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Everything posted by Orion

  1. For some reason my mind read that as "$114.00", and I was like, "Hell yeah, I'm all over that..." Yeah...not so much at $114,000.
  2. These are super nice tables, BTW. If I had a game room, I'd have one of these in it.
  3. You link is missing a colon, needs a colostomy bag.
  4. The more realistc question for the parties involved would be, "how much of it could you get in your mouth?"
  5. Casting couches? Got a pic of the desks, dude?
  6. Ah, ok. You quoted me, so I was thinking that you were speaking to me about my point, not expounding upon it. All good. Also, could not agree more with sol740 on the above post.
  7. Agreed, however, the question posed was whether or not a person may doubt that these were, in fact, the ones responsible for the bombings, and my answer was to that question. I'm not asking for someone to convince me, and I'm not calling for an end to the speculation that there is more to the story, either. *I* don't subscribe to the theory that the .gov is behind this and yada yada yada, however, I think that the fact that we live in an age of instantaneous and immersive communication makes it easy to see ghosts where there may be none, and I, like many others, will just be doubtful.
  8. Who the fuck still rock hubcaps, son? :lolguy: And also, they SHOULD bust you for showing your nuts. Ain't nobody got time fo dat!
  9. Without a trial or video evidence that has been made public, I don't think it's unreasonable to have doubts at this point THAT THEY WERE THE PERPETRATORS OF THE BOSTOM MARATHON BOMBINGS. Their actions afterwards make it clear that they are/were indeed criminals of a most extreme nature, at the very least, and are well deserving of whatever punishments they receive. I am withholding judgment on the actual bombings until more evidence/proof is provided. It's possible it's out there already and I have missed it as a result of all the other media noise/misinformation reported up till now.
  10. Reminds me of... https://www.google.com/search?q=dinosaur+trading+cards&hl=en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=zHZ5UezdBZCd0gHPioHIDw&sqi=2&ved=0CDsQsAQ&biw=944&bih=913#hl=en&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=dinosaurs+attack+trading+cards&oq=dinosaurs+attack+trading+cards&gs_l=img.3..0j0i5.71258.72633.0.73685.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45645796,d.dmQ&fp=7e0f70f072b5e810&biw=944&bih=913
  11. They did a good job with Arnold and JCVD.
  12. Also, props to you and your wife for having good hearts. I would fucking beat someone if I saw them just drop a dog off on the side of the road.
  13. REEL TAWK. http://b.vimeocdn.com/ts/356/565/356565194_640.jpg
  14. "Reel Tawk" http://i0.wp.com/www.geeksunleashed.me/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/christophwaltz_django5.jpg?resize=400%2C227
  15. Usually. I mean, I resort to grammar everyday, especially when I am speaking or typing and wish to cummonicate something in a intelligent manner. On topic, who wants a piece of my big brown truck?
  16. My buddy just got a 2012 Sorento, and it is baller. For the money he paid, it is a VERY nice ride.
  17. Unlucky? Shit dude, he didn't even feel that. How many folks get to go out with no pain at all? Seriously, though, I wonder about this kind of thing EVERY time I see a "smart" car on the road.
  18. Lol, "You bumped my ride, now I get to ride your bumps". Seriously, though, you seem to have some pretty shitty luck with this.
  19. Is it safe now for me to say, "I told ya so"?
  20. The joke being that CCW would not have prevented this.
  21. Yeah, should have thought before posting that. Would a mod please make that a link and give it a NWS tag for me? Sorry team.
  22. NWS linked. http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h23/lhiannonshee/533881_524310624303583_1043097091_n_zps759ac6e3.jpg :-(
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