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Everything posted by AngryBMW

  1. Agreed. And the cashier at Nissan North is cute smile.gif -Marc
  2. Only one of the three is good...ill let you guess what it is Right now im listening to Steve Miller. -Marc
  3. If Geoff says dont click, then it must be girls...so id say go ahead and look smile.gif -Marc
  4. No, he's just a lazy worthless pile of shit covered in maggots and all kinds of nastyness. Basically, he showed up late as hell to help us move smile.gif -Marc
  5. OMG!!11!!1 I bet with the right driver, that thing would fucking own in autoX!!!1!!1 -Marc
  6. Nick, if you are such a hardass, take the challenge. Ill be there with a camera to catch you handing over 100 bucks. -Marc
  7. I wonder how they talk on cell phones... tongue.gif -Marc
  8. AngryBMW


    Matt making fun of someone?? Now I've seen everything. -Marc
  9. Cody, im going to kill you. smile.gif -Marc
  10. I wouldnt call your mom a slut... -Marc
  11. ^so does this guy... -Marc
  12. I like pie; especially apple smile.gif -Marc
  13. You can lick some more nasty asshole you leg humping faggot. tongue.gif -Marc
  14. I <3 Windsor...especially Roulette and Lizards. What goes on in Windsor stays in Windsor. smile.gif -Marc
  15. AngryBMW


    Welcome man. Im pretty sure Ive seen your car on 23. Nice ride graemlins/thumb.gif -Marc
  16. I thought marks car was turbo'd -Marc
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