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Everything posted by AngryBMW

  1. Jon, ask a Michigan fan that lives in Michigan. Sure, it's a big game, like it's a big game when OSU plays Illinois. Still packed, just not insane. Check again when UM plays MSU. -Marc
  2. The next time you see her as in the next time you can scrape togeather the 10 cover at Dock Side so you can take a picture of your "girlfriend?" -Marc
  3. Dude, I have seen the ass Jon pulls. I think he wins...d-bag. Why dont you post pics of your girlfriend, and Jon can post a pic of the last chic he banged. Ill post a poll and let the members of CR decide. graemlins/slap.gif -Marc
  4. F-U One of the best rivals in sports according to OSU fans. Michigan looks at that game like it's nothing...they hate Michigan State. For the record, Im not a Michigan fan. I scream go michigan to piss you off. -Marc
  5. No, you dont know where I live...mainly because you are a pussy and never ever want to drink; and smoke cigars. I am serious, for mainy reasons. -The way the town goes fucking crazy...over a game. It takes precidence over murder on the news. -The way the fans act..."I want to beat some Michigan fan's ass this year" -JOHN COOPER...he ruined the team for me. Damn I hate that guy. -Marc
  6. For the record, FUCK THE BUCKS AND MARK!!!!! Jon, I wanna watch the game with you. -Marc
  7. Any other than today...im going to cedar point And since I normaly work, I wont be there until 10ish... -Marc
  8. El Camino > Eli. -Marc *Way to much shit to read right now...
  9. AngryBMW


    Fuck you Chris...you are the pivot man. Always have been, always will be. graemlins/slap.gif -MArc
  10. Sir, you have obviously never met Ryan... graemlins/slap.gif -Marc
  11. True, you have always been a ricer. But, from what I can see in *** pic's, their was a lot of time and money put into your car. As long as you are happy, who cares what we think? The question I have for you though is this: Do you know what the chinease symbols mean? I know that a lot of chinease people tell you one thing when It means another just to make you look like an ass. For example; you think it says cool and fast when it really says i am gay and like penis. -Marc
  12. Yeah...we should make some food in the ktcihen!!! Ben, Im with you on the drukn thing man... Yeah...fuck you all. -Marc
  13. Just remember, my car runs, your car doesnt. My car has been running for the last year, and yours hasnt. Actually, I think I am going to drive my car to work today...when was the last time you could say that? graemlins/slap.giftongue.gif -Marc
  14. Makes me want to sell the cark... -Marc
  15. Great...you are the poster boy for the guy in high school that kept telling himself "My mom thinks Im cool, my mom thinks Im cool." -Marc
  16. Holy crap...that celica has went through some changes since I last saw it... Escort = graemlins/gay.gif Celica = graemlins/gay.gif For the money you put into paint, you could have the fastest Celica GT in the Northeast. graemlins/slap.gif -Marc
  17. Damn, I wish I were rich and could invest in that. That would be awsome -Marc
  18. That's nucking futz! -Marc
  19. Bwahahhahaha...fucking owned ass-hat. Nate, I still owe you one. Mabey we will just settel it on the track... -Marc
  20. Jarrod...You = hte suck. Stupis jack ass. When You have a car (read: not a kia) that can give me a run, call me. If you forgot my cell, ask you mom. graemlins/slap.gif -Marc
  21. Damnit...I fucking hate you Nate...If only I wernt so fucking drunk I would come back with something...but for now we will leava it at you = the win...fucker. -Marc
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