Are you shitting me?
I couldnt bash you for your arrogance about driving skills because Ive never auto x'ed.
I couldnt bash you (to hard) for your "whats wrong with my Volvo" thread because my daily isnt much to brag about either.
Now though, you've gone and fucked up. Golf isnt something any asshole can do well. You're a prime example of that. You dont need lessons to have fun, but if you want to be good, you will need at least a few. I've been playing golf for 11 years also, and Id be willing to bet I can beat you anywhere, anytime.
You come into a thread, and in your normal fashion tried to be a know it usual. The problem here is that this guy is actually asking for help, and your 'advice' could fuck up his game for life.
Seeing as you no next to nothing about how to improve your skill level, your post should have read as follows : "I suck at golf, and dont feel the need to get lessons so I may improve my playing ability. If you want to be like me, STAY AWAY FROM LESSONS."
Here's a free life lesson Nick, shut your mouth until you know what you are talking about. While you're waiting, go race your uber hardass volvo...schmuck.