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Everything posted by Scaly13

  1. I am Andrew, I drive a 2006 Ford Fusion that is my daily driver and I also have a 95 VW Passat VR6. I have been on the board for awhile but since I live in Louisville Ky I dont post too much. I plan on changing this though. I used to live in Columbus and visit frequently. When I am in town I plan on making it out to a few meets here and there when I can. I dont have much done to either car the Fusion has a Steeda CAI and throttle body spacer and upgraded sounds system, It is my daily driver after all. The Passat has a custom built CAI, Stage one Clutch and 10 pound flywheel, and a few other odds and ends here and there but nothing major, yet. Plan on lowering it and building the motor over the next year or so. Well thats it for now so, officially Hello.
  2. Scaly13

    Smash Bros Brawl

    Just got the game today havent had a chance to play it yet but will probably wake up early and get some time in. Cant wait.
  3. It looks like it is sitting up really high for some reason not sure if its the hood line or what but it just looks strange. I dont like it if this is going retro they failed IMO
  4. No you do not need a switch on the wall. You have two live wires and one ground on the switch all the switch does is connect the two live wires when you want the fan to have power. Take the live wires and connect them and you will have power always going to to the fan. As has been said use a wirenut to connect the live wires and you should be good.
  5. Thats awesome and very true
  6. that guy is way to gay to have that car
  7. I guess its easier to blame a movie for all the troubles then it is to come up with a real reason like oh I dunno some people are just stupid.
  8. thats ...uummmm.... interesting
  9. this is what makes top gear such a great show those guys are awesome drivers
  10. I feel it will fail. I am sure they will talk about nascar and how great the drivers are plus what cars will they cover ones sold in America yeah thats real exciting every week will be about Corvettes Mustangs Camaros and the like, since basically those are the only American made cars worth talking about anyway. It wont be funny it wont be intelligent. It will last 4 maybe 5 weeks.
  11. Clean. What all is done to it? Ive always loved those wheels classic look.
  12. Travis Barker is badass he should make a cd of just his remixes
  13. Plans for the Passat.... well I have a list of things that with an unlimited budget I would love to do but since I know that an unlimited budget isnt going to happen anytime soon my real plans are lower kit, new wheels, short throw shifter, magnaflow custom exhaust, turbo kit, tinted windows, just to name a few things. Really I want to make it into a nice ride with some decent power to have some fun with. As for the racing scene here its declined in the past few years. Cops, fines, and penalties have increased alot here. Also the locations have been shutdown and are now patrolled fairly heavily. So its sucks. As for AutoCross its pretty good times lots of good people and stuff. I plan on making a few of the Columbus events next year.
  14. Some seriously sweet rides in that video
  15. Hey everyone, I have been on the forum for awhile now but have decided to start posting instead of just lurking all the time. I live in Louisville KY but journey to my home of Columbus fairly often. I drive a 1995 Volkswagen Passat Vr6 its the one in the sig. This is a project car currently in the warmer months when I have more time and money I will tearing into her and making her road worthy again and with a few go fast goodies. My daily driver is an 06 Ford Fusion S model nothing fancy or fun just an A to B car that gets decent mileage. Thanks and hope to be coming to a meet sometime to get to know some people. Andrew
  16. Yeah I have been here for awhile decided to join in the fun
  17. haha I have been around. Decided that since this is the most active board I am on might as well join in the fun
  18. I am by no means a very mechanical person so I could not tell you unless I heard the clunking if it was your LSD or not, but (and yes this may sound stupid and someone tell me if I am wrong please) wold the car drive at all if the LSD was blown? I have seen people blow difs at the track before and they dont get very far. As for the fluid I didnt realize it cause that much of a problem. Me and my buddies always use Redline oils though and I just never payed attention to the labels that close I guess.
  19. Ill have to remember this place and try it out sometime. If it compares to nancys it has to be good.
  20. Cant wait to see it finished looks sweet.
  21. Damn man that sux. I have had days like that. The only thing that helps is a beer or 2 or 3, and a good looking chick giving you a massage and ending with the best BJ ever. Any way hope things get better.
  22. This sounds extremely familiar to what happened to my dads car not long ago. We replaced the PCV valve and it runs with no problems been that way for almost a year now. Just a thought.
  23. Hey man good to see you finally joined. And its not my fault you only get to go to a meet every couple of months but hey when you do get your liscence and your own car then you could actually go to some of the meets. Oh and cant wait to see you again. We should go to the meets when you come down to visit again. Oh and this is his cousin that he was talking about if anyone cares.
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