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Everything posted by Buck531

  1. Yeah he's about 50 now. Guess when you get off drunks you gain weight? That and hell. I doubt the other members of GNR look like that now (or gained that much weight).. I'm pretty sure Slash doesn't look like some trailer park trash who banked splats gf.
  2. Got fat. Holy shit. http://images.thegauntlet.com/pics/axlrose-cananda.jpg http://images.thegauntlet.com/pics/axl-rose-canada-boris_menkevich.jpg http://www.smnnews.com/WP/wp-content/fat-axl-rose.jpg http://www.smnnews.com/WP/wp-content/fatter-axl-rose.jpg Before. http://www.smnnews.com/WP/wp-content/think-axl-rose.jpg Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D04Tm9IMiNs&feature=player_embedded#! :lolguy: I do realize this was back in mid/late 2011. but damnnn.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OISn3TXFxlI&feature=relmfu
  4. .... that's pumping air in the bung hole......
  5. So how will they know if I'm texting when I flip my phone open and type in a name to call them?
  6. Buck531

    Diablo 3

    What are the specs needed to play the game?
  7. Yep. The doc said you had to not have the sexors for 30 days and had to jack it off several times before you're clean. The place I went to had me take a sample back to them in 30 days to see if there was nothing there.
  8. Really? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cD7y4TJu_U0&feature=youtu.be
  9. na it's work safe.
  10. Yeah just watched Human Centipede 2 last night.. worst movie ever. But then there's this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cw9YKhQKFQ&feature=related
  11. Had mine done probably in 03/04. Doctor Klump (can't make this shit up) did it out at Mt. Carmel East. Referred to by my primary doc. 20 minutes and sat on my ass all weekend.
  12. http://www.crazykens.com/pictures/just-say-it/Page-2/thispostneedscowbell.jpg
  13. Somehow I thought of this scene. BC is Jules, Vincent is Anthony.. and Marvin is Phil.
  14. True.. but almost a 1200 hp car with a cage you can barely see along with dents and a stock exterior?
  15. http://jalopnik.com/5909526/is-this-the-worlds-most-insane-sleeper
  16. :zoom: I probably can't run that fast though. :fa:
  17. Infraction complete. :gabe:
  18. Oh yay I'm not in the list.
  19. Maybe this will be better than the last sleeper vid I posted. :fa:
  20. My son will be graduating this month. We're going to cater the food. Any recommendations on where to go? I thought about City BBQ and I'm not to keen on getting Caines. Any other ideas?
  21. Buck531


    97-04 Regal GS's came with a supercharger stock. the LS's did not.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=-E-8_wDgN7c Guess it's a big ass jellyfish.
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