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Everything posted by AngryBMW

  1. I'm not riled up. I just think you are a complete waste of life. Seriously. You have done nothing to contribute to this board, only tear it down. I really think you are a piece of shit, and I think you should go fuck yourself. Oh, my "pit crew" is busy installing my quad turbo's...just so I can beat the mighty goat. -Marc
  2. Only your girlfriends... :zoom: -Marc
  3. Go to your house, and start punching you in the face for starting this topic. Seriously though, I dont know. The first thing would probably go sit in on a few meetings at the white house...after a stop off at the mall. -Marc
  4. The fact that the only insult you can say to me is "OMG you're gay!!1!" is fucking lame. Try to be more original. Back on topic, BlueFag, you sir are a waste of life. -Marc
  5. I didnt know you could stack shit that high! Zing! -Marc
  6. Genn, Ben's like 6'1...hardly a midget. I would say a little bitch...but not a midget -Marc
  7. You might need to specify, I dont think he will understand... -Marc
  8. You personally made every bolt-on eh? So you cast the steel, and molded it, then installed it? Man, im impressed! I think what you meant to say is: I already planned on going to Norwalk. Why? Is your pit crew going to have your car ready by then? Oh, by the way, I have installed every BOLT-ON done to my car...no one works on my car but me. Is it really that hard to write like you have an education? -Marc
  9. Your grammar sucks...just like your wife. So wait, you didnt buy a 13 second car and add bolt-on's to it? So you bought a 13 second car and paid someone else to add bolt-on's? You're right, I own a 14 second car. You can think that all day long. Why dont you show up to Norwalk in the spring... -Marc
  10. Glenn, go to the doctor. You have definently been affected by your move to GroveTucky, and are obviously suffering from SPS. They should have some anti-douchebag pills... -Marc
  11. Wrong again fuckbag. I did 99.5 percent of the motor swap on my car. I needed help on a few things, im not affraid to admit it. I also had help from Keith to rebuild my carb, and Matt to do my nitrous. I never claimed to be a master mechanic, but I do what I can and I learn as I go. As for you douche bag, you bought a car that was already quick and added some bolt-ons...that obviously makes you God. Do you get tired of looking like an ass over and over again? Do you go home and smack your kids because you yourself are a failure and need a way to bring up your terribly low self-esteem? Seriously, stop posting. You're annoying, and contribute nothing. kthanxbye. -Marc
  12. That's cute fuckbag...way to open your cocksucker on something you have NO idea what you're talking about. :thumbup: My Uncle doesnt work on my car. Your mother should have aborted you. -Marc
  13. Sounds like you're a little scared. You know what, if your fucking Colts are so goddamn great, why havent they been the the Superbowl...ever? (as the Indianapolis Colts) How many years, in the era of Peyton are they going to choke in the playoffs? The Colts barley beat the Browns and Jaguars (read: by 7 each time). Both teams should have been KILLED by your high scoring, fast paced offense. Hell, who have they played that are worth a shit? By the numbers, Ben Roethlisberger is a better QB than Manning this year (112.4 rating to a 98.3). Steelers are top 5 run defense, Colts are 14th. I'm counting on the Steeler defense to stop the Colts. The Steelers dont put up big scores, they never have. They run the ball down your throat, and win games. You sure talk a lot backing a team that really hasnt done shit in their ~60 year history. -Marc
  14. Are you serious? That was bad even for you. -Marc
  15. Wow, I'm so glad you define your life by the car you drive. WTG fag. PS - What did the mighty GTO run? 13.7x? -Marc
  16. English motherfucker, do you speak it? My bad, I forgot you reside in GroveTucky.... No, I was not at Trails...I hate that track and will avoid it like I avoid you... -Marc
  17. Oh, and I would suggest writting Mr. Sandler a letter. Tell him you are also a Jew, and are dieing from X and it is your last wish to meet him. Might work -Marc
  18. Oh yeah? Your momma wears combat boots. Bitch -Marc
  19. It's been running (like shit) for months Did you ever think to detach yourself from Glen's nutsack and venture out into the world on your own? -Marc
  20. Did I tell you to open your cock sucker? I didnt think so. Go back to your cage under Glen's desk and let the big boys talk. -Marc
  21. Glenn, didnt you realize after your last weak ass thread that your shit talking skill has diminished (if you ever had any in the first place)? Time to go back to watching your car collect dust in your garage... -Marc
  22. Until Monday...they're due for a loss. And again November 28th. -Marc
  23. Anthony has a man crush -Marc
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