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Tim1647545497 last won the day on May 4 2010

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About Tim1647545497

  • Birthday 10/13/1987

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    Got Turbo?
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  • Vehicles(s)
    2010 Gazelle

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  1. Yessir, im pretty sure its the 4gb, slim.
  2. Small hard drive Xbox 360 with extra memory stick. 1 Black Controller with recharger cord. HDMI hook-up comes with NCAA 2014 and Tiger Woods 2011. Everything in great working order and its never had a game freeze. $80 614-441-6023 ask for Tim Thanks guys
  3. Lol the carcinogen comment was a joke smartass. Its just a poke at people who want to catch cancer faster from seared meat. And no I don't work at AppleBees, and never had a good steak from there. You can trust or listen to who you want to. My guess is, I could out cook you backwards, blindfolded with your wife hanging from my ballsack. Opinions.
  4. Lol, well you point one out to me. Its obviously not you. Oh and I make my living in the kitchen. As far as opinions go I have given mine. Everyone likes shit different. The reason to serving a steak as hot as you can is to maximize flavor, carcinogens (sp) (IMO) and wont get cold within the first 5 min on the table. Hot ass steak right off the grill > steak wrapped to finish cooking itself. And all these chefs your talking about will probably have a different answer with each one you talk to.
  5. Oh yea rookies... STEAK IS SERVED FRESH OFF GRILL No foil, no sit it on the counter. COOK IT, SERVE IT. If your timing while cooking sucks so bad that you have to let your steak sit before the rest of the food is done. Then you put the steaks on too early.....
  6. Lol I feel like I haven't posted in forever. But I have to drop in my 2 cents here. I just took a 16oz porterhouse, 2- 9 oz tenderloins, and 2- 12oz ribeyes off the grill. Crank that bitch up. The hotter the better, atleast 450-500 degrees. Quick 2 min sear, turn steaks clockwise a quarter turn. 2-3 mins later, flip. 2 min later quarter turn, 2 mins later serve directly to the plate, medium to medium rare depending on thickness of your cut. Obviously tenderloin will come out medium rare at a 6-9 min cook time. 1 1/4 tsp kosher/sea salt, 3/4 tsp garlic powder, 3/4 tsp onion powder, 1 tsp coarse grind pepper. ( perfect seasoning combo for a 16 oz porterhouse )
  7. Well to make a long story as short as possible, im expecting my first child sometime in July. My girlfriend is driving around in a 99 eclipse that blew a headgasket who knows when. Car will smoke, exhaust is fucked, and it has to be unsafe/unhealthy. I need to find a car, someome on here please tell me you work at a dealership that can actually help. Pretty sure we got close to 1200 to put down on something no more then $6000. Any ideas, anyone i should be talking to? Let me know what you got, ill be looking to get her in a new car by valentines day.
  8. On this note, it was drastic. But look at the world we live in. What gets the most coverage, response from our country, and overall ratings. Drama, if he wrote a note and put in on the front door that says, " Hi, just came by to let you know i could have walked in without checking in, and killed everyone." It wouldn't have made the news like this story. I've watched in highschool, 15 asian guys that graduated 3 years prior, come to the school camp out for an individual to come out. Only to beat him half to death with bats and chains. School security has always sucked. Think about how many kids get the shit kicked out of them. Because they have different opinions, clothes, hair, skin color, shoes, car, hat, shirt, socks. People need to stop worrying about what the world is doing and start worrying about their household. If we slowed down to actually teach our kids some shit at home. Like good ol' american values, morals, and right and wrong. We wouldnt have half the shootings, fights and bullshit we deal with everyday. Face it, America is the laziest fucking country, mentally and physically. It all starts at home. Yeah and even though im in a fucked up mood and ranting about this. America is too lazy to take action, we just got a bunch of opinionated computer nerds that will E fuck the shit out of any post they dont like or agreee with. Why is there always an argument, even if the argument leads to no resolve? Please believe there will always be someone to talk shit. Tell you that your wrong, or disagree. But with all the time we spend judging one another, we could be making some fucking progress. Proud to be an American.
  9. Lol, he obviously did it to send a message. He didn't need you there to tell him right from wrong either. Are you certified to tell us all his mental disabilities? You know him personally to form that opinion you just stated. Or how about, for example. He has 19 children that go to that school, and thought to himself, why not make sure the school my kids go to, is the next one with beefed up security. What better way to prove to the world that the school has shit security and no one gives a fuck. Why do some schools have great security, and some do not. I don't know the man to say what his personal motives were. All i know is its little keyboard smashing opinionated cocksuckers that beat around the bush their whole lives and never form an opinion worth voicing. So next time save your 36 seconds of typing, and think twice before you offend us insensitive deranged assholes.
  10. Lol, or you can just make her an incredible hulk. 2 parts, hypnotic(aka heartburn in a bottle) 1 part hennesy(aka panty droppers).
  11. http://music.yahoo.com/blogs/reality-rocks/voice-pays-touching-tribute-newtown-shooting-victims-014212601.html Sent chills down my spine thinking about this past friday. Rest in Peace to all those we lost this weekend.
  12. Wtf, if all other boxes have 100k. I'm going to open 1, then go home happy.
  13. First one is said to be the hardest, and now that he has that one im sure more will come.
  14. My girlfriend is looking to start up at home virtual office/assistant type business. She has a pretty good base with a simple degree in medical data/terminology. Anyone know where to start with producing clients or have any advice. Any advice would be appreciated.
  15. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/81313480/ side note
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