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Everything posted by Moostang

  1. I may go some time pm me whenever u go I would like to know someone who is there I'm a little shy of that kind of thing.
  2. What do u do to get in the Vfw never been
  3. I also don't get why one would want people to praise him for going over there. I don't like what I did there and as much as I want someone to buy me a beer or some thing I won't take it unless it's a fellow vet or someone thanking me for being in just for the corps. I'm sure this sounds like non sense, oh well. And yes if I met this I guy I would mess his world up.
  4. I cant get the link to load on my computer but i already know what it is from what you guys are saying. I have told a few select members on here my story. I dont like to talk about it that much so when people are telling lies about how they went outside the wire, I can pick up on it pretty easily. I was a gunner/driver on convoys every other night for two tours. If you ask me I may talk about it over a beer.
  5. i was just giving you some advice but do whatever you want too
  6. clean mustang. just to give you a warning you might want to post more then just a link.
  7. well it was nice knowing you guys...fun while it lasted
  8. sounds good maybe if we go to sonic on saturday
  9. time and place jones time and place?
  10. i want to take you on in a hot sauce battle. lol ill tear you apart
  11. no its so when your weak friends or girlfriend come over they dont complain
  12. funny you say that because for some reason they did that when I bought my shitty ass 240 last year. but it does make since I just didnt think about it.
  13. it is definitely a great invention
  14. check out this sweet creation. I just ordered 2 of them. http://www.coolest-gadgets.com/20060503/the-worlds-first-adjustable-heat-sauce and the store that sells them. The other hot sauces are good too http://www.davesgourmet.peachhost.com/ct_PRdaahs.htm
  15. so just curious how would one get this registered with no odo
  16. me like. nice bike tyler
  17. Happy birthday sir, and rip. still miss you
  18. negatory people go there because its a lot cheaper
  19. it was a record last fall too so nothing new, by now it should be expected that more students are going to columbus state because it is cheaper.
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