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Everything posted by civicboy375

  1. I'm selling my 1995 honda civic. It's a blue, 4dr, 5spd, 95,000miles, sony xplod cd player, runs great, excellent on gas....damage to right front 1/4 panel. KBB says $2800, but I'll sell for $2000, obo (willing to go down to $1500 b/c I need to get rid of it asap). Seriously interested people PM me or post. Thanks
  2. I'm selling my 1995 honda civic. It's a blue, 4dr, 5spd, 95,000miles, sony xplod cd player, runs great, excellent on gas....damage to right front 1/4 panel. KBB says $2800, but I'll sell for $2000, obo (willing to go down to $1500 b/c I need to get rid of it asap). Seriously interested people PM me or post. Thanks
  3. whoever it is, she's hot
  4. twins or not, they are both hott graemlins/thumb.giftongue.gif
  5. Wish the cops that have pulled me over looked like that.
  6. dude, hit me up, we should go drink a few today/tonight man. Always a great day when it's your birthday graemlins/thumb.gif
  7. Good question, was wondering the same myself.
  8. face could use a little work, otherwise, very nice graemlins/thumb.gif
  9. I live in gahanna, still waiting to see the new "pussy" in town tongue.gif
  10. I was thinking, since the weekend weather prevented most people from enjoying a nice cruise, what would people think about going to applebees or bowling or something tonight?
  11. Ok, now that's just funny :-p
  12. +1 for that, we can bitch about the rain
  13. I'm not cruising, but I'm up for indoor activity if someone has an idea.
  14. what time and where are people meeting up? are people just going to kmart around 9:30-10ish? what's the plan?
  15. How quickly plans change, guess I'm taking the caddy after all. Damn, now I'm too lazy to wash it.
  16. guess I'm not cruisin the caddy tonight, gonna cruise with my buddy and his 86 stang, yeah baby!
  17. I'll end up going to hooters tonight as well, apparently NMRA people will be there, meaning nice cars
  18. Just wondering who's planning on going out to kmart or jegs tonight.....I'll be cruisin a 91 caddy (grampa car,lol)
  19. I meant it's suppost to rain today, damn I'm tired, long day at work.
  20. Ok, just an FYI, it's suppost to rain tomorrow, who all is still coming out?? I know I am in the beater, I wanna see this
  21. well, aparantly I'm working now, sorry man
  22. Dunno yet, depends on if I work or not
  23. Just wondered who was going out tonight.....If I don't have to work I was planning on cruising around, prolly in the grove city area, cure the thursday night bordum.
  24. lol, why am I not surprised, stupid idiots graemlins/slap.gif
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