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Everything posted by civicboy375

  1. If they had a company vehicle I could drive, I'd be all for it. Unfortunately, most compainies like this one require the use of your own vehicle and I cannot afford the extra mileage.
  2. Krogers/Meijers/Wal-Mart all seem to always be hiring for something. I would also look into places like Kohls/Lazarus etc. My work always is looking for host's/hostess's etc or guest service reps. Good luck with your search.
  3. I do loss prevention in the arena district and believe me, they are all over the place. The key is to keep them on property until the police arrive, and watch as they get taken away in the back of the police car to jail. The problem is, no matter how much you may want to confront them, you don't know what they are capable of nor do you know if they are infected with anything. I usually just call CPD and sit back, watch, and laugh my ass of.
  4. Whatever you do, DON'T GO TO HUNTINGTON. They suck ass. 5/3 has done a simliar loan for me in the past, at like 5%-5.9% interest, I forget, it's been a few years, but 5/3 does seem the most willing to work with people.
  5. Hey man, welcome to the board. I have a friend who had a 2002 Lexus IS 300, some mechanical mods, 35% window tint, system, tv's/dvd players built into the headrests and on the dash. It was awesome. Excellent choice man, you'll enjoy that car!
  6. Nevermind, something has come up. The idea still sounds good though. Anyone who decides to do this have fun!
  7. civicboy375

    Wed. 12th

    If I'm able, I'm considering going out tonight and shooting some pool and drinking some beers. Would anyone be interested? I'd like to do it around 7pm-8pm if possible.
  8. I saw that on the noon news....it's somewhere on the south side of town I believe.
  9. civicboy375

    Pool Halls!!

    Chalkies, Cushions, Billard Club off 161, Golden 8, all are good. Golden 8 ball is the only one I know of that is 18 and up, the rest are 21 and up I believe. My personal favorite is Cushions.
  10. Personally, I liked the job Geiger did while he was there. He told ESPN to go away when they were presenting allegations against OSU, which I thought was pretty damn cool. I think because he's the Athletic Director he's is a position, where by which he has to take the fall for this shit that's occured. It's a damn shame to me.
  11. Damn man, that's a nice ride. Everytime I see those cars they make me think of the 350Z's, since they are so similar. But in any case, smart choice and congrats! graemlins/thumb.gif
  12. I'm not gonna be able to make it this time....but next time count me in.
  13. I might be interested in going there, I do get a discount on meals there so possibly.
  14. I am not certain if I am posting this in the correct area, however, I am looking into doing a few minor visual mods to my new vehicle, a 2005 Honda Civic special edition. I'd like to tint the windows, add a clear bra to protect from the bugs, rocks, etc....along with a windvisor for the moonroof and some decent fog lights, provided it's ok with the lease agreement, considering, barring a complete problem, I will be purchasing this car in 3 yrs. If anyone has any suggestions on where to go to have these things done plus prices on each please let me know!
  15. I just leased a new car the other day. Personally, I do not prefer leasing, purchasing a vehicle is much better to me. However, if your a person who is looking to "build" credit when you don't have much to start with, I would suggest leasing. Also,if a person decides to lease, do not forget to get something with some value to it after the lease period is over. That way, you have some equity built.
  16. I agree..this is a stupid ban. I work security for a local hotel and I cannot believe that I am now going to have to deal with drunk people who forget or don't know about the ban. I know I prefer to be able to have a cigarette or a cigar when I'm at the bar having a beer. Some people don't like the smell of smoke, which I can understand.....but for those of us who do smoke....what are we suppost to do now?? I know I'm not going to stop going to bars on occasion just because of the ban, but now I have to rethink which ones I go to. This is such crap.
  17. I know I'm happy to hear it's over. 4 more years!
  18. Thanks for the tip graemlins/thumb.gif A friend of my sister's used to work there, and honestly, I never really paid attention to any of the other ones (too busy staring at and flirting with her friend ). Do they take walk-in's or is it by appointment only?
  19. So, when I woke up this morning and looked in the mirror, I realized I needed a hair cut. Knowing I was going to be at class until 2pm....I contimplated my choices of places to go get my hair cut. I decided to take my business to fiesta hair in stoneridge plaza. Once I arrived and walked in, I was greeted by a complete hotty graemlins/eek2.gifgraemlins/leghump.gif As she was cutting my hair, I couldn't help thinking about how hot she was, not to mention how good of a job she did on my hair. If anyone wants a good hair cut from an absolute hotty, I suggest you go to fiesta hair in stoneridge and ask for Kim.....you won't be disapointed
  20. At least now Tressel will have to put in Pittman or someone else.It's about damn time for Ross to sit and others to get the majority of the playing time. Never know, this could, in a weird way, actually be what the Buckeyes need to get the offense going. Guess we'll find out tomorrow.
  21. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=1906924 Let's hope this does something for OSU's offense tomorrow. Normally, when they play Indiana, I figure it's a sure win.........but if the offense can't move the ball, as it hasn't yet, I don't know. graemlins/doh.gif
  22. From one Sox fan to another, thank you graemlins/thumb.gif
  23. I'm definitally not.....my work houses all the visiting teams that the Blue Jackets play. Granted, my company is losing tons of $, but it's a hell of alot less stress for me
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