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Everything posted by AngryBMW

  1. Lies, I know he doesnt have all of these peoples phone numbers. -Marc
  2. AngryBMW


    Mike likes the dick. True story; ask Jason -Marc
  3. How metro of you tongue.gif -Marc
  4. haha...sucker. -Marc
  5. AngryBMW


    Trueism. Hey Benjamin, say what you want about the Steelers, they won. -Marc
  6. I think youre full of shit. If not, dibs -Marc
  7. AngryBMW


    Wow, just wow. SpaceGhost, where you at? -Marc
  8. Fuck it...HERE WE GO STEELERS HERE WE GO!!! -Marc
  9. Plus one of exterior pics. -Marc
  10. AngryBMW

    New here

    I understand; I understand that his car would have to tow your's down and around the track, depending on where you go -Marc
  11. Haha. Now both of our dads are on here tongue.gif -Marc
  12. You pick up girls on a racing board... graemlins/thumbsdown.gif -Marc
  13. Is that what you call him tongue.gif -Marc
  14. You guys know that was from an episode of Malcom in the Middle right? -Marc
  15. I know for certain that the one girl will exceed the weight limit on the pole. graemlins/puke.gif -Marc
  16. You're gonna get killed graemlins/thumb.gif -Marc
  17. Never claimed that I did How long did it take Justin to change your brothers starter tongue.gif -Marc
  18. Wouldnt you like to know tongue.gif Oh, and locked smile.gif -Marc
  19. Jen, hit me up on aim. -Marc
  20. Whats done to your cavy? -Marc
  21. AngryBMW

    Pool Halls!!

    The Eight Ball is where I play. -Marc
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