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Everything posted by AngryBMW

  1. Is that a V6? graemlins/wtf.gifgraemlins/thumbsdown.gif Malibu > V6 Mustang. Looks good though graemlins/thumb.gif -Marc
  2. Pimp. Wish I had the money -Marc
  3. The Titan is cool as shit...go drive one or at the least take a ride in one. -Marc
  4. Seriously guys...bump. Someone buy this car! -Marc
  5. Haha, she got a facial on her first time Seriously though, she looked like she was on some serious drugs. -Marc
  6. It worked. Took awhile to dl though. She looks like she's on something...just out of it. -Marc
  7. Question is...did anyone other than me actually see the video's? Some cool, some GROSS. -Marc
  8. AngryBMW

    My New House

    Is that Shaq's house? -Marc
  9. Geez Biff, I figured your tutor would have told you that tongue.gif -Marc
  10. AngryBMW


    Roids. tongue.gif -Marc
  11. I hate you. Have a great time. -Marc
  12. AngryBMW


    Wow, your insults are getting lamer as your dick gets smaller...lay off the roids and read a book...douche smile.gif -Marc
  13. AngryBMW


    Well, if it wasnt comming from someone that has first hand experience (you), id argue that she did in fact have a penis...way to hit that graemlins/thumb.gif Now I just hope you went and got tested tongue.gif -Marc
  14. AngryBMW


    Motherfucking BURN!! -Marc
  15. I read about it this morning. It's one of those things that you have to agree with, but it still sucks to see all those people out of a job. -Marc
  16. Is an old fucker smile.gif Happy birthday man. -Marc [ 08. June 2005, 12:09 AM: Message edited by: MadMalibu ]
  17. AngryBMW

    New to CR

    Um, Pot... Welcome n00b. -Marc
  18. Dont go to Toledo. Seriously. Fucking BORING. -Marc
  19. Jeff, no more talk of Florida...get your ass home! -Marc
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