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Everything posted by Buck531

  1. Buck531

    MCIR 4/20

    I think it's supposed to rain Friday night anyways.
  2. Buck531

    MCIR 4/20

    I know of 90+ people who aren't.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/embed/jLej_3xAkN4 :lolguy:
  4. I still have carpenter bees that fly around my garage this time of year looking to drill into the deadish wood I have on the outside of the garage.. Those fuckers are crazy. I can get within 1 foot of them and they just stand there.. buzzing.. and then take off.
  5. 8900 miles.. bid is at 6250 now.. http://www.auctionazonline.com/cgi-bin/mnlist.cgi?auctionaz7/4 Edit.. saw the description
  6. Here's the link to the forum I found it on... http://www.clubgp.com/newforum/tm.asp?m=5766883&p=1&tmode=1&smode=1
  7. Yeah it makes no sense. The stuff in the quotes was the Supra owners friend on the other forum I saw it on and was relaying the information. Still doesn't make any sense at all.
  8. Yep I dunno..I just thought it was interesting and figured someone else on here would chime in for the help .
  9. That loos like you trying to hump a 100 lb chick.
  10. Found this on another forum I'm on. http://syracuse.craigslist.org/cto/2941186584.html not the owner below btw. So apparently it isn't running...
  11. http://youtu.be/gOlYtLezDlc :dumb:
  12. You'll get 3 passes friday IF you're lucky. :gabe:
  13. Does it have a Spoon motor in it? Overnighted parts from japan possibly?
  14. http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/542023_10150681867884355_503709354_9360326_96286373_n.jpg :fuuuu:
  15. I wonder how much granite transformations costs? That crap that fits over the existing counter tops.
  16. Buck531

    Hello CR

    I thought about that but Ben didn't live in Westerville did he?
  17. Buck531

    Hello CR

    What's up dude. Thanks for taking the video of it lol. Almost sounded like a shotgun going off and I like how you flinched a little bit. hah. You should have posted your current Ohio plates too
  18. I think I scared the shit out of a few people. :gabe:
  19. You should ghost ride your whip in front of his house while doing DX crotch chops in front of him. http://i700.photobucket.com/albums/ww1/elkrisp/Wrestling/DX.gif
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