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Everything posted by damonzex

  1. whoever calls this stupid is...stupid...mp3 = future of music portability (well it already is) and it has yet to be REALLY combined with cell phone (at best, the LG chocolate). An ipod that slides up to be a cellphone would, in my mind, perfectly accomplish what others have been tryin to do for a while. I want one!
  2. its like...theyre makin fun of him..but..hes gettin blown...dunno whether to be happy or sad..
  3. man, i could never do that after seeing "the decent".. i know, i know, its stupid, but that movie scared the shit out of me..and i'm claustrophobic too, looks sweet tho!
  4. well i didn't run, im posting for a friend who ran, and yeah he ran a 15.2.. anyway I thought thats how it worked but he said the times started when the light went green, so just figured i'd save the argument and ask. Thanks for the replies. best time was 14.9
  5. sorry for bein a complete noob, but here goes. Let's say I run a 15.2 and another car I'm racing runs a 14.8, but I cross the 1/4 mile mark before he does. How is this possible? Btw, his 60 ft. was faster than mine. Thanks.
  6. now i remember why browsing this forum is a risk....
  7. thanks for the info, looks like i'll be goin with IPS in a few weeks!
  8. thanks, but I already know where im gettin the gears. Just need to know where to get em installed!
  9. I'm lookin to go from stock to 4.10s on the 98 cobra. Anyone know a good shop I can get this done at for a relativley low price around columbus? Thanks
  10. saw that guy live last week, he did a comedy act on campus at purdue univ. funny stuff, even better live
  11. damonzex

    Friday 2nd

    nice evo...next time we should race, i had to jet early tho -Ryan
  12. damonzex

    Friday 2nd

    its getting dry!
  13. pcv tube looks fine, no cracks and is completely on..hopefully cleaning the maf will solve my problems!
  14. my check engine light is always on, no cats I have had a few friends tell me its the MAF (yeah i have one) might clean it 2morrow then
  15. ok, so since I have aquired my cobra it seems to have a few problems: 1. The most noticable problem is that it just dies at idle. It does this fairly often, maybe about 25% of every time i stop. 2. The next most noticable problem is when im cruising at around 40 (in 4th), it will jump back and forth. The best way i can describe it is if someone was abruptly pushing down the pedal a tiny bit every other second. 3. The next problem I am noticing is that sometimes, when I am at about 75% throttle in second, it will suddenly jump forward, as if it gained another 20 hp, until i shift to third. I know very little mechanically about cars, so would someone mind chiming in and helping me figure out wut the problem is? Thanks a bunch
  16. damonzex


    the only real mod so far is a bbk o/r x-pipe. I bought it like that and really have no money to spend on other mods until i can pay it off. It has 17x9 1995 silver cobra r replica wheels all around and rears are wrapped in 275/40/17 nitto 555 extremes. External mods that i've done so far are svt and ford emblem delete, SS inserts on the back, and a snake grille emblem up front. Plans include H and R sport springs, 4.10s and an intake. Also some bigger tailpipes might happen soon. Thats about it tho, the engine is too old for a power adder and I just don't have the kinda money to build it (graduating from high school this saturday). Anyway, see ya guys around.
  17. damonzex


    just wanted to introduce myself, I'm Ryan and I drive a 1998 Black Cobra. hope to see you guys around! http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/8158/scobrasmall1iv.th.jpg
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