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Everything posted by dragknee66

  1. ... how I like cuffs on bad prisoners: Good 'n' Tight. ... how I like my showers: Wet and clean. ... how I like keys on my laptop: Easy to finger I could go all day with these hah
  2. Sounds like a good time hah. I have yet to make it to Vegas, I will some day though.
  3. the fucking video made me more upset than watching the kid wreck the car. way to cut out half the freaking video.
  4. Sam thats great! I see the sticker as well, excellent spot for it, you should be fine with that
  5. Yup it sucks, but thats how it works here in the state.. No one cares about the illegals, no one is doing a thing about it, they will continue to get away with near murder as always. Even taking them to jail or writing them tickets simply doesnt do anything at all. They will just change their idenity afterwards anyways. One day youll have Jose Vaquez and the next he will be Jose Castro.
  6. I also have a .21engine size buggy I would part with. Been sitting for a while with some after run engine oil in it, and has every single upgrade you could imagine. Let me know if youre interested.
  7. Im still in the village yup... My stepping stone here for bigger things down the road. I get into more then enough stuff here to keep me happy for a while. I took the CPD test this past Monday and I know I did well on all the parts this time, hopefully I can get a full time ride there. I will keep trying until I get on hah Jesse youll have to let me know that address
  8. Ive been looking forward to this day since June 13th of 2005 when I started the academy as a young cadet, graduated, was sworn in and began my first day of patrol with a partner of 14 years experience. I went from being told "sit down, shut up, watch and listen" to now telling others to do the same thing. Working my ass off since that day and sacraficing many days and nights of not being able to meet with family and friends, has finally paid off. After... 39 Arrests, 45 Citations and 36 Vehicle Impounds (estimates from what Ive kept track of, not including some of the others I was involved with), I was told last night when I came in for 3rd shift to "grab your own cruiser, its your show tonight..." That is all
  9. dragknee66


    Indeed. The next couple weeks should be just like this one hah. Yes, MI will get a kick in the nads as well. Wooooot.
  10. hah nice. I once realized that I didnt need DSMs anymore and just got into bikes instead, maybe you will do this too after you get the itch to move up from that 600 Maybe a nice.... 1000cc and some spray or a turbo to cure your speeding needs
  11. I hope the doc isnt moving away from polaris
  12. Good game or not, I dont understand why anyone would buy a ticket for $500 bucks, especially to sit alone.
  13. Eeeeek, dont EVER trade a reliable car for ANY DSM hah.
  14. dsmtrader.com dsmtuners.com columbusdsm.com as some one already mentioned. You should be able to find a stock/near stock/slightly modded one for 3k. Now the question is are you willing to travel a little ways to buy one, cant always find one locally.
  15. Actually my bad on that, correcting myself.. mid 11s at 115-120. My old 600 ran best of 11.4 with me on it. Oops
  16. I dont believe there is a single retail store that would match the pricing found on the internet. If its $300 cheaper than just order it online and have it delivered.
  17. good buy good on gas too good daily commuter for you good for mid 12s at around 115-120mph
  18. My 66yr old grandma had it done actually. She sees perfectly now, so it even works on old people
  19. way to change your name and all of your info, who are you hiding from!!?
  20. Sure if you call... pulling marihuanna, Oxycotten, Hand grenades, Handguns off of... convicted felons and known drug trafficers.... CHEAP. All of which I have been involved with.
  21. Ive been involed with stops from sticker PC yes. Have made lots of arrests from them as well.
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