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Everything posted by McGraw
arm warmers and leg warmers and a new gym bag. I'm a simple person
Dear CR members, I ride in many charity events every year, always 100+ miles at the events, this is the only one I will ever email you asking for a donation, because I want to save my friend. I have decided to join thousands of fellow riders from across the country in this year's Tour de Cure to raise money to help stop diabetes and further the mission of the American Diabetes Association: to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all those affected by diabetes. I am asking for your help. By making a donation on my behalf, you will be helping the American Diabetes Association change the future of diabetes by providing community-based education programs, protect the rights of people with diabetes and fund critical research for a cure. My best friend Bob (yes his real name is Robert, and a few of you know him) suffers from this disease and the many late night hospital visits and near death experiences it has brought him in the emergency room. I want to help try to raise enough money to save my friend who is given a life expectancy in his mid 30’s … As you may know, diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life. Nearly 24 million Americans are living with diabetes rapidly becoming a bigger problem than cancer, with no chance of treatment or cure. If current trends continue, one out of three children will face a future with diabetes. This is a startling statistic and your donation will help to change this. I know my participation in this year's Tour de Cure can and will make a difference. Please help me reach my goal of $1,000 by supporting me with a donation. I'm already at $680.00 thanks to devoted supporters for a cure. You can follow the link below to my personal Web page to make a secure, 100% tax deductible donation. (If you do not want to donate online, please make your check payable to the American Diabetes Association and mail your contribution to me at 510 S. Constitution Ave, Bremerton, Wa 98312. I will insure you are recognized if you wish and you will get a tax deductible receipt) http://Http://main.diabetes.org/goto/mcgraw Any and all help is appreciated, even something as little as $5.00 make a big difference. Together we will help stop diabetes. Very Respectfully, Taylor H. McGraw
Just occured to me. Is there anyway to sticky this till Friday? So that it doesn't get pushed down please? I believe a 7 year old and family who need some last-Christmas smiles would constitute a need-to-know. Please. Thank you!
That's REALLY cool of you thank you! I'm going to get his parents names too so I can send them something, and maybe Columbus Racing can put together something too. It CAN NOT be easy on the mother who's name is Dode. She just burried her mother a few years ago after a long bought with cancer .
Hey guys, long time no see! last time I logged in was back in January. Anyways! As a lot of you know I joined the Navy and have been gone for a very long time ... I'm writing today for a couple of reason,one to regroup with you guys as you've always treated me well, the other is asking for a couple of minutes of your time the next time you go out to the store for a local boy. I just caught word the other night that Nate Elfrink a 7 year old in West Jeff who has had cancer since he was 1. Went in for the treatment that was going to send him into remission and instead him and his parents got the news that it was just spreading too fast and the new goal wasn't remission, it was to get him through Christmas. Needless to say at 7 years old, he hasn't got a lot to be happy about this year. If you could do one extra thing this year, we've got his family to agree to accept Christmas cards for him. The USS John C Stennis is getting together and a bunch of us have got him cards, and people have emailed home to get their families to write one too. I went as far as to get him the Captain and the Command-Master-Chief's challenge coins for those of you who know about those, and wrote him a long note saying what a courageous and amazing person he is for fighting something I don't believe I would do well against. His address is: Nate Elfrink 2415 Taylor Blair Rd. West Jefferson, Ohio 43162 Just next time your out, put "Christmas Card for Nate" on your todo list, write a few words of encouragement to him and his family, and mail it off, it's all like $3? As always I can be reached at taylor.mcgraw@cvn74.navy.mil or Paul, and Anthony have my facebook that I try to check regularly and keep up to date on what's going on. While at at sea. Thank you all for everyone who helps out in this!
I would in a heart beat. No questions asked.
95 VR4 weighs around 4200 with like 320hp and 310 tq. And they averaged low 14's high 13's 1/4 mile. CTS-v is same weight, better weight distributed and 200+ more hp/tq. This car is going to be bad ass. Side note - I was in a GSX that got destroyed by a S8 the other day. They weigh around 4500lbs. And that's only 450 hp (V10). And moved past us like we weren't even trying at 100+mph. The guy seriously looked at us like we were bothering him.
