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Everything posted by 94TanRanger

  1. if its a ibeam truck have fun.... they are a nightmare and the camber can be rediculous. but if its a newer one with control arms its shouldnt be too bad. idk of any shops, but suicide doors is gonna have everything you need to do it minus drop ibeams which you will need and you can get those from DJM. what kind of set up are you wanting to run for the rear? i would suggest a 4 link with bags on the bars.
  2. Line X of columbus off huntley does our dealership trucks and have done a couple friends, they do good work from what i have seen
  3. looks like a crazy time to me
  4. we got a black one in at dave gill today. a trailor full of them dropped it off.
  5. i have a opening for a experienced bodyman, must have experience, tools, and drivers license also looking for a detailer, must know how to wash a car..... no real experience needed. will clean bodyshop cars, new and used cars and also do basic customer pay details. apply in person at Dave Gill Chevrolet 4700 E. Broad st on the corner of E.broad and hamilton call me at 861-6230 or pm me with any questions
  6. very badass car, i love how they look sitting on the ground.
  7. i work at dave gill..... i can get you taken care of
  8. yeah all the cars are being moved to our lot tomorrow morning, dave gill just purchased the GM franchise, all the cars, and parts from ricart, they still have a lease on the building so from what i was told, they are keeping it open for there bodyshop and to sell used cars.
  9. Only thing i know that insurance companys can do is charge you betterment but i thought that was only on wearable parts not bodypanels. damn $40/hr wow thats low. were at $44 and ive seen some estimates come in with $46/hr.
  10. you can call dave gill and get them, all there inventory will be moved i believe
  11. come over to Dave Gill and fill out a application, talk to the service manager Glen Hise. tell him chris in the bodyshop told you to come over
  12. im interest, but i dont really know crap about the lense but will it work with a D40 and how much diff is it from the one that comes with the camera?
  13. right after switching to the blackberry curve from the 6800 a buddy of mine let me know that they were doing this, i wish i would have known before.
  14. wanna sell the left quarter panel?
  15. night club seems pretty popular......
  16. how many miles are on it?
  17. whats the front and rear suspension set ups?
  18. well the car was bought there, by looking at the pics (license plate frame), and alot of people who have bought their cars from there, weather it be mazda or toyota take it back to have it fixed. oh and i used to be employed by direct collision, but if your issues are not that big a deal then i wouldnt worry about it, but if so take it back.
  19. like it has been said before, just take it back. especially if it is a known and big dealership bodyshop, they will take care of there issue( was it take back to mazda direct?) and if that doesnt work contact the adjuster that wrote the original (name and number will be at the top under where is says nationwide)
  20. i would sell you the cavalier, i just dont have a legit title..............
  21. haha. i bet the trans was easier to get to now
  22. ok i bought a car off a guy a couple months ago, the car needed some motor and body work. so before switching over the title i decided to fix it up, well i go to the title agency to be told that the title i was given was "inactive". I have tried to contact this person but get no help from him. The title agency told me another title was issued a week after the title i have. what should i do?
  23. i gotta a 94 standard cab ranger bagged and bodydroped. just got done redoing all the suspension. its needs the front pump for the trans( which i have) let me know. i also know of a 87 s-10 with a custom underslug back half. let me know
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