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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. if there were more colors than we can perceive, wouldn't they be black and white to us? Or maybe our version of grey is some crazy acid trip color
  2. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-MUN2pt1KJB0/UWPBhNGMXVI/AAAAAAAA1MI/X-yHQ665-Xw/s1600/1.gif
  3. You can play it on xbox live.. love that game. I'll definitely check this place out.
  4. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=111466
  5. Sounds like work. I'd rather just mention that I could be wrong.
  6. I may be wrong, but it could be worth a shot going to your optometrist saying bright light hurts your eyes. Get a little piece of paper and throw it in your glove box to show to the cops when you get pulled over.
  7. Bob that looks awesome man.
  8. Not sure if I ever posted this vid of my dogs
  9. spy shot of the 2016 roadrunner http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx162/crazyshopmonkey/helps%20shots/AAAspoiler.jpg
  10. Yeah, great concept, but it looks like 90% of the movie is going to revolve around this one family warding off intruders. "eh"
  11. Think he brake-checked them from a mile up the road?
  12. Next time I see you I'm going to kick you in the dick and run over you with my truck. Oops I misspoke I meant give you a handshake.
  13. I like how she tried interrupting a cop to inform him magazines get thrown away after being used once.
  14. Just googled it and no, guess it doesn't. BS 2 did, so I thought this one would as well. Guess they figured it was a failboat.
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