Sounds like a recruitment for the military.
Name: Barack Hussein Obama Age: 45 Birthdate: August 4, 1961 Birthplace: Honolulu, Hawaii Father: Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. of Kenya Mother: Ann Dunham of Wichita, Kansas Wife: Michelle Obama Children: Daughters Malia(b. 1999) and Sasha (b. 2001) Education: Columbia University, Undergrad '83 Harvard Law, '91 Religion: United Church of Christ Political Career: 1996 - Elected to Illinois State Senate for 13th District (South side Chicago neighborhood - Hyde Park) Nov 2, 2004 Elected to US Senate in race against Alan Keyes Earlier Career - Taught Constitutional Law - University of Chicago Law School Civil Rights Law Firm - Miner, Barnhill and Galland And if you got $20 you'd rather spend on a book than put gas in your car. You can get the classic http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0978813804/Internetbookinfo
Wasn't there a thread at one time that had a list of good places to take pictures of your car during like daytime/night. Ect? Anyone know some good night places to get pictures with a decent city skyline? Thanks.
+1 He also wants to get rid of the IRS, that way you can REALLY cheat on your taxes, that should help fix the budget...
Had a great idea, joined the Navy. Now I'm in Washington. I'll be home in two days though. Can't fuckin wait. will be home for the National Championship and THAT's what matters!
I know I don't post much but I just wanted to wish Ant a Merry Christmas . And let him know that if he was here, I'd be buying the beers tonight . I hate this fuckin holiday.
Big Titty Bitches 4 Always puts me in the giving mood.
Used to be on here, he doesn't drive to much anymore. That's my hookup at HH Greg and one of my best friends.
And Anthony and Me lead the people with speeding tickets and reckless operations ect. Well I post this to let you know we have a new reigning champ I believe. Take a gander. These are simply the reinstatement requirements for his license. This isn't all of the offenses. License Status as of 12/07/2007: SUSPENDED Your driver license expiration date is: FEB 14 2007 You have no driving privileges. Any requests concerning the issuance of a driver's license or registration will be denied. You are required to pay a total of $530.00 reinstatement/processing fee. Please submit your check or money order, made payable to Ohio Treasurer, Richard Cordray, with the enclosed Reinstatement Fee Payment Receipt, BMV-2005 or BMV-2007. Please DO NOT SEND CASH. BMV CASE NUMBER:------ - MEDICAL SUSPENDED MAR 21 2007 TO INDEFINITE BMV CASE NUMBER:------ - WARRANT BLOCK $15.00 PROCESSING FEE REQUIRED FAIRFIELD CO MUNI COURT CASE:----- BMV CASE NUMBER:------ - LICENSE SUSPENSION / FORFEITURE $15.00 REINSTATEMENT FEE REQUIRED BMV CASE NUMBER:----- - LICENSE SUSPENSION / FORFEITURE $15.00 REINSTATEMENT FEE REQUIRED BMV CASE NUMBER:W----- - WARRANT BLOCK $15.00 PROCESSING FEE REQUIRED NEWARK LICK CTY MUN CRT CASE:------ BMV CASE NUMBER:----- - NON-COMPLIANCE SUSPENSION OFFENSE DATE: DEC 12 2006 $125.00 REINSTATEMENT FEE REQUIRED MUST FILE SR22 OR BOND UNTIL JUL 06 2010 BMV CASE NUMBER:------ - NON-COMPLIANCE SUSPENSION OFFENSE DATE: APR 17 2007 SUSPENDED JUL 06 2007 TO JUL 06 2008 $300.00 REINSTATEMENT FEE REQUIRED MUST FILE SR22 OR BOND UNTIL JUL 06 2012 BMV CASE NUMBER:------- - 12 POINT SUSPENSION SUSPENDED JUL 10 2007 TO JAN 06 2008 $30.00 REINSTATEMENT FEE REQUIRED MUST FILE SR22 OR BOND UNTIL JUL 10 2010 REMEDIAL DRIVING COURSE REQUIRED Visit our website for course information at: http://www.drivertraining.ohio.gov DRIVER LICENSE EXAMINATION REQUIRED BMV CASE NUMBER:-------- WARRANT BLOCK $15.00 PROCESSING FEE REQUIRED FRANKLIN CO MUNI COURT CASE:----- BMV CASE NUMBER:----- - JUDGMENT SUSPENSION OFFENSE DATE: DEC 12 2006 SUSPENDED OCT 31 2007 TO INDEFINITE MUST FILE SR22 OR BOND UNTIL OCT 31 2010 PAYMENT AGREEMENT OR RELEASE REQUIRED FOR DAMAGES CLAIM AMOUNT: $2792.00 ATTORNEY INFO: ZEEHANDELAR SABATINO & ASSOC 471 E BROAD ST #1200 COLUMBUS, OH 432150000 FILE OR CLAIM NUMBER: ------- PHONE: 888-234-3800 For additional information, please call the Ohio BMV at 614-752-7500.
