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About DSM1290

  • Birthday 05/23/1983

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    55 Chevy Bel Air

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  1. I am inspecting the cam on my 04 Jetta TDI. The surface of the lobe should be a completely smooth machined surface correct? I can feel "lines/ridges" that run horizontally across some of the lobes.
  2. I have checked this that and the other. I give up. But thanks for the offer.
  3. I have an 06 Jetta Tdi. It has just had the turbo replaced. But continues not to run properly. I live in SE Ohio and don’t want to go to a dealership that will charge an arm and a leg. Any recommendation would be helpful.
  4. Its actually an 04. Just replaced the turbo on my Jetta. And it isn't really building boost and not running right. Its throwing codes about EGR issues. So i'm thinking about using a delete kit on it. I just wanted to know if anyone knew of any issues i might run into. The delete kit is $40 and the new egr vavle is $135. Any thoughts would help thanks.
  5. Do other people know of this craziness? http://www.powernationtv.com/post/this-supercar-is-made-in-america-and-under-80000-check-this-out/
  6. This is off topic but i just saw that ford has 1L engine. That is crazy small. Next thing you know they will down to a 600cc or some crap.
  7. Crazy. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Other-Makes-Custom-/201531172850?forcerrptr=true&hash=item2eec31a7f2:g:cOAAAOSwHaBWkDOi&item=201531172850
  8. i'm not trolling i'm trying to understand and express my opinion on the subject, kind of the point of this site. I know they do mile races thats what i'm saying those are a little more interesting. Those cars might blow up if they raced that far. That's why you build better cars if they can't handle the race. And i still don't really understand the point about the ins. like you said pretty much all business need ins. so yeah. Also the timers are not needed light turns green you go first the cross the lines wins. No need for time.
  9. to me 1/8 is just lame why don't you just make the race who has the quickest reaction time. what's next 1/16 mile or 60ft race? I think it would be cool to see mile races. Gives you a chance to race. Insurance, safety lack of tracks? For real it's racing its supposed to be dangerous that half the fun! And there are tons of tracks out there to run on. How many do you really need. and insurance i don't understand what you mean by that. And if you are doing "heads up" racing then turn off the timers.
  10. So they are at the track using timers and all that. But it doesn't matter who has the fastest time? I have said it before this racing is stupid. I still don't understand why these lames don't run a 1/4mile.
  11. I'm sure some of you have seen this before. But the setup on this thing is crazy. Just crazy! Blower/turbo/nitrous Crazy! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Chevrolet-Nova-/381539744053?forcerrptr=true&hash=item58d58a7935:g:zAoAAOSwKtlWtf-Q&item=381539744053
  12. can that be done with the engine in the car?
  13. It's a 5.0L and from idle to around 1800rpms the engine shakes the entire car horribly. after 1800 it smoothes out and runs fine. it's a worse when it's cold and cold out. The engine "runs" fine b/w idle and 1800 no spits or sputters just shakes the entire car. ANy ideas would help.
  14. Guys got my vote for bad ass mofo.
  15. Maybe you guys have seen this before but this thing is crazy! http://www.speedhunters.com/2015/10/fuel-cuda-a-dragster-in-disguise/
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