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Everything posted by Scaly13

  1. what the hell what a dumbass These are the people that shouldnt even be near a gun let alone shoot one.
  2. I am loving this show. I do agree though no one is collecting enough food or firewood. The people trying to shoot the Buffalo with a .22 are great. lol These people think that just because they have a gun period they can bring anything down. I am waiting for someone to get shot by their own gun.
  3. congrats. now keep this thing running and drive it around instead of the RX7 and keep the 7 in the shape it is in
  4. who cares when they will use it thats still cool as hell
  5. my thoughts exactly very interesting indeed.
  6. I would love to do this. I think it would be a blast. The 2 girls and the dad are screwed The 2 guys and the asian chick might do alright but I have a feeling they are going to have an argument at some point that will not end well. The guy with the extreme hiking/ extreme marathon wife will do alright I think but he is already worn out. The last group of the husband and wife. They didnt show much of them so I dont really know about them. They are stuck in an oversized oxygen tent though so I dont think that will go well for them. These are just my first impressions so will see how things go. I plan on watching it from now on though pretty cool show. Oh and yeah the black guy asking where the bathroom was made me laugh out loud. HAHA FAIL
  7. thats mean as hell You can see in the video it walking all over the place and even on the dyno it was pulling back and forth. That would be fun ride down the strip trying to keep it in your lane.
  8. I wanna who gets the best gas mileage though. J/K Nice vid cars are sweet. That lighting moved.
  9. I have a buddy with a S2k that is the same color. That is my favorite color on those cars. Looks great what kind of numbers are you hoping for. HP? TQ? Track Times?
  10. Car looks great. I cant wait till the weekend I will finally get to wash my cars and maybe even take them out for a spin.
  11. haha thats awesome he is everywhere and he is watching you
  12. I have heard about the LIDAR thing before and find it funny as hell the shortened yellow light thing is crazy though I just figured the lights are messed up and are shorter.
  13. I love it theres a nice straight stretch of road by my house and I can hear the sounds all night long
  14. I am right at 6 feet and 240 pounds and ride in and drive miatas all the time I have no issue other then the ones I am riding in sit very low and I have to "fall" into them
  15. I know someone that had a Monster Miata had the Mustang 5.0 engine thing was quick for sure and would roast tires with no problem. Cool cars great hp to weight ratio especially if you completely strip the miata.
  16. sounds pretty nice I am not a big fan of the bike they are showing there though looks kind of goofy to me
  17. jeebus that would be fun but i am sure you would feel it for a few days
  18. yeah I was expecting some bike to go really fast down a strip or something but that was great and yeah definitely WTF??
  19. that would be a blast and those are some good pics we need something like that around here everyone is big in autocross but I know of quite a few that would really like a course like this to have some fun on
  20. So I guess racism will never die. I really dont understand things like this. I am not racist in anyway but things like this only seem to continue this way of thinking.
  21. I think this is a really cool idea. It would be a blast no matter if you had to follow speed limits or not and I would not worry about following someone, I would just enjoy the drive.
  22. I agree completely he is not being extreme in my opinion he is simply doing what should be done. If you live in this country learn the language I am not going to go to Germany or China and live there and not learn the language it doesnt make sense. In the end it helps them and the rest of the community in case something happened again, they will be able to communicate with people around them.
  23. great video the end was awesome though perfect way to end it
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