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Everything posted by ChevyMan1972

  1. U will all get pwnd -_- out
  2. WOW people, stop fukin up my thread :/ I just need someone to help me because I am on the verge of loosin my house.....someone please help ASAP.. Dan
  3. bill's = 330 a month, pics = http://www.kingthompson.com/property/propertydetail.aspx?property=b8a85a2b-247d-48c2-ac66-e967beaf0230 House is now for sale but I plan on keepin it as soon as realitor contract runs out...
  4. aww come on, I have a lot of friends on here that I know, someone has to need a place to live? Dan
  5. I need a responsable roomate to move in my house. I live on the east side of columbus and need someone to help with utillities. I have a nice 3 bedroom with 2car garage and fenced in yard. If anyone is interested message me asap, spot will be open next week... Thanks, Daniel Weaver
  6. Columbusracing Friends, I am in bad need to sell my home because of some personal issues. Please take a look at my house that I have worked so hard to get and need to sell asap. Please pm me for any more info on it but here is the link to it from my realitor. http://www.kingthompson.com/property/propertydetail.aspx?property=b8a85a2b-247d-48c2-ac66-e967beaf0230 Thanks for the space... Daniel Weaver
  7. I have worked there for almost 5 weeks now, and they do work you hard for sure. But every seasonal imployee is workin hard to get hired on full time. From what I am hearing from all the RFT's is that once you do get hired in the benefits and profit and sharing are real nice! I am shocked to see all the negitive comments being said for the 5th best place to work in ohio. Dan Weaver
  8. Guy's please help, I have a set of 2 rear 15 x 8 Centerline Telastar forged aluminum wheels for sale. When I bought these I didnt measure the right back spacing. It is the standard 4.5 inch bs. I needed a little more :/ Anyway I only used these on my race car for 1 season, so they are in PERFECT condition. I am just lookin to sell these so I can get the right backspacing. I am askin $200 bucks for the pair, they are polished and look nice and will fit any 5 on 4 3/4 bolt circle. Please pm me if interested.. Thanks, Dan Weaver
  9. oh my smile.gif this is good stuff! Keep it up! Geoff </3 rofl cakes.... Dan
  10. If anyone knows nascar and follows it may have heard already. The sad news of the death from a plane crash on the way to the race this weekend. www.cnn.com Dan
  11. Well, today I was just let go from my job and need one like NOW. If anyone knows of a mfg/fabrication job and is looking for a hard working ind. Please reply to this asap, I am a family man that need income real bad, and not no un-employment check is not going to cut it... Thanks, Daniel Weaver
  12. mmmmm eagles, I love that place since I grew up there lol Dan
  13. Hey if anyone us up for a little 1v1 against me just pm me.... I have my own server! low 20's pings smile.gif Dan #criptify~napalm on MIRC east gamesnet
  14. Guy's I know where there is a CLEAN, NICE Eagle Talon for sale. My friend needs to sell asap. It is grey 1991 AWD that is stock/2600 act clutch. Last I heard all it needed was breaks from sitting for a while. The asking price is $1000 dollars PM me for more info. Thanks, Dan Weaver
  15. Aries RULES YOU! Absolutly no SPAM! And good high qualiy MP3'S! Dan
  16. Hey, I was just wondern if anyone will want to cruz out to Jeg's tonight since we dont have to work tomorrow, well some of us tongue.gif Dan
  17. Guy's Check this out graemlins/burnout02.gif http://www.overboost.com/story.asp?id=1297 Dan
  18. Well If I had your money Mr. Paul I would be runnig a tt setup with fast engine management. I race at trails every weekend in pro and I watch your car make nice constant passes every time. Nice car btw smile.gif Later, Dan
  19. one name will own you all SNAKEBITE > you! Dan
  20. OMG, I am in almost tears here reading the sadness of what has happned to my friend Jim! I do as my wife wish your and the rest of your family the VERRY BEST and good luck to you! God Bless, Daniel Weaver
  21. ChevyMan1972


    cs cs cs!!! > all games tongue.gif
  22. I have been thinking of doing this myself. The only think that may be a factor/problem here is when you ad a turbo to a carmen vortex style mass air flow car is, the ecu reads that intake carmen and with the added turbo is of course going to pull in more air and change the stock fuel map's at a large rate, so the addition of an afc to tune that along with some bigger injectors/fuel pump it may work. Also adding a turbo will effect your motor's timing. On a stock turbo dsm it has a nock sensor that of course sences for nock to pull timing, if you dont have some way to pick up that nock you will definatly ping and burn some stuff up, unless you find some way to rig up a timing retard system from MSD? I have other ideas around the total swap of wiring harness for a turbo car to a na setup if you want to pm me we may work on this together and see if we can get this little idea to work! Needless to say we can brainstorm and do it I am down! Thanks, Dan
  23. Hello there, I am MR CS tongue.gif I have been playing since beta 1, cs>all games. I am on my way to pick up a copy of CZ "Condition Zero" tonight because Counter Strike Source (hl2 new verson of cs) is getting released to CZ customers on thursday the 18th. Everyone is saying that CS Source is much better and will have everyone going crazy to get the game, I cant wait. You can find me on IRC.Gamesnet.net channel #criptify. That is our competive cal IM team and we will welcome you with open arms. You also can check us out at www.daytonlanfest.com for our WCG "World Cyber Games" tourney on the 28th of Aug. The winner of that 5 v 5 tourney will get a team expences payed trip to Cali to play some of the best cs teams in the world, and a chance to win over 50k dollars. Come check us out Later, Daniel Weaver
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