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Everything posted by Orion

  1. Orion

    Mods = Bitches

    Hal wins thread. WNAPLAY looks more like someone who you really shouldn't let anyone play with, for fear that the derp is contagious. This is nothing new. Mods and admins have been tossing their (considerable) weight around on here since this site came to be. (This coming from a former mod AND a fat guy) The truth is that there are only two rules on here that really bear any type of enforcement, 1. No threats 2. No racism/homoism/sexism (and even that rules has liberties taken with it on a daily basis) If you are a mod, and you find yourself banning/infracting/making miserable any user for issues not covered by those two rules, (with the possible exception of the sig pic size rules) you need to take a look at yourself in the mirror and maybe go outside for a bit. Play with your kids or your wife or something. Trolls troll, and really, what does it fucking matter? Smart people call dumb people dumb, and dumb people do, well, dumb things...but really, it doesnt matter? Poor folks are jealous of middle class folks, who are in turn jealous of rich folks, who are in turn jealous of D. Wiggs, except that he's dumb...but you know what, none of that fucking matters. You guys with little dicks wish you had dicks the size of us guys with big dicks, and we wish we had dicks the size of Brian Carter, but none of that matters either. The black guys wish they were white, the white guys wish they were me, and almost all of us wish we were Tilley, but who cares? Seriously, team, the internet is only as "cereal" as you make it, and the mods have a tendancy to make it way more "Total" than "Fruit Loops", if you get my meaning.
  2. http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h23/lhiannonshee/niger_please.jpg
  3. Desktop. However there are plenty of powerful laptops available on the market right now. In almost all instances where rendering is involved, you are going to get more bang for your buck from a PC.
  4. Averaged, over a 25 year span. I'm sure there are lots of brokers you can see that would help you with that. The only gaurantee I mentioned was that investing the difference over the same period of time would result in a larger financial gain.
  5. I gotta get my ass to the gym or something. Damn this not having any discipline about food.
  6. Sweet Lord yes. Had no idea she was even close.
  7. I see what you did there...
  8. Eff you and your elite tier ass. Sucks being a fatty with Sleep Apneia.
  9. Buy term, invest the difference. Eventually, you should be self-insured. EDIT: I feel I should explain my position a bit more fully. I have a $400,000 25 year level term policy. If I die in the next 25 years, my family gets $400k. My monthly cost for that is $50. For a Whole Life policy with the same payout, my cost would be $275. (I know, because I checked with my broker). I would be paying that until I turned 100, and at that point, I could cash it out for $400k. (If I live that long, which is unlikely). So, for an apples to apples comparison, lets just stick to dealing with the next 25 years, ok? The difference between the monthly cost is $225. That difference, over the course of 25 years, is valued at a total of $67,500. So, you save that much just for having the different policy. But lets say you invested that in a mutual fund and averaged 10% (pretty conservative, actually) compunded annually. After 25 years, you would have just over $300k in the fund. ($301,025.33, to be exact) At the age of 58, just about the time I retire (Since we are using me as the example here) I would have a nice little retirement nest egg started. If I continued to invest for 4 more years until I retired, that number would jump to over $460k. Not too shabby. If I wanted to cash out my whole life policy at 25 years (Which you can do), I would get $97,680. After having paid in a total of $82,500. So, not too much growth in those 25 years. So, for the first 25 years, the protection is the same. After that, there is about a 2 year window wherein if you were to shuffle off the old mortal coil, your family would be missing out on a little bit of the money that the whole life policy would have paid out (At ages 59 and 60, the investment would be worth $335k and $373k, respectively, as opposed to the $400k provided by the WL policy). But after that, you have actually provided MORE protection for your family, and that could even continue to grow if you chose to continue your investment at $225 monthly. I hope this helps to illustrate my point. There are arguments for both sides, but in my mind, it is as simple as what I have just laid out for you.
  10. And lo, Jesus did say unto Thomas, "Here, come see the holes in my hands, and put your hand in my side. I am risen, stop doubting and believe!"
  11. I will have to say, either she is just ageless, or she has the best plastic surgeon ever. She looks GREAT. And Valerie does as well. There are some damn fine wimmins in here. And think about all the things they could do to you with all that experience. :me gusta:
  12. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=102189&highlight=chick
  13. Dude was lookin rough at the new years celebration. I called it then. Sometimes you hate being right. Happy trails, Dickie C.
  14. On second thought, if you haven't been following along, you can feel free to D. Bark from the mothership, and crash land on some other lifeless void of a planet. D. J. is out dis bitch.
  15. Now, is everyone on the same page, or are we going to have to D. Lay until the speed of light catches up with us?
  16. Which is where we find our selves now, picking up the pieces of a beautifully D. Stroyed troll thread.
  17. As I was saying, any arguments made in favor of Mr. Wiggles were simply D. Laying the inevitable.
  18. Bronco, you interrupt me whilst I'm talking again, and I'll D. Tatch your fucking Jacobs.
  19. It began with the D. Isbeleif , and then eventually turned into a total D. Construction of all arguments made.
  20. The CR troll crashing crew was quick to D. Vour this guy.
  21. But his good natured challenge quckly D. Volved into a haterade soup sandwich.
  22. In D. Fence of the new guy, he really does have a nice stable of rides.
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