Wife and I do our own taxes have for about 4 years now, but here is the question we have. We have a mortgage 5th Third, (Our condo), we have a family living in it under land contract, basically, they give us the money each month to pay the mortgage, now when we get the year end statement showing the interest do we / can we use that interest in our taxes?
We are living in another home under land contract, we pay another party 2 year land contract house payment w/ 4.5 % interest, which we got the tax form to claim on our 2012 taxes.
Can we use both interest on our 2012 taxes. The payment we pay to live in our current house is payed of, no current mortgage against it other than the land contract we pay the other party..
Not too sure if we screwed up when we filed our taxes can someone please help??
Thank you,