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Everything posted by AngryBMW

  1. OK, I mis-spelled two words while drunk. Try proof reading DJ's post and tell me who can't spell. Either way, DJ needs to stop hanging around with Mark so his insults improve. tongue.gif -Marc
  2. How tall are you DJ? You can tell you went to Columbus public; that last post made my head hurt. When you can get the few brain cells you have left to work long enough to put together a complete sentence you may resume posting in this thread. Get up, walk your big ass away from your computer, take off your trekie ear piece and get some fresh air. Maybe then you will regain some of the brain power you've lost "owning the kitchen" to make a worthwhile comeback. Junior. -Marc [ 12. October 2004, 07:51 PM: Message edited by: MadMalibu ]
  3. But for the past 3 days every time I try and get on to RC, I get a message that says "Welcome to your future website." What the hell does that mean? -Marc
  4. im still a fan of Kazaa -Marc
  5. You = graemlins/gay.gif -Marc
  6. Not tonight, Poker time. -Marc
  7. Not a Flame, just letting the new guy know whats up. smile.gif -Marc
  8. AngryBMW

    Speed's Sat Night

    Not a Flame, just letting the new guy know whats up. smile.gif -Marc
  9. And to think, Shawn thinks he beat the cark in that turd! -Marc
  10. Tried, internet sucks. Oh well, I have accounting in the morning...off to bed. -Marc
  11. +987654567898765458798900 -Marc
  12. Hey, whatever you say Tim. Im done with this for now. -Marc
  13. Your's wasnt exactly 'sarcastic'. Oh, and it's easy to back peddal when your friend tells you that you can be banned for threatening someone. -Marc
  14. 78% thank you very much! -MarC
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