You are FUCKING RETARDED and really are not worth my time at work to respond. But, I'm bored and will humor you.
First, before you can start on me, I am probably the biggest Steeler fan on this board. I was born in Pittsburgh, and bleed black and gold. So go fuck yourself on calling me a bandwagon fan.
And are you serious? If the Steelers make the Superbowl you cannot blatantly state that they will automatically lose to the NFC. On any given Sunday a team can lose. Remember last years super bowl...when arguably the greatest team to ever take the field was defeated by a 'lesser' team?
Or, how about 2005 when the 6th seeded Steelers systematically beat every team that was better than them on paper on the road to the superbowl and then won the superbowl? History is a bitch.
Shut your cocksucker before I embarrass you even more you NFC biased fuck. I would guess you are either a clown/bungle fan, or a Dallas sack rider.