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Everything posted by telsea

  1. I'll take both of those sticks Buck!!
  2. I'll take 1 of those off ya hand.. Frank u gonna grab this for me smile.gif
  3. if you still have any of the PC133, ill grab it ASAP!
  4. An old article on this.. http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0%2C1283%2C41733%2C00.html This is the description of the site when searched on Yahoo. "Bonsai Kitten parody site purporting to combine the art of bonsai with body modification in house pets"
  5. the 80g would be enough..how much with that and the cd-rw
  6. is this still for sale...how much with cdrom and hdd
  7. Anyone selling decent but cheap computers? Looking to buy before Christmas!
  8. pics? color of the frige and oven/range?
  9. show me these statistics please...
  10. did you get your bike? post a pic if so.. i havent been riding..havent really had the time:(
  11. ^^^^^^ not really worth all the faces...the comment beer guy made was rather lame if you ask me
  12. ^^^^^^ not really worth all the faces...the comment beer guy made was rather lame if you ask me
  13. I can't make it tonight..I havent been in a good month or so. I ride an 03 Suzuki GSF600s
  14. why pay $20, here is one for $16 smile.gif http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=38331&item=5720078168&rd=1 good luck selling that one for more than 50 bucks
  15. dude calm down, i just wanted to know if that was the same one because its a huge price difference
  16. is this the same thing? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=38331&item=5720555290&rd=1
  17. what are you looking to get from it? i may be interested..
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