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Everything posted by AngryBMW

  1. Because you're stupid and cant read, I'll try and make this easy. Yes, I bitch about certain cops just like anyone else. I do not hate all cops, and I have never said I do. I've never made prejudice statements towards cops either. Oh, just because you're my friend doesnt mean I'm not going to strike you. -Marc
  2. 1. Yes, I called you old. To me, you are tongue.gif . I’m not arguing that some cops are dickheads. Derogatory blanket statements about cops are not going to be tolerated. End of story. 2. That's my point...Clark was fucking around...being a smartass. He wasn’t serious. Derogatory generalizations are not allowed. Like I said before, if one particular person wrongs you, you have the right to say what you will about them. Just keep it to who actually wronged you. 3. No, race does not mean the same thing as profession. But, they are similar, and you can still be prejudice towards a certain profession; hell, you can be prejudice towards just about anything. 4. If you want to say that it's a difference of opinion, that's fine. My opinion is the same as the other people that run this board, therefore it's better than yours tongue.gifsmile.gif Just don't do it anymore and there shouldn’t be anymore problems. Now, to having fun, bikes are for people who can’t make cars fast. And you're a squid. And a stupid pothead waste of space / drain on society. Douche bag tongue.gif -Marc
  3. I wouldnt even call what you have "game". You arent suave...you're just a dick to girls and they like that. I guess I have no game because I cant treat a girl like you do. Good work graemlins/thumb.gif -Marc
  4. Jesus Chris. Glad you're ok. -Marc
  5. Well, until recently, no one had to actually enforce any kind of 'rule' because everyone has had enough respect and common sense to not post stupid shit like that. Ill have it added to aviod any more problems. Man, would you actually take advice off an internet message board that suggests throwing anything at a cop? Think a little... -Marc
  6. Is that your sister? tongue.gif -Marc
  7. The problem with redheads is that either they are REALLY hot, or they arent good looking. But I agree, I <3 redheads I will marry an Italian chick though -Marc
  8. I am not a cop, and no one in my family is a cop. I just have respect. You would think that being your age, you would be a little more mature The Kitchen isnt here for profiling. Do you think it would be ok if anyone came in here and posted "Fuck the ___*___ - (*insert any race)?" Use better judgment and a little common sense. -Marc
  9. 1. Good for you, not only do you know how to spell analogy, you know how to use one 2. The penny post was a joke. Clark is a friend of mine, and he makes sarcastic statements all the time. Yes, people throw pennies at people who tailgate them, but I hope no one is stupid enough to do that to a police officer. 3. Just trying to separate your post from mine...stupid HTML 4. I honestly could care less about you smoking pot. I have, I enjoyed it, and I also realized that I can spend my money on better habits. So, go smoke till your lungs bleed...please Stop making derogative blanket statements. This is your last warning. -Marc
  10. Say it again and I'm striking you. This goes for everyone else as well. This board is not here to bash police officers. -Marc
  11. So you were riding on the back of Ben's bike? How cute graemlins/supergay2.gif -Marc
  12. Car's not broken, and is faster than anything you have ever owned. Period. Tool. ----Stupid HTML - Quote from BikeTool:---- boy oh boy, whos got a grudge, i judge each officer on a single basis, THIS COP was being a DICK so hence FTP, just like youre being a dick!!!! hence FMM!!!! Ive been pulled over and let go, cool cops. Now if i dont get let off , well your right i deserve it because of the law,just like those who get busted for speeding/racing should get it also....but your pre-judging of my attitude towards cops on one flipant WWW statment, ...please.....grow up....talk to ppl before your prejudice against'em ok....how does FTP=arrogant biker dude....how about ppl that roll race are arrogant, they think they have a fast car & IMO they are just making up for thier cars inability (and driver) to launch/hook-up (get new platform)....IMO = roll racing is a joke!!!!! i think you dont like me from a previous post because others expressed negative actions (throwing pennies???) at police but you seemed to jump on me for SAYING FTP (no physical action).....interesting....and your a mod.....hmmmmm...oh yea thats right.....your how old again??? either way DOOoooooD, you hurt my feelings when you attack like that graemlins/jerkit.gif ..yea right ----End Quote from BikeTool---- Are you serious? You made a blanket statement...FTP. If you just wanted to say "fuck that cop, he's a douche," you should have just said that. graemlins/slap.gif I'm glad you think people that roll race are arrogant. I dont fit in that catagory. I dig race 99.9% of the time. Next, who cares that I'm a Mod? We are in the Kitchen, the forum designated at flamming douchebags (i.e. You). Also, as a Mod, I'm tired of seeing all these horseshit "FTP" posts from people. I singled you out because you were the first person to say it in this thread. And dont go back to the pennies post. That was an obvious joke. Seriously, go smoke some pot and make a top speen run on 270 graemlins/thumb.gif -Marc
  13. That's a nice ride. Good luck selling it. graemlins/thumb.gif -Marc
  14. Great, so you are an adult squid. You're still an ignorant BiKeR BoI that has some grudge against police officers for no reason other than they are doing their job. Dont be mad at cops for pulling you over and writting you a ticket; be mad at yourself for breaking the law and getting caught. -Marc
  15. God, you act like a fucking five year old. graemlins/nonono.gif -Marc
  16. Show some compassion you cold hearted douche. graemlins/finger.gif -Marc
  17. Fuck the stupid biker squids who think they are better than the cops!!!!!!!!! You rock dude graemlins/thumb.gif -Marc
  18. Thats pretty funny. -Marc
  19. My .04 is that you like to hi-jack threads and take any kind of shot you can at me. If I had to guess why, I'd say it's because you have penis envy. Im sorry you have a small dick. Stop taking it out on me. -Marc smile.gif
  20. Well, you cant really bitch about the body/looks of the truck. You looked at it before you took it right? You could tell that it was rusted right? As far as the motor goes, shit happens. I REALLY dont think Ben knew it was going to blow on you. He's not the kind of guy that would go and fuck someone like that. Just my .02 -Marc
  21. You pick up guys in your Neon? graemlins/wtf.gif Just be glad you are ok. A car can be fixed / replaced. You cant be. -Marc
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