. Oh, right, the blue Z06. Probably because the vid title is camaro vs Z06.. lol.
  2. I think the camera car was filming a race between Linn and that newer Camaro.
  3. http://s5.postimg.org/qof2zx3bb/racist_beer425x514_vi.jpg
  4. http://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?listingId=345503994 If you're into the worst exterior and interior colors ever on a car..
  5. Take the two bottom screws off, slide off back glass, vice versa.. Looks like the front glass is a pita though, I'd just go spend the $80.
  6. what model iphone? I replaced the back glass on mine for $10 shipped from Amazon. I'm sure the front glass is a little more expensive but not as much as a new phone would be..
  7. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-57582624/1-killed-in-houston-airport-shooting/ He didn't get too far with his plans.
  8. http://www.shockmansion.com/wp-content/myimages/2013/05/Posted-On-Shock-Mansion-187.jpg
  9. I used to live next door to Pryor's girlfriend off Sawmill Rd around that time. She was pretty god damn hot.
  10. I just asked the girl where she goes. Stone Creek on 256 in Pickerington, like someone also said above. She said it's fantastic there, supposedly renowned as one of the best dental offices in/around Columbus. She just had major tooth surgery a couple weeks ago.. literally had a tooth removed and a new one "installed" and I don't know what else to say besides it looks like a real tooth.
  11. cr and personal hygiene go together like two things that don't go together. Anyways, I go to some place in Reynoldsburg off 256 and don't like it there.. so don't go there.
  12. Virginia beach was one of my favorite vacations so far.. but I don't go on many.
  13. Man now that you mention it, I can't think of any map that isn't laid out like that.
  14. I'm with Evan, sounds like you need a new wife
  15. Never even tried it. Wasn't that something you get only if you pre-order the game? (I didn't)
  16. blue is faster, but white looks good too.
  17. that zombie shit is gay as fuck. It went full-on gay with all the puzzles and shit. I've played it like three times.
  18. I do like playing bot matches, something only treyarch has done. I also like playing those spec ops missions though.. something only IW has done. I wouldn't mind them knocking out the campaign completely to have both of those in the next one, along with a better multiplayer. That obviously won't happen, since they're going to be competing with BF4 for some big gay cinematic single player game with overly dramatic scenes that you don't even hardly control.
  19. http://25.media.tumblr.com/75c6113a27930042120660fc57fecdc5/tumblr_mlt1lhsKr71qb6cnho1_250.gifhttp://25.media.tumblr.com/75c6113a27930042120660fc57fecdc5/tumblr_mlt1lhsKr71qb6cnho1_250.gifhttp://25.media.tumblr.com/75c6113a27930042120660fc57fecdc5/tumblr_mlt1lhsKr71qb6cnho1_250.gif http://25.media.tumblr.com/75c6113a27930042120660fc57fecdc5/tumblr_mlt1lhsKr71qb6cnho1_250.gifhttp://25.media.tumblr.com/75c6113a27930042120660fc57fecdc5/tumblr_mlt1lhsKr71qb6cnho1_250.gifhttp://25.media.tumblr.com/75c6113a27930042120660fc57fecdc5/tumblr_mlt1lhsKr71qb6cnho1_250.gif http://25.media.tumblr.com/75c6113a27930042120660fc57fecdc5/tumblr_mlt1lhsKr71qb6cnho1_250.gifhttp://25.media.tumblr.com/75c6113a27930042120660fc57fecdc5/tumblr_mlt1lhsKr71qb6cnho1_250.gifhttp://25.media.tumblr.com/75c6113a27930042120660fc57fecdc5/tumblr_mlt1lhsKr71qb6cnho1_250.gif
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