Consensus I've received is no from a very reliable source. However, I want to know if any of you have ever tried to get an airbag on an airplane or heard anything about such scenario's.
My parents own a English Mastiff, He weighed in at 225lbs the other day. and he's a house dog. He truly believes he is a lap dog and will sit on the couch with you, of course it's like laying with another person, and he has very little consideration for if you're comfortable or not. Still a cool dog but fuckin christ when he farts it's terrible. The vet has said something too about elevating their food so he doesn't have to bend over so far to eat. He really is a really cool dog, and very loving, he stands to about my waist and I'm 5'11". Probably the funniest thing is that when someone rings the doorbell or knocks on the door. He's the first one to respond, and he sounds bigger than he is. Fedex and UPS no longer knock or get near the door. They simply leave the packages and continue on their way.
So just a little history for anyone who would like it: Veterans days is celebrated on the same day as Armistice Day or Rememberance Day in other countries. It should be celebrated on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month (November 11th for us, though generally 'officially' observed on other days.) It is a anniversary to the signing of the Armistice that ended WWI or the 'War that would end all Wars.' (They had no clue what was to come ...) It was made a legal holiday May 13th, 1938 -- A day dedicated to world peace. I believe it was made official as 'Veteran's Day' on June 1st, 1954. After WWII happened, the day was no longer to be known as 'Armistice day.' Instead it was a day to honor all veterans of the United States in all wars. President Eisenhower issued the Veterans Day Proclamation. 1968 Veterans Day joined the Uniformed Holiday Bill, which ensures three-day weekends for federal employees. (Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Veteran's Day, and Columbus Day.) Because a 3 day weekend, encourages traveling, recreational and cultural activities in order to generate greater industrial and commercial production. However, many states continued to celebrate the day on it's original day.(Nov. 11) So after a little confusion and the first time it being celebrated under the new law being October 25th, 1971. President Ford signed into law September 20th, 1975. That Veterans Day will be celebrated on it's original date, the restoration of the observance of the day helped to preserve the original historic significance of the day. This was widely accepted by all state legislatures, veterans associations, and the American people. Veterans Affairs was made a cabinet level position in 1989, along with the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. So many changes and alterations to the day itself but it is now pretty clear why we celebrate it. I'm personally glad we do, and it was odd when my little sister called me to ask me questions that her school had for veterans. Never have really considered myself part of the veterans group. I'm just proud to serve and do something that doesn't involve what I was into years ago. Hell, I supposed I'm even proud to have Duty on the observance on Veterans Day today. 46 days till I'm home .
they'll still fuck up Michigan fucks. true story
You need to work to get your driving privs revoked. Look at myself and Anthony. Remember when we posted the BMV records things a loooong time ago. And I only had my licenses set to school and work for 3 months. (BTW, my driving record is slowly cleaning up, since I sold all my cars and have nothing left to get in toruble in. Public transit may be the answer for me.)