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Everything posted by wendemac

  1. We had been with out power since 6 am Thurs morning it recently came on around 4:20 am this morning. We have a wood burning FP & had installed a Gas Heater in the basement 2yrs ago. We made it through! Our son said the experience reminded him of the movie The Day After Tomorrow. Stay warm everyone!
  2. Supposedly an icy mix is the forcast for the morning drive.
  3. Yes it is! Very early! Happy Holidays.
  4. My husband has a 89 VM Golf, rusty, broken rear axle, no head lining or sun visors. He bought it for $120.00 but it runs well.
  5. Sorry to hear about your basement! Ours appears to be working overtime.
  6. The Anderson's have a nice selection that are also resonably priced. Target also!
  7. I've never met you but take care, stay safe & may the time there go by quickly. Wende
  8. We've taking him back to the school on many occasions to get his homework. He also tried the I turned it in during class stuff too. When we had our 1 on 1 with his teacher we asked her if it was ok for him to bring the assignments home for us to verify. She agreed as long as they were turned in the next day. (anything they don't finish in class is considered their homework) Licking Heights has a web site where the teachers post upcoming projects for parent to check out. We also have her email address. Don't give up stay on him he'll one day thank you for it!
  9. I also have an 11 yr old son. He was un motivated as well. More so last year than this year. My husband goes up to the school each evening and write down the assignments on the board. Our son should also have these written down in his agenda book. We ask him every day what was the home work assignment if he lies, he's busted. No PS2, no company nothing but studying. Basically you may find yourself sitting down doing the homework with him & making sure he understands what he is doing. After a few month of this he did a complete turn around. I guess he got tired of us ragging on him everyday & sitting down treating him like a 6 yr old. We tried to stress to him we are doing this to benefit him. We also told him if he brought home all A & B's we'd buy him a new Bike. We also promise that if he can keep an A & B average the whole year we'd buy him a go kart. I must say we will be buying a new Bike for Christmas. He received his first A/B honor roll certificate last month. Sorry for the long long post but I truly know how you feel. Wende
  10. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  11. The Hubby & I will check it out this weekend. Here it's pretty good.
  12. I also thought it was very interesting too. I guess we'll know who believes what after election day.
  13. wendemac

    cat killers

    Sorry to hear about your cat. My next door neighbor has several if you're looking for another one.
  14. Squid & Shark I didn't like either one (yuk)
  15. Sorry! (I'm not trying to take your sale)I was just commenting. He just promised me he was going to put it on ebay.
  16. My husband also has an STI exhaust laying in the garage taking up space. We both have Greddy exhaust, not to loud but just enough to growl. Wende
  17. STI or EVO especially if you're looking for an all weather daily driver. Good luck !
  18. Wow! Definately makes you wonder.
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