I also have an 11 yr old son. He was un motivated as well. More so last year than this year. My husband goes up to the school each evening and write down the assignments on the board. Our son should also have these written down in his agenda book. We ask him every day what was the home work assignment if he lies, he's busted. No PS2, no company nothing but studying. Basically you may find yourself sitting down doing the homework with him & making sure he understands what he is doing. After a few month of this he did a complete turn around. I guess he got tired of us ragging on him everyday & sitting down treating him like a 6 yr old. We tried to stress to him we are doing this to benefit him. We also told him if he brought home all A & B's we'd buy him a new Bike. We also promise that if he can keep an A & B average the whole year we'd buy him a go kart. I must say we will be buying a new Bike for Christmas. He received his first A/B honor roll certificate last month.
Sorry for the long long post but I truly know how you feel.