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Everything posted by AngryBMW

  1. OK, well, set this shit up man. Im down -Marc
  2. AngryBMW

    CO stunners?

    Shut your cocksucker douche bag. No one got on here to give you 'props.' One of your douche bag nut swingers got on here trying to make you look cool, and failed miserably. Go back to impressing highschoolers with your tricks, no one on here gives two flying fucks about your lame ass 'skills'. Christ you and your little posse are annoying. -Marc
  3. AngryBMW

    CO stunners?

    English motherfucker; do you speak it?? Enjoy stunting and impressing 14 year old girls with your mad tyte skillz. Fucking douche bag -Marc
  4. I would definently be down. Make it on the weekend. Would anyone else be willing to sleep over? -Marc
  5. AngryBMW

    CO stunners?

    Suck on my grundle tool. Shouldnt you be watching Torque or Bik3r Boyzz? -Marc
  6. AngryBMW

    CO stunners?

    Wow, that was honestly one of the gayest post's I've ever seen on here...and I was around for bugboy and mekkafire... Enjoy banland squid. -Marc
  7. AngryBMW

    CO stunners?

    Yup, that about sums up you and your little 'posse'. Watch out for dump trucks bitch :jerkit: -Marc
  8. AngryBMW

    CO stunners?

    Ok, im not a little punk ass, and ill call you a faggot. Opps...looks like you threatened The Truth...time for a ban. -Marc
  9. Ha, put in ben berberich... -Marc
  10. http://www.jobpredictor.com If it's a repost, you can lick my taint. I thought it was cool Oh, i would be a movie star -Marc
  11. Key board warrior... -Marc
  12. Trade you the board for it -Marc
  13. HA! The K&N stickers add 10rwhp!! Look who's the idiot now! Do you like apples? Applesauce bitch. -Marc
  14. Do you not answer your text messages? -Marc
  15. Take the money you are spending on your drag bike and invest in hooked on phonics. Seriously -Marc
  16. I thought you wernt going to have to go? -Marc
  17. AngryBMW


    Linn must be out blue printing his engine... -Marc
  18. Registered. Stillman, ill pay you when I see you. -Marc
  19. Ok, so post a video of you, on your 'race' bike at a race track. What's your fastest lap time at MidOhio? -Marc
  20. Have you ever topped out your bike? GPS verified? -Marc
  21. Good luck, come home safe -Marc
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