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Everything posted by Buck531

  1. Did you see a 99 Blue Regal sitting there with no interior? The owner of that place bought it from me last year and he said he was going to use it as a prop. I always wanted to go to see if it was there/what it looked like. btw, it's where the old Big Bear used to be on 23 and Lazelle.
  2. Looking for two 245/50/16. I guess stock Camero/Firebird tires?
  3. Damn I need this but I'm poor. ugh.
  4. Very nice. My Fiero is there now and they're loving it .
  5. Yep! Even the adjuster called him yesterday and apologized to him about last weeks events telling him that it could have been both faults. Apparently they didn't get the police report yet or see that he plead guilty. He ended up getting more money than what he paid for on the Brotege. Kinda sucks now that he's stuck with nothing until we possibly get Scotts GTP from Texas somehow up here. They are paying for a rental for him but only until next Tuesday. Better than nothing I guess.
  6. The kids insurance talked to my son yesterday. Kid plead guilty. Everything is being paid. No lawyer is needed so far at this point.
  7. Yep. it was fun while it lasted. It's still "drivable" but for what they're giving him for it I told him to take it and run.
  8. Yep. Pretty much what I'm telling my son to say. They called a few times asking basically the same thing. I know everything is recorded. I'm assuming they want him to slip up somewhere.
  9. We are dealing with the person Marc recommended. Colin Beach. Nice guy. Knows his stuff. He's pretty sore and we went to the place Colin recommended for the medial stuff. His knees are swollen and back/neck is pretty sore. He can't work until February 5th and is on light duty for like 8 weeks. He's a tech at Sears Auto so that limits a lot of what he can do. Maybe oil changes and service writer stuff. The kids insurance came out yesterday to look at the car. Yep. it's totaled. Should know today how much the brotege is. He's kinda screwed now because insurance won't give him a rental car. Apparently the insurance company is telling my son it looks like it's both of their faults. Not sure how that can happen because on the police report it states that the kid pulled out in front of him and was cited for it. Right now we're waiting on the arraignment to happen in Delaware.
  10. Well the car blue books for like $250 bucks. It's Hoblicks old 98 Protoge with 230k on it. I know he won't get that much but he's kinda screwed in getting another beater. He doesn't have much money at the moment.
  11. And hopefully I'll get the Fiero back this week so I can actually drive it and finish the rest of the crap on it.
  12. Seen it.. the guy is a complete douche bag. He's a "hard core" racer and won't post his mods. He's been called out on it on the FB pages. I'd rather want to die in this though. Or this one.
  13. He didn't try to run.. he did run. He just got a ticket for failure to yield. CPD found him about 15-20 minutes later at Hobby Lobby. Apparently he hit another car too. 16 year old kid who just got his license. By the way, isn't there a law about how many people you can have in your car if you're under 18?
  14. Don't you have another car to buy? :gabe:
  15. I'm sure someone out in CR land knows someone or has some recommendations for an accident/injury lawer (Better Call Saul?). Some dude pulled out in front of my son Saturday night and my son hit him. Pretty much totaled the brotege. The kid who pulled out was at fault and was cited (after he ran and they found him). The kids insurance company talked to my son and asked if he had a lawyer (which he doesn't). He got checked at Urgent care and has some minor injuries but has to be off work until Saturday. I don't want him getting screwed by the insurance company. I already told him not to accept anything yet. So with that said, anyone know of an injury lawyer and/or can give some advice? edit - inb4crtrolls...
  16. Been using Zaino for years now.
  17. Just cut a coil out of each spring :gabe:
  18. My son picked up a Craftsman jump box with some usb charging ports, converter, air compressor (that doesn't work). Some dude returned it at work and it sat on the shelf. He ended up picking it up for $15. Other than that cheap shit from Harbor freight. Mother in-law got me some cool Steeler case that holds 7 different Zippos for the Super Bowls they won.
  19. My son bought hoblicks Brotoge a few months back. He had a similar one like that but only like 6" long. Driving in front of him was stupid. He also said he got flashed several times and it was bright as fuck. My son ended up taking it off.
  20. Telling me to man up? How about you fix that Firebird that hasn't ran since 1999. :dumb:
  21. It's already been diagnosed, wires checked. Been there, done that. Just want the solenoid replaced. Even with manually selecting 1st gear with a snap-on scanner it won't see 1st gear. You can hear the solenoid click but it doesn't sound as loud as the 2-3 solenoid thinking the 1-2 might just be bad. (not engaging it enough) I know if I call a "shop" they would charge more than what the car is actually worth. I guess I'm trying to find someone to either come to my place (it's heated) to swap it or help or something. Kinda sucks knowing I did all the work to get this done, it's been done since September but I can't drive it for a $30 solenoid.
  22. Does anyone have any recommendations to replace the 1-2 shift solenoid on my Fiero with the 4T65? The cradle can be dropped easily and access the side cover but I honestly don't want to do it. I know it's a $30 solenoid. Any shops that won't bend me over? It can be driven but not that far since I only have 2nd and 3rd gear.
  23. I saw this yesterday Clay. Something you might want to look into since you already have a 220 line. http://columbus.craigslist.org/for/5884255694.html
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