some dude I guess I sold a hard drive to back in the day
I truthfully have no idea, it was such a long time ago, i have no records of any payments or anything.
GTOSHT would work but that wouldnt pass probably either.
I just went ahead with gtosnap, besides, i can change it in a few months anyways when winter comes around (it wont be driven in the winter for sure).
Drop all little extras for a year and get back? 0 into 401.. 0 into stock.. 0 hidden savings.. calculate all that for the rest of the year and see what you come up with. Probably wouldnt be worth it, but might be an interesting number.
Need ideas... havent had a custom plate in a while.
GTOGASM - probably wouldnt be allowed it
GTOSLOW good too even
? ideas
like to keep the gto in it