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Everything posted by dragknee66

  1. this is funny Vances paperwork takes all of 3 minutes to complete. Just because your a law student doesnt mean you couldnt have a criminal history. Now if I was anyone on the board here I would worry about selling you a firearm that came from my home.
  2. http://wigu.com/overcompensating/pictures/watermelon.png^ lolz
  3. Either way I do my part. When people call me a racist I throw it back in their face.. I love my black friends.
  4. Ill get back to you on the laptop later tonight..
  5. I see them there often yes. And believe it or not, the city AND sheriffs cruise the lot there. You can blame the fights and lack of police attention on the City though, thats the cities terriroty rite there. They had a good assult there about a month ago and someone got pretty f'd up. I was on a traffic stop at the time with a couple county guys and we heard it go out.
  6. Yes I believe thats going to be the winner. I like that shiz.
  7. Ding Ding Ding. Winner. Yes the cash I make these few weeks will completely cover every detail of my apartment, its a sacrafice worth while sons.
  8. I like... http://www.sciotovalley.com/images/prods/495__lg.jpg And http://www.sciotovalley.com/images/prods/powell_brandon_large.jpg ^ very simple looking and gets the job done as well. I will have to swing by in a few weeks when Im not working 103hrs a weeek.
  9. ^ 1 thing at a time putty lolz Checking Scioto valley now
  10. So to add to my place.. I would like the addition of a mini bar of some sort. Something I can walk behind thats about 4-6 feet wide or so. Nothing super fancy, but something where a few people could sit possibly and where my guests can make drinks. Anyone know where I can find something like this around town?
  11. west side of the city off wilson rd
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DRCBu1eP_U&mode=related&search= This has to be the funniest shit Ive seen in a LONG time!
  13. I think its wrong for the schools to provide.. but hey.. if thats what It takes to keep the dumb ass 14yr olds from getting each other pregnant because theyre stupid, then whatever The sad thing is the STD rate will probably sky rocket due to this.
  14. I could go to a bar and spend 50 bux on a chick and get laid most likely... or go to a strip club and spend 500 and get probably a trashier girl?
  15. I think we should just control birth all together! Make it so you have to get a doctors approval to have children. That would get rid of a LOT of welfare babies! It should be.... if you cant prove you can take care of a child, why the fuck should you be allowed to have one? If you cant lay off the drugs, then why should you be allowed to have children? To ME... having children should be a privilege, NOT a right. With all the corruption of the systems in society, it should just be this way in my opinion.
  16. Its a shame kids 12 years old are banging thats the real shame. Its the shitty schools that kids go to that get kids thinking about sex drugs and alcohol at age 13. I would never EVER consider putting MY child through a public school in Columbus lol
  17. No f'n shit. I dont think I want to have kids in this terrible world anyway. I think in 20 years this country will be shit.
  18. Oh ya, the god squad Ok next sunday at 3pm. Perfect for all!??
  19. Heres the scoop... I literally bought it to save like $80 a month on car insurance... Im getting another SUV because of all the special executive protection gigs ive been landing, so this car that WAS going to be a winter beater for me turned out to be WAY too small to use for these jobs. Youde really just have to stop by and take a peak to see what youre getting. There have been a lot of people that have drove by lately asking if it was for sale too. The car is sitting at my friends tow lot rite now available to see from 8am to about 8pm.
  20. Honey theres a horse running through our living room!! TROOOOJAAAAAN MMAAAAAANN!!
  21. Most users ever online was 221, 1st August 2005 at 07:41 PM That was a long time ago... We need to set a time and date for ALL of the active people to be on at the same time again so we can change the old number Lets shoot for a week from now.. on a Sunday maybe?? Sunday like noon or so? Such a dumb idea this is I know
  22. Pretty sure its a 4 door if I remember rite. Its clean title lol, but for $500 bucks does it really matter if it was salvage anyway
  23. Those looks like the plugs that came out of my old beater too! I dont know how the hell it ran, those looks just as bad!
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