"Drive Hammered, Get Nailed"
Heres how it works....
When your pulled over and suspected of driving under the influence, your asked to take the physcial tests and breathalyzer. Your told.. "If you refuse to take these tests you will lose your license for 1 year" blah blah. Most people reailze... losing their license for 6 months is better than losing it for a full year. What most dont know is that you can refuse to blow and refuse to walk the line.. ect.
Refuse all tests.
Youll be taken to the station, where you can refuse to blow again, youll spend the night there, and in the morning youll have no DUI.
You'll still have to go to court, but they wont have evidence of DUI if you didnt take the tests, therefor, you wont be charged with a DUI. Most of the time if this happens, most drivers end up getting wreckless operation.
Wreckless operation is better than a DUI.
Please dont drink and drive, even if youve only "had a couple"